I view all wite people with suspension until they show me otherwise
I'm someone who has to tick Black British when applying for my passport. I clearly explained the Black British dynamic to her in another thread where I mentioned the saying 'ain't no black in the Union Jack'
Evidently she forgot
You can possibly explain it better since you live there and visit America.
Alllllllll the blk british people I have known and met, family/friends are very "black"
As in yall are super conscious of race stuff
Mostly all the caribbean people I know in America act as if racial stuff is not a big deal
So I fully agree with harlemhottie concerning the African lady and the article
It appears you can almost ignore racism in America, and not do so in England
So I think that is what many of the ados/fba people point to with blk immigrants in America
Even with myself, I dont view wite people any different from blk people
Maybe cause so many devils are in Jamaica
Yet she does a point about blk immigrants in America
that I will say
Blk immigrants in America concentrate on success/money more so than racial dynamics