Tell us about weird *** kids you knew in high school. I have stories.

Waka FICO Flamez

Bricksquad Monopoly
Jun 11, 2012
In about 5th grade there was this spanish kid named David but I swore he was white cause he was very fair skinned and he had that james from team rocket hair cut. This dude could draw his @ss off but for some reason he was on some superbad sh1t cause he would stay drawing big @ss dikks no homo. If it wasnt that he was drawing all kinds of perveted sex stuff I was like what is wrong with this kid at such an early age.

In highschool had this dude named saquan some puerto rican /black dude. He would always call people daddy. It was an ongoing gay gag joke of his but he would always say it in a hella gay mango habenero voice the thing was he was like 6'1 so it made it super uncomfortable. He would then touch and and just invade people personal space , one day some spanish dude got tired of it and spazzed out on his ass and tried some kung fu to whip his ass. Lets just say things didnt work out very well for bruce lee lopez. Saquan finger painted the chalk board with dudes skull. :deadmanny:

Had this guy in elementary school that swore that rugrats characters was real people.

I even did some weird stuff as a youngin. I used to buy those pack of valentine themed cards (like X men or garfield) when I was in like 3rd grade. An give them out to every girl in the class, but the girl that I actually liked I would put something special in her card...that special gift was ..................

a $1 bill. :snoop: I look back and hate myself for that..I was tricking at such an early age.

Banned Account12

May 24, 2012
There's was this dark skinned hood ass nikka with a grill who would go around calling me 'dad'.

shyt was crazy cuz dude looked like a straight goon and would see me and be like "Hey dad, what's going on?" Keep in mind I was average/borderline nerdy in high school and barely knew dude. nikka would be like "Hey dad, is it cool if I stay up late tonight?"

I'd laugh nervously and be like yeah whatever. Then he'd say "yay! Thanks dad."


Sent from Cloud City via Lando Calrissian's courier

:deadmanny: :deadmanny: :deadmanny:


Apr 30, 2012
Dade County
In about 5th grade there was this spanish kid named David but I swore he was white cause he was very fair skinned and he had that james from team rocket hair cut. This dude could draw his @ss off but for some reason he was on some superbad sh1t cause he would stay drawing big @ss dikks no homo. If it wasnt that he was drawing all kinds of perveted sex stuff I was like what is wrong with this kid at such an early age.

In highschool had this dude named saquan some puerto rican /black dude. He would always call people daddy. It was an ongoing gay gag joke of his but he would always say it in a hella gay mango habenero voice the thing was he was like 6'1 so it made it super uncomfortable. He would then touch and and just invade people personal space , one day some spanish dude got tired of it and spazzed out on his ass and tried some kung fu to whip his ass. Lets just say things didnt work out very well for bruce lee lopez. Saquan finger painted the chalk board with dudes skull. :deadmanny:

Had this guy in elementary school that swore that rugrats characters was real people.

I even did some weird stuff as a youngin. I used to buy those pack of valentine themed cards (like X men or garfield) when I was in like 3rd grade. An give them out to every girl in the class, but the girl that I actually liked I would put something special in her card...that special gift was ..................

a $1 bill. :snoop: I look back and hate myself for that..I was tricking at such an early age.

haha. I forgot I know a dude actually named Si'Quan. such a weird name.


It's a movement
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
MA/CT/Nigeria #byrdgang #RingGangRadio
i rmemeber in middle school someone took a dump in the urinal ..... it happened alot actually

real talk i used to be like :beli::upsetfavre: at nikkas who did particular time i even caught somebody doing this...i came in as he was wiping his ass over it :huhldup:..i promptly went right back out...the regular HS bathrooms were disgusting as got to the point where i was tired of the fukkery...i only went in bathrooms at my HS that i know were kept up to par: the gym bathrooms, the bathrooms at the ice rink, and the swimming pool bathrooms


Your objective semi-troll
May 9, 2012
I know it's not HS, but there was this nikka named Davis in elementary school. He was a grade younger than me but we had the same class as our school did split grade classes. Dude use to always smell like pee, no matter what. Got to the point that our teacher would just stop midway during a lesson, look at him and be like ":upsetfavre: Davis, do you have to use the bathroom?" Like she already knew this nikka had either already soiled, or was about to soil himself. For some stupid reason she designated me to occasionally ask him throughout the day if he had to use the bathroom AND escort him :wtf: so that she wouldn't have to constantly stop class.

So one day I noticed dude looking all :sadcam: beside me. I'm like "Davis, bathroom?" He gives me the :sadcam:.. so off we go to the boy's bathroom.

We get in there and this guy stands up at the urinal and instead of just taking out his junk through the zipper, this nikka pulls down his ENTIRE PANTS to the floor just to pee! at the urinal! I'm like :damn: Davis pull your pants up man, you're at the urinal. Dude turns around and gives me the :sadcam:

This went on all year. The following year I have him again in a split grade class, but here's the funny part. Our teacher did one of those games/contest where you have to read a list of words, person to read them the quickest and properly would get a prize (usually a candy bar or pop or whatever) I use to :stylin: all over these things. Won almost everytime. Tell me how it was me and this motherfukker Davis in the finals, almost ALWAYS. nikka can't keep in his pee/barely speak but during this contest dude was the second coming of Spartacus with his word pronunciation and delivery. :dead:

One day he got me and won the prize. Gives me the :jawalrus: - not even 10 minutes later he has to be excused cause he pee'd himself with the can of coke he chose as his prize :mindblown:


Cleaner, I got this.
Apr 7, 2013
Speaking of ketchup sandwiches, all I used to eat during Kindergarten wad a plate of ketcup packets with a plastic spoon. IDK why I never brought in lunch :wtf:

The Amerikkkan Idol

The Amerikkkan Nightmare
Jun 9, 2012
^I noticed in a lot of high schools you always get the same story about a smut fat girl giving dome to random dudes

Same thing at my school....

Wonder what they doing now


That is so fukked up

We never let her forget that shyt

The story where the guys parents make him dress up in a suit and carry a briefcase after getting skipped a grade has me :dead:

That nikka is straight Doctor Appleby status.

I know it's not HS, but there was this nikka named Davis in elementary school. He was a grade younger than me but we had the same class as our school did split grade classes. Dude use to always smell like pee, no matter what. Got to the point that our teacher would just stop midway during a lesson, look at him and be like ":upsetfavre: Davis, do you have to use the bathroom?" Like she already knew this nikka had either already soiled, or was about to soil himself. For some stupid reason she designated me to occasionally ask him throughout the day if he had to use the bathroom AND escort him :wtf: so that she wouldn't have to constantly stop class.

So one day I noticed dude looking all :sadcam: beside me. I'm like "Davis, bathroom?" He gives me the :sadcam:.. so off we go to the boy's bathroom.

We get in there and this guy stands up at the urinal and instead of just taking out his junk through the zipper, this nikka pulls down his ENTIRE PANTS to the floor just to pee! at the urinal! I'm like :damn: Davis pull your pants up man, you're at the urinal. Dude turns around and gives me the

This went on all year. The following year I have him again in a split grade class, but here's the funny part. Our teacher did one of those games/contest where you have to read a list of words, person to read them the quickest and properly would get a prize (usually a candy bar or pop or whatever) I use to : all over these things. Won almost everytime. Tell me how it was me and this motherfukker Davis in the finals, almost ALWAYS. nikka can't keep in his pee/barely speak but during this contest dude was the second coming of Spartacus with his word pronunciation and delivery. :dead:

One day he got me and won the prize. Gives me the :jawalrus: - not even 10 minutes later he has to be excused cause he pee'd himself with the can of coke he chose as his prize

Awww man, that reminds me of this teacher that we had that when he would go in the bathroom to use the urinals, he'd stand right next to you and then put both of his hands behind his head while he peed. A nikka be like:why:


The African Diaspora Will Be "ONE" (#PanAfricana)
Aug 31, 2014
Pan Africanism
2015 bump since I came cross this thread:jawalrus:
Well in highschool I knew of this weird chick in highschool halfbreed btw. I was a floater in highschool who was cool with everyone :jawalrus:.Like the Jocks and etc. Anyway, everytime she would come to the table she had ya boy shook :mjcry: I never spoke to her, but I was afraid. This was all my Senior year too. Once this person was at the nerd table and I was cool with the nerds. Everytime she would come I would turn my head in the opposite direction :huhldup:. Man that was the ONLY person I was intimidated of. Crazy I still see that person sometimes and I STILL feel intimidated:sadcam: Plus, it was a junior this was 2013 named Nick he was different. The whole graphic design class hated him. Yeah, he was White. Dude almost got into a fight some some dude in my class :mjlol:

Another one was this guy name Thomas. He was a White guy and act weird in class this was 10th grade.
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Dec 30, 2013
I was more wicked than weird in kindergarten, I used to get in trouble all the time for talking during snack time or quiet time, and I'd have to sit in the corner near the teacher's desk for punishment, so everytime I was in time-out I'd piss on myself so the teacher would have to clean it up, I'm talkin' piss everywhere. had the whole class smelling like a NYC alleyway. :lolsitch: were definitely weird dude


Aztec Street Soldier
Oct 9, 2014


AyBrehHam Linkin

First Black Brehsident
Feb 14, 2015
wasnt really a wierd nikka...but there was this big nikka on my football team, we'll just call him Ra. Ra ass came to school with these little pencil braids one day barely at the back of his neck. We were clownin him all day at school for that, but what he did the next day is some shyt that I've never seen before.

this nikka came to school and those shyts were long as hell all of a sudden, down to his shoulders. Upon closer inspection by the homies and I this nikka HAD ON fukkING WEAVES ON THE ENDS OF HIS BRAIDS BARELY THE SAME COLOR AS HIS ACTUAL HAIR :damn::pachaha::bryan:

Us: "Ra bro how yo shyt get so long?":russ:

Ra: "shyt, it grew":manny:

Another funny ass story was this OTHER nikka on our football team, we'll call him Joe. Joe was in the bathroom on the top floor of the high school rollin a blunt. He musta been fukkin around and set toilet paper on fire as well and put that shyt out in the toilet. He went out the bathroom and that shyt didnt go out, it fukkin ignited or some shyt.:lolbron: the entire high school was evacuated, over 2000 students and faculty just chilled outside, and the fire department rolled up. i dunno how he got caught, but he went to court for this shyt. His excuse to the judge was:

Joe:"I was constipated very stunk up the whole bathroom. So i chose to burn the toilet paper, as kind of an incense to get rid of the smell.":skip:

One of my other dudes who was also Joe's cousin was at the hearing as well, and when he heard Joe say that stupid ass shyt that nikka literally went:


But the Judge believed this nikka:why: and charges werent pressed. nikka played for us next school year our senior season and had a baller ass year :obama:
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