Tariq is going hard pushing this #DontVote campaign

Deutsche Bank

Some Of My Partners Dope Fiends Ha
Nov 15, 2015
Hookers & Blow
I think it's weird Hillary is just getting automatic black votes. I don't get that, it's like these people aren't doing their research before they vote for somebody. It's not informed. And when I see these Christian pastors just endorsing her like that, it's just disturbing. These pastors are fukking blacks over and they don't know it yet.
You get promises and questions, comments, concerns seriously addressed by a candidate/potential candidate BEFORE caucuses, not damn near at the end.

But because nikkas would rather watch puppet videos, and stand in line for knock-off Roshe's, and talk about eating booty for daps, here we are, yet again, with our dikk in our hands bytching like bytching ass lil bytches about how nobody don't never wanna do nothing for us. It's tired as fukk and nikkas are getting left behind because they deserve to get left behind.

Ain't nobody bout to subsidize and fund the economic empowerment of a voting base because of white guilt in 2016. Because the internet, you would think negroes would grasp this. But of course not, cause there ain't no money in black power and social responsibility, only in defeatist victimhood that the aristocracy has been letting the air out of for the past year, to the point where gay new blacks are killing themselves on state house steps to "meh" fanfare.

So let's prepare ourselves for another four years of "you're a c00n, he's a c00n, she's a c00n, we're all c00ns now!" until the next few shytheads step up to the plate with pandering bullshyt. And while nikkas are being gassed from above by drones and beheaded with flying guillotines by T-1000 cyborgs in ghettoes all over this land, another smart dumb nikka can make virtual reality Twitter hashtags telling you not to vote again.

Dzali OG

Dz Ali OG...Pay me like you owe me!
May 23, 2012
Duval Florida
He profits from black disenfranchisement, see, like how your dumb ass sits and wonders how democratically elected officials never have black interests at heart. How you click on video after video and buy bullshyt pairs of boots for the struggle, see. How telling your idiotic smart dumb hippity hop followers not to vote instead of having all of them actively participating in the process to have their issues and concerns addressed by chosen candidates, so they can be properly vetted by your voting base before a whiff of an a$$hole of a caucus, Democratic or Republican, see.

He'd rather have another generation of frustrated dumb ass nikkas to buy his Kool Aid than actually empower your ass with instruction in the political process so you can sit out an entire motherfukking election then quip some "b b b but white supremacy!" when shytty candidates get elected cause your dumb ass was streaming codeine anthems from illiterate closeted homosexuals instead of voting, see.

nikkas was lynched, burned alive, and got cracked upside the head with anything a cracker could get his hands on for the right to participate in a process this c00n shythead has used all his Super Saiyan smart dumb pimp powers to tell you NOT to utilize. Your father figure is a conman and probably a fukking agent, see.

You idiotic mouthbreathing dumb smart dumb fake ass hotep b*stard sonofabytch.


If we're indeed 12% of the population, our vote rarely means a thing. How can 12% influence at the least 60%?

Though it's all no matter because our vote doesn't affect the electorate college.
Apr 11, 2014
Tariq has a good hustle I'm not gonna lie. I see him and Umar Johnson. Also the Christian Pastors. If I didn't guilt so easily I would've got into it.


Dec 11, 2015
To let the Democratic party know that they will lose every election unless they address the needs of black America. We were the push behind Obama and Clinton getting into office. Without us they would not have won. This what Malcolm was talking about in the 60's

So again, what are you getting in exchange for your vote?

Do you believe the left would be able to undue all of the trouble done by the right if we didn't vote?


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
Do you believe the left would be able to undue all of the trouble done by the right if we didn't vote?

Let's start with having the left undo all of the trouble that the left has done to us first, then we can worry about the right :francis:

And yes if we withhold our vote unless our demands are met, the democrats will start catering to the black vote. Because without us, they would never step foot inside the white house again.

Just look at the numbers breh, we are the ones putting these fukk boys in office:

How Groups Voted in 1976 - Roper Center
How Groups Voted in 1992 - Roper Center
2008 Presidential Election - Roper Center

It's what Malcolm X was talking about in the video. We literally put them in office, allow them to not do shyt for us, then turn around next election cycle and vote for these same fakkits again. We've been doing this for the last 60 years......it's time for a new strategy breh.


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
If we're indeed 12% of the population, our vote rarely means a thing. How can 12% influence at the least 60%?

Though it's all no matter because our vote doesn't affect the electorate college.

That's not actually true. Even though we are 12% of the population, in many elections where the white vote is pretty evenly split, black people are the ones who give that push to the democrats so they can get in the white house.

But you're arguing with a dude named Ben Carson, so that should tell you he's just trolling.

Deutsche Bank

Some Of My Partners Dope Fiends Ha
Nov 15, 2015
Hookers & Blow
If we're indeed 12% of the population, our vote rarely means a thing. How can 12% influence at the least 60%?

Though it's all no matter because our vote doesn't affect the electorate college.
If this were the case, black people would be dead instead of being tricked by rap music into committing felonies that rob them of voting privileges. And if blackitee blacks knew which congressmen and senators sit on which committees in proportion to their needs as a staff, record label, and as a muthafukkin crew, then they would be able to decide who was who, and what was what when it comes time for laws and regulations and bills. nikkas and the wiggers who love them sitting home is (supposedly) why Barry can't get shyt done now.

"But each party selects a slate of electors trusted to vote for the party’s nominee (and that trust is rarely betrayed). Because virtually all states award all their electoral votes to the winner of the popular vote in the state, and because the Electoral College weights the less populous states more heavily along the lines of the Senate (two Senators and two Electoral College votes for every state, and then more electoral votes added for each state based on population), it is entirely possible that the winner of the electoral vote will not win the national popular vote. Yet that has happened very rarely. It happened in 2000, when Gore had more popular votes than Bush yet fewer electoral votes, but that was the first time since 1888...

"Of course a tie in the number of popular votes in a national election in which tens of millions of votes are cast is even more unlikely. But if the difference in the popular vote is small, then if the winner of the popular vote were deemed the winner of the presidential election, candidates would have an incentive to seek a recount in any state (plus the District of Columbia) in which they thought the recount would give them more additional votes than their opponent. The lawyers would go to work in state after state to have the votes recounted, and the result would be debilitating uncertainty, delay, and conflict—look at the turmoil that a dispute limited to one state, Florida, engendered in 2000."

In Defense of the Electoral College

Deutsche Bank

Some Of My Partners Dope Fiends Ha
Nov 15, 2015
Hookers & Blow
That's not actually true. Even though we are 12% of the population, in many elections where the white vote is pretty evenly split, black people are the ones who give that push to the democrats so they can get in the white house.

But you're arguing with a dude named Ben Carson, so that should tell you he's just trolling.
:mjlol:nikka, your name is bdizzle. Even when this shyt started in 2012 nikkas wasn't saying that izzle my nizzle shyt. If I was trolling, I would be telling you lil nikkas not to vote because none of the candidates can spit a hot 16. Or even worse, I'd waste pages telling you to seek reparations for slavery at the tail end of a black presidency in a climate of extreme right wing nationalism and police brutality.:sas1:

Basically, you dudes have no idea how trolling works, possibly because you are mildly autistic due to twice yearly flu shots and health department immunizations drenched in aluminum preservatives.


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
:mjlol:nikka, your name is bdizzle. Even when this shyt started in 2012 nikkas wasn't saying that izzle my nizzle shyt. If I was trolling, I would be telling you lil nikkas not to vote because none of the candidates can spit a hot 16. Or even worse, I'd waste pages telling you to seek reparations for slavery at the tail end of a black presidency in a climate of extreme right wing nationalism and police brutality.:sas1:

Basically, you dudes have no idea how trolling works, possibly because you are mildly autistic due to twice yearly flu shots and health department immunizations drenched in aluminum preservatives.

I see you Benjamin :mjpls: