Tariq Nasheed debates "black conservative" RC Maxwell linked w/ Alt Right, Cernovich & Baked Alaska


May 1, 2012
Black feminists labeled us Hotep. we didnt hijack anything. we took it and ran with it.

You want take me seriously but will take who he debated seriously :francis:
I don't even know who that RC cat is. That wasn't even a debate because he didn't make not one valid point. The whole premise of his position is a lie. That's why tariq was just clowning him. He was using tired old talking points that aren't even rooted in reality.

If your position is that white supremacy doesn't exist or is not institutionalized in this society then you can never win a debate because you're arguing a lie.

#1 pick

The Smart Negroes
Jul 13, 2012
Lamb of God
the way Tariq got him to admit the cops made "mistakes" :wow:
c00ns aren't good for debates with Blacks. They can't be by logic. They are supporting something they know is 100% against them so if the debates lasts long enough and your semi knowledgeable, you will dominate them and that's with subpar debating skills, you don't have to even be someone near Tariq's level.
Oct 22, 2017
When you're a c00n, do you know you're a c00n? :jbhmm:

There are levels to c00nery, and the source of one's c00nish perspective can oftentimes be tied to one's age. I grew up in an upper middle class household, with two parents and a nice home located in a traditionally liberal Eastern city. Many of my childhood friends were blacks and whites from a similar background, and we were raised on TV shows and experiences that indicated the future awaiting us was one where racism was a distant relic from an era of segregation that solely existed in the compiled footage seen in 'Eyes on The Prize' or an occasional utterance of "******" by some white trash. After leaving high school and during much of the time I spent in college, I was still entirely unaware of the the actual world I was living in, finding myself among people of all different races in a world of seeming racial harmony. I can't recall the exact moment I was pulled from the Matrix, but when it happened, my emotional state - without the tears - was similar to:


Since then, my awareness has only grown, fueling an insatiable desire to delve into the readings of past and present pro-black scholars. I've cut off many of my old friends - white and black, Asian and Hispanic. I'm selective about who I welcome into my life. Had I remained in the Matrix, I'd probably be married (possibly even to someone who was non-black), happily employed among cacs, and completely submerged in the lifestyle and mind state of a post-racial c00n.

So, in their defense, I understand why many of our young black men and women are c00ning. Especially the ones who grew up in the burbs, with an upbringing that has persuaded them to embrace a belief system built on a romanticized myth of post-Civil Rights America. I believe they can be saved.

But, on the other hand, there are the c00ns who know the horrors we face in America, understand the source of our misery, but choose to align themselves with the worst evil. Men and women like this:


There is no saving these types of c00ns. They are irretrievably lost to the servitude of their white mommy and daddy. And before we combat the system of white supremacy, I am convinced these types of c00ns must be dealt with. :francis:

Uncle Hotep

Jun 19, 2015
I don't even know who that RC cat is. That wasn't even a debate because he didn't make not one valid point. The whole premise of his position is a lie. That's why tariq was just clowning him. He was using tired old talking points that aren't even rooted in reality.

If your position is that white supremacy doesn't exist or is not institutionalized in this society then you can never win a debate because you're arguing a lie.

Its institutionalized but these same institutions are flooding the country with 3rd world immigrants....seems right to me :mjlol:

You Tariq stans set it up and watch his doors get blown off.:ufdup:


Dec 2, 2015
My problem with Tariq and why I think he just did ok here is that, his depth of knowledge or ability to articulate his depth of knowledge is loss as it relates to certain things. He has his terms "race soldiers" "white supremacy" and he sticks to them which is great in that I think repeating your point is effective. The problem is that the term "race soldiers" for example is a Tariq invention and is only effective in Tariq world.

To further elaborate why this is weak, is that when he was talking about how cops required greater latitude to act with violent force, instead of maybe providing a counter point to why that is bullshyt in the context of American society, Tariq asks him to name race soldiers who have been punished. It went in circles at that point between them repeating what they previously said.

Here is what would have been an effective counterpoint to why the American police force is a special case in utilizing violence and why it seems to be race based. In other countries, including countries where police are armed at all times, the rate of killings are not the same. Somehow they survive without having to react to every situation by shooting someone. In fact there was a former police officer who speaks out against the excessive force in the American police force who articulated the problem well. He said that ever since the drug epidemic of the 80's, American police forces are trained to be a warrior class. Not a protector class. They are trained like a military unit. Not a unit to maintain order. Mix in widespread anti-black racial bias in the police force and society at large and you have a police force that treats folks in Beverly Hills with much more empathy and beat up on the poor black people in the hood. A society that says lock up those using crack but those using opioids and heroin with kid gloves.

The only other country that has this same system that comes to mind and has a large black population is Brazil and we're well aware of the issues they have with black people and racism and their history there.

Tariq got the term, race soldier, from Neely Fuller Jr. A lot of his talking points come from him and a few other people he holds in high esteem.