Tariq: "I'm open to see what Trump is saying."


Instructing Space Cowboy's mama on the blade
May 28, 2012
Negotiate with literal white supremacist groups brehs.

Who said we're negotiating with HIM :snoop:

I cannot at all imagine you nikkas out here doing any sort of business. :mindblown:


Biden's died too soon to bring him

Nothing wrong with listening but this clown is 100% a MAGA payroll agent...

In 2020 he spent the whole election season telling us not to vote unless we get tangibles and a week before the election he was telling folk to vote for Cheeto...Cheeto had no healthcare plan, no economic plan, no COVID plan and his plan specifically for the black community wasn't worth the paper it was written on...ZERO TANGIBLES in that document...

How you go from don't vote if no tangibles to vote for Cheeto at the last minute with no tangibles? The person signing those checks called and told him we're gonna need those votes, that's how...

This is how agents work, they try build your trust making you think they looking out for you and then hit you with their real play...

Sir Richard Spirit

May 24, 2022
I’m not saying don’t vote and I’m not saying vote for Republican. I’m 100% sure I’m voting for Biden, even tho I wish he would die and be replaced by another younger, smarter Democrat.

I’m saying you should be open to listening to all sides to see who represents you and yours the best. Anything other than that, you’re an idiot.

Nice try but you probably didn't think it all the way through.
This makes sense when you have candidates that you're not sure where they stand. This is not the case.
We have alot of info on both since Trump was already in office and biden is the current president.
What possible positive outcome you see for black people under another trump presidency over biden :gucci:

Do you think when billionaires have a preferred candidate they ignore the other? Or do they prepare for life under both while hoping their candidate wins?


All Star
May 22, 2012
Who said we're negotiating with HIM :snoop:

I cannot at all imagine you nikkas out here doing any sort of business. :mindblown:
In business there are some people you just don’t deal with because you can’t trust them. You don’t do business with untrustworthy people because their word means nothing. That’s who Trump his. He does what benefits him. He’s not even pretending to be a public servant, lol. Even evil politicians do that much, regardless of how transparent it is.


May 31, 2022
But Alt Right white supremacists say the Dems are the KKK party as well:

B(oth) Side(s) wins again, friends.


They literally never say that at all. :mjlol:

You're confusing Alt Right racists with moderate Republicans using soundbites to sound good.

Alt Right White racists call Democrats the Party of "the 13%" or a party of N Word lovers all the time on the Internet. And they view the GOP as the better option for not holding White men accountable for racism and for catering to the fragility of the "Silent Majority"(aka Middle America.) via demographic fears/Great Replacement Theory, affirmative action, welfare, etc.

There's literally NO Alt Right racists who think that the modern DNC resonates with the KKK or KKK-adjacent people in the 21st Century. They would literally laugh at the very notion of that. Both the Alt Right and the KKK see the DNC as a Party that "hates White men" and caters to minorities.

Both sides have their problems but they're undeniably different. There's not a single Red or MAGA area in the whole country that's even looking into reparations or Black tangibles whereas every single area that's putting the effort into it is Blue. That's no coincidence either. Both sides generally cater to corporate interests above all with their most mainstream candidates but the DNC is easily better than the GOP in the grand scheme of things.

Ya'll always forget to mention that every single middle-upper class Black area of the country is heavily Democrat no different from the inner city areas ya'll like to focus on so much. I literally live in one of those areas too. My people up here are doing infinitely better than my brothers in more Conservative states like Mississippi, Alabama, and Louisiana who are dealing with greater levels of gun violence, poverty, broken homes, illiteracy, and obesity rates than Black New Yorkers(as well as Bostonians, Marylanders, and Jersey people) on average. :jbhmm:

I wonder why the GOP hasn't found the magical solution to those problems Black people deal with down there or why the low level of voting among AADOS down there hasn't lead to revolutionary candidates(besides Gary Chambers). :jbhmm:

Roger king

May 24, 2022
Astoundingly Yes. Hold your votes as a collective until a party brings something tangible and stop blindly voting for what we feel as a collective is the “lesser evil” friend.
This is nonsensical. This is how you know people on here don't know anything about politics. While your "holding your vote" in the guise of wanting tangible republicans are appointing far right wing bigots as judges to the supreme Court and federal appeals courts all around the country.
This judges serve life tenure and will be on the bench for the next 30-40-50 years ruling against black people and any semblance of fairness and equality.
its this same nonsense attitude that is why we have a 6-3 far right supreme Court that will strike down any student loan policies, affirmative action, or any sort of reparations.
You guys don't just know what your talking about. Trump appointed over 200 federal judges alot of them are openly hostile to black people and the civil rights of minorities they are going to be on the bench for several decades ensuring black people dont have justice In the courts.
That's the damage you get from holding your vote. As you hold your vote the GOP puts racists and bigots on the courts that have life tenure and are openly antagonistic to black people


May 31, 2022
Lowkey, a small part of me wants Trump to get re-elected only so his closet supporters on here can witness first hand how much WORSE things will get under his term.

Some are going to expect Trump to snap his finger like Thanos and get rid of inflation only to discover that that's out of his control. Some are going to expect him to get rid of all illegals only for him to barely deport any more than Obama just like in his last term. Some are going to expect him to bring factory jobs back to America from overseas only to find that that's a pipe dream. Some are going to expect him to fulfill that BS "Platinum Plan" only to find out that it was all a lie to use Ice Cube and Lil Wayne as pawns to lure Black voters.

Then, on top of this, you will have looser gun laws, more mass incarceration, more passes being given to Right Wing/Racist protestors and radicals, more intense voter suppression due to Trumpers still believing that the election was stolen, more measures against anything perceived as "woke" or "reverse racism", more open whining about White men being oppressed in society stirring up the flames like what Elon is doing on Twitter, etc.

Like I said, even if you believe Biden is a top 5 WOAT President, there's no proof that Trump is actually going to be better than him and Biden at least delays the Far Right fascist agenda that the GOP desperately wants to push on a national level. Biden wasn't even a top 3 candidate that I wanted for 2020 and I didn't even vote for him(I wrote in another Democrat) but I still prefer him over 95% of Republicans because I despise the modern Republican playbook and agenda.


Mar 24, 2014
He might be getting paid

I noticed a lot of black creators on YouTube are “suddenly”

Open to trump

Yeah that’s the next play

Pay them and they will push GOP/trump

The get the bag💰

It’s going down


Hope you didn't notice it just recently.

These traitors been seeking out for ages..


Instructing Space Cowboy's mama on the blade
May 28, 2012
In business there are some people you just don’t deal with because you can’t trust them. You don’t do business with untrustworthy people because their word means nothing. That’s who Trump his. He does what benefits him. He’s not even pretending to be a public servant, lol. Even evil politicians do that much, regardless of how transparent it is.
Business isn't about trust.
User name fits Brehs
Joke almost as old and worn out as your mama's box :francis:
@Rhakim you thought i was joking about @TripleAgent :mjlol:
You gotta get off my dikk breh. It's disturbing. Until you're ready to say it to my face, you're just an internet lame. Wipe ya mouf.


Jul 25, 2018
As president we watched him negotiate with with every caucus/group. Everyone from dreamers to North Korea got something from Trump. Every demographic ate off the Trump White House, except who?

The congressional black caucus refused to meet with Trump. While EVERYONE was buying houses, the average breh was being priced out and not able to take advantage of the low interest rates.

Yes let’s not listen to someone who may become president. When you don’t listen, you get economic zones that fill your neighborhood up with dollar tree/ dollar general/ storage facilities and Ross.

You gotta love the totally partisan, right wing biased perspective yall ALWAYS have of the two parties.

The Biden admin SUPPOSEDLY gives benefits to everyone but African Americans. Is the answer to better integrate ourselves politically with liberal coalitions and the party to further our own agenda in a party that welcomes it? No, the answer is to protest the Democrat party, Joe Biden, fight with other minorities, and "negotiate" with Republicans.

The Trump admin SUPPOSEDLY gives benefits to everyone but African Americans...on top of being on an entire "stop woke" campaign that could mot possibly accomodate anything "pro-black" or even protecting civil rights. Is the answer to protest this party, its racist media, and all its coalitions? No. The answer is to suck up and kiss ass to this party and "nEgOtIatE wiTh tHeM!"

The juelzing in this thread from @TripleAgent @ORDER_66 @Sir Richard Spirit and others is just amazing. nikkas go from "trust no political parties. They all white supremacists. So what if they ban black history in school." to "WhY cAnT wE NegOtIate wItH RePubLicAns! WE not A mOnolItH rofl!" They Republican Party is pro-white and on a mission to stop "wokeness," ie: any speech or action addressing racism in America. You ain't getting shyt from them. There will be no negotiating. Nothing. We really running this "why not talk to Trump" nonsense again?
Last edited:


Jul 25, 2018
I’m not saying don’t vote and I’m not saying vote for Republican. I’m 100% sure I’m voting for Biden, even tho I wish he would die and be replaced by another younger, smarter Democrat.

I’m saying you should be open to listening to all sides to see who represents you and yours the best. Anything other than that, you’re an idiot.

The 2nd leading nominee for President of the United States is banning black literature and free speech in his state as we speak. Republicans don't even want to pretend they want to represent your black ass or your issues, dummy. And yall still on this delusional, kiss ass "let's see what both sides gotta say" shyt. Yall about as militant as Ice Cubes bootlicking ass.

It be the nikkas that talk the toughest about both sides who show their ass to be the biggest overcompensating partisan hack Republicans on this board. This party could begin reinstating slave lavor and some of yall would still ask "wHy We HavE tO bE DeMoCraTs thO!!?" It's like the Republican Party is above criticism to you both sides hypocrites.

I wish yall nikkas along with Tariq can just be proud Republic00ns with and quit with all these fake ass "negotiation" strategies about elections when its obvious yall clearly favor the Republican parties white nationalist agenda abd you want to see Republicans win and Democrats lose. It couldn't be more obvious how plainly partisan for one side yall nikkas actually is


Jul 25, 2018
Whoever the GOP and/or 3rd party nominee may be, I will listen to their policy proposals and cast my vote as I please :youngsabo:

Consider casting your vote for an anti-civil rights white nationalist because "free thinker" and "not a minolith" yall.

I'm becoming convinced 95% of black people born after '89 are entitled, wannabe bourgeoisie cornballs yo. This got to be the weakest, most pathetic generation we couldve gor during the greatest rise of white nationalism in this country since the 60s. It's like they just want every excuse in the world to be docile agreeable puppy dogs and radicals at the same time. Just a bunch phony nikkas.


Jul 25, 2018
So, should Black people just give up voting altogether and let Non-Blacks determine the political fate of this country?

I mean.....that's essentially what #BothSides boils down to from what I understand. People bring up 3rd Party candidates but 85% of them are MAGA-lite Libertarians who are even more anti-tangibles than the average Republican.

The point of the #NoVote strategists, Tariq Nasheed, and the white nationalist Republicans who they are in lockstep with is to get black voters out the way so that white voters can decide elections and Democrats lose. That is there goal. They are very much partisan and they very much have partisan goals to help the conservative party and candidate win and the liberal party lose. Thats why it kills me how obviously biased for serving one side these people are while pretending to being above parties and purely focused on the advancement of black folks. You cannot be about the advancement of black people in America and completely comfortable or "open to" a President Ron Desantis or Trump 2.0. You are lieing, you don't give a shyt about black peoples advancement, and you don't give a shyt about "anti-black" politicians having powert over you.

Consider that the same dudes who were all up and down this website going nuts over any miscontexualized photo of Biden sitting next to Robert Byrd, or for passing an anti-crime bill that black folks demandded back when there was a thousand homicides a night in NYC decades ago, are "open" to voting for a Republican who is palling around with white nationalists and proposing anti-civil rights policies, TODAY. They are not slick.