But Alt Right white supremacists say the Dems are the KKK party as well:
B(oth) Side(s) wins again, friends.
They literally never say that at all.
You're confusing Alt Right racists with moderate Republicans using soundbites to sound good.
Alt Right White racists call Democrats the Party of "the 13%" or a party of N Word lovers all the time on the Internet. And they view the GOP as the better option for not holding White men accountable for racism and for catering to the fragility of the "Silent Majority"(aka Middle America.) via demographic fears/Great Replacement Theory, affirmative action, welfare, etc.
There's literally NO Alt Right racists who think that the modern DNC resonates with the KKK or KKK-adjacent people in the 21st Century. They would literally laugh at the very notion of that. Both the Alt Right and the KKK see the DNC as a Party that "hates White men" and caters to minorities.
Both sides have their problems but they're undeniably different. There's not a single Red or MAGA area in the whole country that's even looking into reparations or Black tangibles whereas every single area that's putting the effort into it is Blue. That's no coincidence either. Both sides generally cater to corporate interests above all with their most mainstream candidates but the DNC is easily better than the GOP in the grand scheme of things.
Ya'll always forget to mention that every single middle-upper class Black area of the country is heavily Democrat no different from the inner city areas ya'll like to focus on so much. I literally live in one of those areas too. My people up here are doing infinitely better than my brothers in more Conservative states like Mississippi, Alabama, and Louisiana who are dealing with greater levels of gun violence, poverty, broken homes, illiteracy, and obesity rates than Black New Yorkers(as well as Bostonians, Marylanders, and Jersey people) on average.
I wonder why the GOP hasn't found the magical solution to those problems Black people deal with down there or why the low level of voting among AADOS down there hasn't lead to revolutionary candidates(besides Gary Chambers).