I make close to 150k on base salary, damn near after the bonus (Network Engineer). My spending habits have not dramatically increased from making less than that. I live comfortably spending nowhere what i bring because i am not buying frivolous shyt or getting locked into payments for things at prices i can only afford with my salary.As you make more money, your time becomes more valuable. Things you wouldn’t spend money on when you made 50k you are more likely to throw some money at when you make 150k if it means you are freed up to do something else.
We have a problem where there are people that are making real good money, or just money at all, that do not plan for anything. No savings for emergencies, job loss, injury, etc.. and all we are given are excuses why people can not do it. Because you make 150k you should order takeout every day? Rent or buy houses where the morgage is a good deal of your income? Buying things just because you can?
The moral of the story? Live below your means.