Tariq Nasheed has perverted the ADOS movement to the point that his idiot followers are worshipping Trump.


All Star
Jul 17, 2012
Bikini Bottom
That's a stretch. What water fountain would he be drinking from if he magically came to the states in 1950?
Ain't no technically, racist cacs, rednecks, all those fakkits were saying the exact same thing trying to insult us

He's just a european who was birthed outside of europe, you wouldn't call him Chinese American if he was a cac born in Hong Kong

We have a richer and longer heritage than those b*stards, it's OUR term and we shouldn't play along with their bullshyt

I NEVER thought i'd see a Black person parrot that

Keep in mind that person you are talking to is a Tariq worshipper who is running interference as an attempt to distract from the topic of this thread by going extra hard to defend calling racist Elon Musk an African American. He's going extra hard to protect his daddy Tariq in an attempt to distract you from the thread topic and that's why he is arguing a ridiculous and retarded talking point. Don't fall for it. He figures since his daddy is defending a racist he's going to do it too.


All Star
Jul 6, 2018
The term ados does not really have a way to fact check all the way back to the beginning of slavery in the 1619, records only go as far back as 1870 for black people. Do yall know every single one of your ancestors up to the slave ships?

not all Black Americans are sure whether their ancestors were enslaved, and some say their ancestors were not enslaved. About one-third (34%) say they are not sure if their ancestors were enslaved, while 8% say their ancestors were not enslaved.

Most Black Americans were recently imported from the Caribbean and Africa in the 1800s

In 1790, the first census of the United States counted 697,624 slaves. In 1860, the eighth census counted 3,953,760. This remarkable growth was the result of two factors: (1) continued importation of new slaves from Africa and the Caribbean; and (2) natural population growth,


Mar 11, 2022
A more radical sect growing out of something rooted in separatism isnt an anomaly my guy, that’s whats expected to happen…historically. You think there wasn’t some small fringe OG members of the nazis, kkk, maga on some ‘No no noooo y’all doin too much this ain’t what we originally meant….” :heh:

Said that 2 years ago. This was the ONLY final resting place for the ADOS movement.


Sep 10, 2015
Dallas, Texas but living in Houston, Texas

Voice of Reason

Jan 7, 2016
The term ados does not really have a way to fact check all the way back to the beginning of slavery in the 1619, records only go as far back as 1870 for black people. Do yall know every single one of your ancestors up to the slave ships?

Most Black Americans were recently imported from the Caribbean and Africa in the 1800s

That complete lie.

That source does not say that.

Dr. Acula

Hail Hydra
Jul 26, 2012
The "movement" was always a psyop to sow minority disunity and increase divisions between groups to prevent them acting collectively and to sow apathy to disempower left leaning sentiments in the black community and therefore, through lack of cohesiveness in combating it, increase right leaning and reactionary forces and power.

Folks just fell for it when it wasn't obvious.

A basic question should be asked about a movement. What is the end goal? OK you say you're ados and you actively work to alienate "non ados" from your collective. I guess you can now claim youre a distinct group. But what does that actually accomplish for you? Better yet, what movement has actually ever succeeded in decreasing it's membership and allies as opposed as increasing it and broadening it's appeal. You isolate youself from other blacks, even here in the US. To what end? How does making enemies out of more people, even those who share your skin color, make your movement stronger? Common sense says it doesn't. It serves no real purpose except maybe the same satisfaction some folks get when they claim a set or gang. That's it.

Meanwhile, you're busy back biting and segmenting your power base while your true enemies are consolidating their power and bring more people into the fold (I.e. More Hispanics identifying with white surpremacist). You've been successfully divided and conquered. Again. Congratulations

When one of these "leaders" was outed as having ties to an organization that is a right wing anti immigrant group and even had some associations with white nationalists eugenics, that should have been your clue. But stubbornness prevented people from seeing what is in front of their face.

Another clue is when Tariq for example was signal boosted by folks like Ann Coulter who says yeah reparations should only go to ADOS. Ann Coulter a woman who wrote for Vdare a white supremacist publication is agreeing and signal boosting Tariq? Odd should be your thought process. Not "well uh she is right though" when you know damn well she doesn't think you should get shyt.

You ate the propaganda hook line and sinker. Good propaganda is good because you don't even realize it when you've been sucked in and being manipulated. It feels natural.
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Voice of Reason

Jan 7, 2016
Dope comment from @GMoney about why ADOS is necessary. Can't quote so I will copy.

I don't like these African shows or her tone but it's a mind fukk when you realize the class consciousness of many Africans. You don't realize how many of these folks that can come here got servants and shyt or how fukked up tribe and class is in Africa. Many of them don't have the mindset for any type of racial or political alliance that would combat white supremacy. They are looking out for their own.

This Fredrick Douglass quote was eye opening: "it was an argument against repatriation schemes for the freed slaves. “The savage chiefs of the western coasts of Africa, who for ages have been accustomed to selling their captives into bondage and pocketing the ready cash for them, will not more readily accept our moral and economical ideas than the slave traders of Maryland and Virginia,” “We are, therefore, less inclined to go to Africa to work against the slave trade than to stay here to work against it.”

It's not Africans fault, but since the late 60's, many of our pro-black conscious movements had a naive, rose-colored glasses view of Africa. It was part of our consciousness-raising because we were disconnected. The reality is that many of our folks didn't really know much about Africa. For the few that actually went to Africa, they were largely shepherded by Dr.Ben type guides or intermediaries that showed them a small glimpse of what life was like. Whether Yvette is anti-African or not, she's right that Pan Africanism is dead as a viable political movement. There's really no shared political fate with the upwardly mobile Africans that come over here. Their mindset is different, even though like many "people of color" they share cultural and common experiences with us. Cultural and commonality really isn't enough.

But there really is no black politics anymore either. It used to be that black/negro..etc and AADOS were synonymous, we were really the only black people in this country and our politics and struggle were centered in the discourse and on the news. Now we are just part of a coalition, a 3rd minority group. Dr Claud Anderson called it years ago and it's come to pass, we're about done. There's no point in arguing with these new immigrants who don't understand this, who don't understand what black life used to be like after the civil right wins; all of our gains and struggle seem to be evaporating or being used by others when they were intended for us.

Tariq took a necessary movement and turned it into a right wing shilling operation.


All Star
Jul 6, 2018
That complete lie.

That source does not say that.
It does not say how many were imported and mixed with the black population already here. I may be wrong that it was most.

This article says enslaved Africans from Barbados, Jamaica, and Antigua were brought to the US in the 17th century. The Haitian Revolution (1791-1804) sparked another wave of immigration with thousands of former enslaved people and escaped enslaved refugees relocating to New Orleans, Charleston, Savannah, Norfolk, Baltimore and New York

By 1930, an estimated 100,000 Black migrants from the Caribbean (used here interchangeably with West Indian) were living in the United States, mostly in New York, South Florida, and Massachusetts.

Point is black Americans could have had ancestors working plantations in the US or the Caribbean or both and there's very few records from that time to confirm anything.


Bandage Hand Steph
May 18, 2012
It does not say how many were imported and mixed with the black population already here. I may be wrong that it was most.

This article says enslaved Africans from Barbados, Jamaica, and Antigua were brought to the US in the 17th century. The Haitian Revolution (1791-1804) sparked another wave of immigration with thousands of former enslaved people and escaped enslaved refugees relocating to New Orleans, Charleston, Savannah, Norfolk, Baltimore and New York

Point is black Americans could have had ancestors working plantations in the US or the Caribbean or both and there's very few records from that time to confirm anything.
The 1870 records will suffice :sas2: