No more job security nowadays. Shareholders want a bigger cut, and they'll gut a whole engineering team in order to see a momentary bump in stock prices, even if it means that it'll bring ruin in the long term.
It's time to start thinking more like a mercenary, and less as an employee. You offer your skills to the highest bidder. Problem is that most people have to fill in the hole left empty after academia. We're so used to the cohort style of daily activities where you see the same people everyday from kindergarten to college.
We end up using the office as a means to fulfill that need for a cohort. That's why people would date and befriend coworkers, and probably why it's so hard to leave for a better situation with higher pay. That kind of shakeup is jarring if you dont have a "third place" of some kind betwee home and the office. Understand there is no company family, there is no team, it's just you and a bunch other people who work on a shared objective.
The name of the game is acquire the funds to not be beholden to whoever is signing your checks. Save money, avoid consumerism debt traps, look into a plan for FI/RE. The system's plan is to keep you in the hamster wheel, in need of their money.
If you're a young single adult with time, energy,and extra funds, look into starting your own shyt on the side. It doesn't even have to cover all the bills, just having extra streams of income will give you more leverage.