You can't stagger channel file updates from Crowdstrike. I have zero faith in Crowdstrike unless they turnover upper management. Most cybersecurity companies sell trash products held together with duct tape and string.The problem is that this was a third party vendor pushing what looks like a routine update. I'm sure there is a way to stage/stagger these updates so that there is a way to test them prior to a mass deployment but when it comes to security tools and products, they typically want you on the latest and greatest. I don't know much about Crowdstrike but I've seen issues in my environment from similar updates. No where near the massive scale of this but we have seen applications be taken down because of a bad update. I do imagine that once this is all over, many processes will be created or changed to prevent something on this scale from happening again.
It's not about what Indian voters want from Congress. But what American companies want for all those political contributions to Congress. They want to sell India weapons and they want access to cheap labor. India really only exports labor not much else. US Politicians will happily do whatever Corporations ask them.Sad pandering and complete lack of understanding of the situation. The issue is there is no need for h1bs at the rate they are hiring anymore. The tech talent is available here and companies need to use that up before they look overseas. If they hired only here there would still be a shortage of tech workers to fill positions. Entry level workers would definitely have jobs. Then a lot of the international talent comes here works for a few years and goes back and spends their earnings uplifting the economies of their home countries. It's a bad look.
Indian voters are not even a big enough group to pander to in this way.
Why the US is selling India so many weapons
India’s prime minister Narendra Modi visits the White House, and arms deals for jets, drones, and cyber capabilities follow.