Tariq Just Needs to Say he MAGA Now

Rakim Allah

May 26, 2012
Los Angeles
Or...you could all just shut the fukk up about this charlatan fukk.

Have you all considered that shyt?

These Tariq Stans are obsessed because he called out their c00ns/tethers and didn’t vote for either white suptemacist, especially without TANGIBLES, like they did. They’ll never get over that so they’ll continue to spam the board with intellectually dishonest anti-Black misandrist Tariq threads,

It’s so :demonic:, friends.

Worthless Loser

Oct 3, 2015
I was in his twitter space last night. Dude has triggered last night. A caller told him that trump killed the bi partisan border bill because he didn't want it to hurt his campaign he said "no he didnt" and hung up on the caller :francis:
Really?? Republican US Senators have came out and said that's why Trump killed it.

I've long said that Tariq's problem is that he dismisses facts he don't like and double down on his narrative.



Sep 16, 2012
This dudes a con artist just like Trump. He’ll say whatever he needs to say to keep the grift going

If Trump became president again and did some blatantly racist sh1t he’d spin it into Trump was taught this stuff when he was a democrat
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Dameon Farrow

Jan 19, 2014
I was in his twitter space last night. Dude has triggered last night. A caller told him that trump killed the bi partisan border bill because he didn't want it to hurt his campaign he said "no he didnt" and hung up on the caller :francis:
There is full blown cognitive dissonance regarding that shyt. You had congressmen so bold they literally got on television and verified dude was making phone calls to them for that reason and that was why they were voting against it. :sas2:


The Coli's Ralph Ellison
Oct 31, 2012
Old Brooklyn
Telling facts is siding with Maga??

We being played by the democrats for being dumb and not getting anything for our votes.

Republicans are actively trying to sabotage us.

It’s disgraceful what politics are right now.
A lot of us(myself including) really seem to ignore, intentionally or not, that TIMELINESS is just as important as the INFORMATION itself.

I'm your best man, right? You're getting married?
I went to Men's Warehouse with you to get your tux. AT THE STORE is when it's timely to tell you that you look a little off because the pants are high-waters.

I may or may not have told you, then. You are wearing it at the wedding.

As the bride is walking down the aisle and you need all the confidence because the alternative to wearing the high-waters is having you stop the wedding, going to target or some shyt and fukking up the whole wedding.

Yet, my dumb ass still interrupts it, whispers in your ear how bad you look and the ramifications unfold.

Tell me...what is my goal? Where are my intentions? How helpful am I REALLY being? :jbhmm:

I absolutely believe the Democrats are fukkING LAZY. I also believe that there is this insidious liberal view of black people that results in a harmful coddling and condescending stance. It's a problem. It needs to change. It needs to be brought up.

Three months before the election and Donald Trump, an absolute conman and opportunistic bigot, is running opposite Kamala Harris and everything about your content is geared towards weaponizing any and every fact (and fiction) that you can obtain to further splinter the Dems support?

IF Tariq Nasheed REALLY cared and REALLY wanted alternatives to the lazy, resting on their laurels, DEMS...he should dedicate his entire platform to helping republicans improve their bullshyt and destructive mannerisms and help them reform to become an amazing option for black people the specific niche of black people that he's constantly attempting to fight against the "other" black people.

In NO WAY is it timely or even relevant really what he is posting here.

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
Here’s this dumb cop-out again. You don’t ignore the people opposing your existence. You don’t ignore the people suing to stop any program or policy aimed at helping Black people. You don’t downplay racists’ actions or emulate them--unless you actually support/want to be like them. Countering Trump's racist narratives is crucial, but people like you and Tariq often help spread them. Look at all of the alt-right racist accounts you like sharing on here. Look at how Tariq laughs it up with racists like Faith Goldy and Ann Coulter. Look at how Tariq spreads their conspiracy theories.

Y'all are not clever. No one is buying your bullshyt anymore.

So we should get on Trump about his Central Park 5 ad. All the while yall told us to ignore Joe Bidens Crime Bill and Kamalas indifference and support of black men staying locked up for minor offenses:mjlol:

Which do you actually think was worse? Which did the most damage to black people? Yall dont seem to think people doing decades for crack possession,is as bad as doing decades for "wildin" in the park.,although they were innocent of the rape. Id say its in fact worst due to how many were affected. 5 verses millions? You do the math.

Tariq is pointing out the hypocrisy. And the fact they can drag the Central Park 5 out about a ad from decades ago. Like majority of white folks werent with Trump at the time. Democrats only proving they remember all of these discriminatory actions. Saw the vitriol amd racism in real time. Yet dont want to address what they specefically have as an agenda for black people. Bringing up what Trump did and said about 5 young men. Rather than addressing what you havent done for millions of black people who vote for you? Or offering tangibles to address what this country has historically done to millions of black people. Nah,lets just stick with the 5,theyve been paid already:whoa:

Unemployed GM

All Star
Mar 3, 2015
A lot of us(myself including) really seem to ignore, intentionally or not, that TIMELINESS is just as important as the INFORMATION itself.

I'm your best man, right? You're getting married?
I went to Men's Warehouse with you to get your tux. AT THE STORE is when it's timely to tell you that you look a little off because the pants are high-waters.

I may or may not have told you, then. You are wearing it at the wedding.

As the bride is walking down the aisle and you need all the confidence because the alternative to wearing the high-waters is having you stop the wedding, going to target or some shyt and fukking up the whole wedding.

Yet, my dumb ass still interrupts it, whispers in your ear how bad you look and the ramifications unfold.

Tell me...what is my goal? Where are my intentions? How helpful am I REALLY being? :jbhmm:

I absolutely believe the Democrats are fukkING LAZY. I also believe that there is this insidious liberal view of black people that results in a harmful coddling and condescending stance. It's a problem. It needs to change. It needs to be brought up.

Three months before the election and Donald Trump, an absolute conman and opportunistic bigot, is running opposite Kamala Harris and everything about your content is geared towards weaponizing any and every fact (and fiction) that you can obtain to further splinter the Dems support?

IF Tariq Nasheed REALLY cared and REALLY wanted alternatives to the lazy, resting on their laurels, DEMS...he should dedicate his entire platform to helping republicans improve their bullshyt and destructive mannerisms and help them reform to become an amazing option for black people the specific niche of black people that he's constantly attempting to fight against the "other" black people.

In NO WAY is it timely or even relevant really what he is posting here.
Let’s keep it real. It’s not about what he’s saying being untimely. It’s about the fact you don’t like what he’s saying. I get if you were really have distain for Trump and don’t want him to be president then vote for Kamala. But don’t be delusional about what she is. She is neoliberal corporate slave, And I’m being nice when I say this.

The truth is that neoliberals and the Democratic Party have been anti-Black for years. The “Liberal” Bill Clinton supporting prosecutor that railroaded the Central Park five from New York City is an example of this. They have also been anti-working class, and anti-black male, but that’s not a priority for a lot of people.

This may sound crazy to you, but there have been worse presidents for Black people than Trump. Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton we’re actually way worse for black people than Trump ever was.


May 5, 2012
North Jersey
Linda Fairstein retired from the DA's office over 20 years ago, has never ran for any political office ever, and has gotten shyt on by a lot of liberals for what she did.

Why would you "both sides" someone who has literally zero power or influence in the Democratic party as if she has any comparison to the racist who is single-handedly determining every Republican policy position?
Running interference.