I don't agree with some things Tariq says, but when he has been constantly saying about Obama is true.
Yeah he got elected twice and it was good seeing a black man in office but white society thought that was suppose to be enough for us. He says we should protect his legacy of being the first black president by voting for Hillary.
She was extremely dismissive of him in '08, he did a town hall during the primaries that year where he had to go into detail that he was a Christian and not a muslim, Hillary made him disavow Rev Wright even when the Rev was spot on.
He made the comments about Trayvon and the media came at his neck 100% from every side, his beer summit, I can go on and on. They emasculated him and made sure he was NEVER unapologetically black. And maybe the smooth talking "community organizer" never was really cut from that cloth of being pro black. He's more Bill Cobsy with his chastising pull yourselves up by your bootstraps rhetoric, he told us that too remember.
Dylan roof killed nine black people in a church and Obama quoted MLK, turned the other cheek, and sung Amazing Grace. With a lot of black people, especially the church crowd, if you say anything negative about Obama or Tyler Perry they are ready to kill you.
I would never tell anyone to not vote, I voted and people can do what they want. But for decades identity politics and democrats have brainwashed us saying beware of the racist boogyman republicans, VOTE DEMOCRAT and what the fukk do we have to show for it. Pretty soon, very, very soon politicians from both sides won't even go after the black vote because they will have the Hispanics.
More than the majority of black people who voted, voted for her. The problem is they thought the "Hillary coalition" didn't need the black vote as much because analysts thought white women who are so turned off by the trumps puzzy comments would show all the support for the first woman president and they didn't.
All the talk of the Hispanic "surge" was offset because a lot of Hispanics still voted for him, and Hillary was a victim of the Bradley effect. I don't blame the pollsters, people simply lied and didn't wanna be stigmatized of being a trump supporter even though they had the objectivity of being anonymous.