All you have to do now is show where Tariq has said to vote Trump witout getting policy from Trump
Obviously yall will argue a vote for no one is a vote for Trump. Okay,now show where Tariq has said dont vote for Democrats even if they offer tangibles/policy. Didnt think you could.
So in essence your theory is that Tariqs masterplan is to siphon votes away from Dems by convincing black people not to vote. But the only way his plan works is if he knows Democrats wont offer a damn thing of substance. Seems like you should be blaming the Democrats for being so predictable
This all goes back to yall being upset that some black people have decided not to vote for the Democrats without getting some policy in return. Heard and saw alot of defiant blackness,white racism triggering rhetoric at the DNC.
Dems sure can pump they black fist when its time to pander. But yall told us asking about black specefic policy was too inflammatory to ask about. White liberals dont mind it when its to emotionally puppeter us into voting