You gotta love the totally partisan, right wing biased perspective yall ALWAYS have of the two parties.
The Biden admin SUPPOSEDLY gives benefits to everyone but African Americans. Is the answer to better integrate ourselves politically with liberal coalitions and the party to further our own agenda in a party that welcomes it? No, the answer is to protest the Democrat party, Joe Biden, fight with other minorities, and "negotiate" with Republicans.
The Trump admin SUPPOSEDLY gives benefits to everyone but African Americans...on top of being on an entire "stop woke" campaign that could mot possibly accomodate anything "pro-black" or even protecting civil rights. Is the answer to protest this party, its racist media, and all its coalitions? No. The answer is to suck up and kiss ass to this party and "nEgOtIatE wiTh tHeM!"
The juelzing in this thread from
@TripleAgent @ORDER_66 @Sir Richard Spirit and others is just amazing. nikkas go from "trust no political parties. They all white supremacists. So what if they ban black history in school." to "WhY cAnT wE NegOtIate wItH RePubLicAns! WE not A mOnolItH rofl!" They Republican Party is pro-white and on a mission to stop "wokeness," ie: any speech or action addressing racism in America. You ain't getting shyt from them. There will be no negotiating. Nothing. We really running this "why not talk to Trump" nonsense again?