‘Talk to Me’ | Official Trailer | A24 [7/28]


hit it, & I didn't go Erykah Badu crazy, #yallmad
May 20, 2012
I kinda figured there was a thread on "The Nun II", so I didn't do my googles. But my comment was about thecoli in general, and I've notice a decrease in movie threads. For example I still haven't seen a thread on "Don't Look Away", and several other movies that's been out for a minute.

I know what you mean about a chick sitting next to you at the movies, who's a complete stranger. I've had this happen more than once. Tbh, if a chick is going to sit next to me, I'd rather it be my date, unless she really means business, and don't leave before they finish showing the ending credits...not to mention you haven't even seen her body. With all this going through the mind, it can be harder to enjoy the movie...it all depends. It can be hard enough enjoying a movie with your own date, especially if she's new, and you laugh at the wrong thing, or she laugh at the wrong thing.

But I really think this Asian girl meant business at first. But the slightest thing could have made her nervous, and spoiled it...and it did. That can easily happen in these situations, when it comes to a girl from a different culture, and you two are strangers. When she changed her seat, I could have walk over, and told her I didn't mean for her to leave. But at that point, I'm not sure if it would have been worth it, especially with the age difference. Who knows :yeshrug:
Chasing after her wasn't going to work.

The Asian that set next to me, before the light went down, so you could tell she had a hot body. :blessed:


hit it, & I didn't go Erykah Badu crazy, #yallmad
May 20, 2012
Then I guess I missed the fun part. Btw, I could tell she had a decent body sitting down :myman:

When you found out she was :blessed:, what did you do?
One eye was on Shazam, one eye was on her, in between sleeps (3)


hit it, & I didn't go Erykah Badu crazy, #yallmad
May 20, 2012
You mean she wasn't worth the chase?
I hate explaining shiet without a computer.

It was 2019.

I worked 24 hours a week. That movie theatre was 50 miles from my house.

I couldn't afford the ticket, couldn't afford the gas, couldn't afford the gas to go to work. How I'm going to do anything with a girl who ain't volunteering to talk to me. (Sound familiar)

All I did was pay rent and work two days a week for two Years.

Walmart wouldn't hired me because they didn't want to share. They wanted to dominate.

I asked my boss boss for more hours, he gave me the run around. What he wanted was for me to get frustrated and quit, possibly to go back to Walmart. Why a security company would care about any if this, remains a mystery. (Sounds familiar)

My boss said he would give me hours but he never did. This went on for two years.

I applied at another security company. The site was poison pill, had to quit after a week.

I worked at Kroger, they took five weeks to hire me, I only worked three, barely. They pulled me off nights, by placing together, then some hick hands me a a clipboard with assignments. I threw the clip board on the floor, took my uniform off and threw on the floor, then poured orange soda on the uniform and clip board. In my security uniform, I looked for the hick that handed to me that was up my ass all night and suddenly he was hard to find. I left.

I ended up giving up the car in September.

There's more but I wont bore ya.

That was the last time I used a computer without a chaperone.


All Star
Jul 9, 2017
ATL, but rasied in DMV
I hate explaining shiet without a computer.

It was 2019.

I worked 24 hours a week. That movie theatre was 50 miles from my house.

I couldn't afford the ticket, couldn't afford the gas, couldn't afford the gas to go to work. How I'm going to do anything with a girl who ain't volunteering to talk to me. (Sound familiar)

All I did was pay rent and work two days a week for two Years.

Walmart wouldn't hired me because they didn't want to share. They wanted to dominate.

I asked my boss boss for more hours, he gave me the run around. What he wanted was for me to get frustrated and quit, possibly to go back to Walmart. Why a security company would care about any if this, remains a mystery. (Sounds familiar)

My boss said he would give me hours but he never did. This went on for two years.

I applied at another security company. The site was poison pill, had to quit after a week.

I worked at Kroger, they took five weeks to hire me, I only worked three, barely. They pulled me off nights, by placing together, then some hick hands me a a clipboard with assignments. I threw the clip board on the floor, took my uniform off and threw on the floor, then poured orange soda on the uniform and clip board. In my security uniform, I looked for the hick that handed to me that was up my ass all night and suddenly he was hard to find. I left.

I ended up giving up the car in September.

There's more but I wont bore ya.

That was the last time I used a computer without a chaperone.
Wow, that situation reminded me of mine in the second half of 1981, plus I was about to become a new father, and my landlord had kicked me out on Thanksgiving evening, right after I had just introduced him to my cousin, who was in town from NC, who was in my car waiting on me. I couldn't even tell my cousin what had just happened when I got back to the car. I just knew I would be homeless in two days, sleeping on people's floors.

Today, in 2023, it felt cool just having a young Asian girl showing that much interest in me. I'm the same age as that landlord
was when he threw me out. And I thought he was old as dirt.
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All Star
Jul 9, 2017
ATL, but rasied in DMV
nun 2 was not better than talk to me
You must have forgot about that demon upstairs behind the stair-rails. Did you see that face when he turned around :damn:. Then he was chasing people around on all fours. Imagine seeing that as a child.

What was eye opening about this film, was just how easy they could kill children just for disobeying them. And they got away with it.

A lot of movies bring out the truth.
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All Star
Jul 9, 2017
ATL, but rasied in DMV
I just saw "Outlaw Johnny Black" last night. I had to walk out at the part when he was preaching about forgiveness, and a sister walked out a minute before me, leaving about three people left in the auditorium. However there were only five of us to begin with. But this was the 10:30pm showing. Btw, that sister was alone, and she wasn't bad looking at all. She was sitting way down in the middle aisle. Gotta start scoping out these auditoriums harder when I go in. Anyway, there was about a half hour left, and this seemed to be the turning point of the movie. Not sure if I should have left.

I've noticed more middle aged people showing up in these movies alone lately. I guess more people got tired of tryna look down on me for always showing up alone. This one dude, who was on my aisle, but way in the middle, was cracking up the whole way through. He looked around my age. For a minute I was thinking I was setting a trend for going to the movies alone, but I don't think it's me. I think it's just the times we're in, and more people my age stopped caring so much about what other people think. Don't get me wrong, most people still show up in couples, or in groups, but I'm not the oddball as much as I once was.

Btw, somebody made a thread here about "Outlaw Johnny Black" back in 2018, while the film was still in production. Somebody would have commented on that thread by now in the past, but like I said, things changed. How could you get three pages here about a movie while it was still in production five years ago, but no comments three days since it's been released :yeshrug:
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All Star
Jul 9, 2017
ATL, but rasied in DMV
Saw it over the weekend and enjoyed it. I liked how mean it was lol. Felt like an older horror film in terms of kids getting wrecked. Also for a film with such an unlikable main character I thought the ending was great.
How did it end? I seen so many movies since then, I forgot


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