Tariq Nasheed debates "black conservative" RC Maxwell linked w/ Alt Right, Cernovich & Baked Alaska


All Star
Feb 23, 2015
Killa Queens
Who is Tariq to question the authenticity of another individual's beliefs when he blatantly doesn't believe the shyt he's spewing lol. Just follow his internal logic, If he truly believes black people are being oppressed/out right killed with impunity by whites -- and have been so since the founding of the country up until the present, why isn't he seeking/advocating separation from whites?

Malcom X & Marcus Garvey concluded damn near a century ago that separating from whites is obviously more efficient for black ppl as a whole than convincing them to change their oppressing ways, yet, Tariq, with even more time to realize Whites aren't changing, is doing no such thing. It almost seems like the difference between a Marcus Garvey and Tariq is that one of them actually doesn't believe the stuff they're claiming. Hmm, I wonder who it could be...the guy who actually tried to setup a black ethno-state to improve the pride & living standard of his people, or the guy who has a history of making mack books and parody rap songs as a way to hustle idiots out of their money!


May 2, 2012
that part where he told him "so its bad when I engage in this so called race realism but when your boy does it, no problems eh?" got me :mjlol:

race jokes together :dwillhuh:

get your money and bang those white women :mjlol:

the ogun spirit keeps making this brother freeze up :dead:
tariq wasnt attacking his points hard enough. :banderas:
i would have simply asked “while they’re calling you a ****** and insulting you to your face. what racial jokes are you making about whites?”

all that talking over dude, constantly calling him a troll, responding irrelevant adhoms. he has to ditch that shyt in further debates.

i honestly believe the BC dude was being fed talking points as his connection continously “dropped”

Bunchy Carter

I'll Take The Money Over The Honey
May 19, 2014
Triple O.G. Bunchy Carter
tariq needs sharper talking points. he should have drilled harder over jews being classified as white, and whites controlling sports ownership

No he don't. If tariq was able to shut down richard spencer and his bullshyt, he could have killed this clown.

The reason is pretty obvious why he did not go as hard on this clown. Also, like what Neely Fuller said about racial shadowboxing, RC is a puppet for the white supremacist and they hide behind him and tariq knows this. Also, like tariq said in the start of the video, he does not fight other victims of white supremacy, that is what he learned from neely fuller.

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Ya' Cousin Cleon

Jun 21, 2014
Harvey World to Dallas, TX
No he don't. If tariq was able to shut down richard spencer and his bullshyt, he could have killed this clown.

The reason is pretty obvious why he did not go as hard on this clown. Also, like what Neely Fuller said about racial shadowboxing, RC is a puppet for the white supremacist and they hide behind him and tariq knows this. Also, like tariq said in the start of the video, he does not fight other victims of white supremacy, that is what he learned from neely fuller.

And let's keep it funky

White Supremacy/Nationalism is an illogical ideology in the first fukking place

From Charles Murray to Richard Spencer, the shyt they spew is RIDDLED with contradictions and fallacies.
Nov 18, 2016

There are levels to c00nery, and the source of one's c00nish perspective can oftentimes be tied to one's age. I grew up in an upper middle class household, with two parents and a nice home located in a traditionally liberal Eastern city. Many of my childhood friends were blacks and whites from a similar background, and we were raised on TV shows and experiences that indicated the future awaiting us was one where racism was a distant relic from an era of segregation that solely existed in the compiled footage seen in 'Eyes on The Prize' or an occasional utterance of "******" by some white trash. After leaving high school and during much of the time I spent in college, I was still entirely unaware of the the actual world I was living in, finding myself among people of all different races in a world of seeming racial harmony. I can't recall the exact moment I was pulled from the Matrix, but when it happened, my emotional state - without the tears - was similar to:


Since then, my awareness has only grown, fueling an insatiable desire to delve into the readings of past and present pro-black scholars. I've cut off many of my old friends - white and black, Asian and Hispanic. I'm selective about who I welcome into my life. Had I remained in the Matrix, I'd probably be married (possibly even to someone who was non-black), happily employed among cacs, and completely submerged in the lifestyle and mind state of a post-racial c00n.

So, in their defense, I understand why many of our young black men and women are c00ning. Especially the ones who grew up in the burbs, with an upbringing that has persuaded them to embrace a belief system built on a romanticized myth of post-Civil Rights America. I believe they can be saved.

But, on the other hand, there are the c00ns who know the horrors we face in America, understand the source of our misery, but choose to align themselves with the worst evil. Men and women like this:


There is no saving these types of c00ns. They are irretrievably lost to the servitude of their white mommy and daddy. And before we combat the system of white supremacy, I am convinced these types of c00ns must be dealt with. :francis:
Amen :salute: