Talk about a time a femlae was furious with u

Ze Pequeno

All Star
May 2, 2012
Lost Angels
It's cool. I don't care if nikkas read it or not. It's plenty times I'm on here bored or high and I just start reading some shyt & end up gettin a good ass laugh off some shyt that initially had me like :whoa: fukk that. I know somewhere in Oklahoma, fukkin Tumberfukkie or wherever one of you weirdo nikkas live, you ain't got shyt to do, and if you start readin it, it's a slight chance you gonna be :laff: by the end of it. fukk cares who DOESN'T read it? :heh:

lol I read it. good shyt, and +rep for putting a picture up.
But nikka im from LA I didn't understand a lot of that shyt lol, why ol girl get mad?
Jul 7, 2012
i tried talking to my ex to hit again. she curved my shyt

next day, she pop up into a party and im talking to a girl way better looking than her.

she looked at me while i was grabbing the new girls ass while i gave her the :umad:

she then hit that girl up talking about im a player, i'll just go to another bytch, not to fukk with me..

bytch gassin it. i aint become a player until after that :smugfavre:


Make your own luck.
Jun 16, 2012
i tried talking to my ex to hit again. she curved my shyt

next day, she pop up into a party and im talking to a girl way better looking than her.

she looked at me while i was grabbing the new girls ass while i gave her the :umad:

she then hit that girl up talking about im a player, i'll just go to another bytch, not to fukk with me..

bytch gassin it. i aint become a player until after that :smugfavre:

bytch actually did you a solid. don't even ask her how.

cleanface coney

May 26, 2012
lolol you a fool bro

i aint never had one but my nikka scooped a lil island chick we was in florida

he caught dat bytch under his truck stabbin shyt up witta steak knife

he said the same thing you said...bytch got some gooood ass p*ssy lol but she was crazy as hell


reTIreMEnt: THE ALBUM (01/22) ALL DSPs
Oct 15, 2012
lol I read it. good shyt, and +rep for putting a picture up.
But nikka im from LA I didn't understand a lot of that shyt lol, why ol girl get mad?


You know how nikkas slang be like bein from different planets & shyt b.

And I to this day still dont know. It was my first experience being around someone who truly had to be bipolar in every sense of the word. Dig this...I hadn't seen her since this happened in 2007. I did a four year stretch in prison from 2008-2012 for something unrelated. And came home last year and went to the Popeyes by my crib to get some chicken for the first time...and guess who's working behind the register?

I peeped her name tag and it had her ghetto ass name scrawled all across it, and in my mind I'm like :russ:

So I just look at her, like :ld:

And she was like....



All seductively and shyt...

And in my mind, I'm like :mindblown:

Took my fukkin chicken and left

Ze Pequeno

All Star
May 2, 2012
Lost Angels


You know how nikkas slang be like bein from different planets & shyt b.

And I to this day still dont know. It was my first experience being around someone who truly had to be bipolar in every sense of the word. Dig this...I hadn't seen her since this happened in 2007. I did a four year stretch in prison from 2008-2012 for something unrelated. And came home last year and went to the Popeyes by my crib to get some chicken for the first time...and guess who's working behind the register?

I peeped her name tag and it had her ghetto ass name scrawled all across it, and in my mind I'm like :russ:

So I just look at her, like :ld:

And she was like....



All seductively and shyt...

And in my mind, I'm like :mindblown:

Took my fukkin chicken and left

:laff: :laff:


May 17, 2012
talked to this chick for a couple weeks we hitting it off well everything's good, we go on a date we talking she says "im a born again christian so i wont be having sex till im married" on the outside im like thats beautiful congrats on the inside im like :patrice: date ends she texts me in the morning like "i had a great time" im like me 2, proceed to ignore the rest of her texts shes all like :why: did i do something wrong, so im tired of getting 15 texts from her per day so i reply with " i dont plan on getting married anytime soon" this bytch flipped :wow: she was like wooooooow i thought u were different your just like every other guy. im like :manny: ddidnt reply she keeps saying "fukk u fakkit etc" so im like "christians not supposed to behave like this :umad: " bytch flipped out again she stopped eventually lol fukk is the point of wifing a chick then going home and having to watch porn :rudy: bytch lost her mind hate girls who put sex on a pedestal like imma wait 2-3 years :beli:

u handled that wrong. u still coulda smashed. girls dont know what the hell they're saying half the time. they just like to run their mouth.


May 6, 2012
PAT 2 HTown
My bm and I were on the rocks. Staying in the same house but basically living on different floors. nikka was miserable brehs. One day I go to grab me some food, come back home turn the key to open the door but can't get in because the bottom lock is locked(normally only locked at night). Knock on the door she comes to open it, I walk in, she goes up the stairs. I didn't think much of it. The lil one was with me, so she ask to use my laptop to watch Netflix while she eats, I oblige. Goes to my desk and I hear "Daddy something is wrong with your laptop" I ask whats wrong, and she is like, well, its broken, its in pieces. I get up and look and :ohhh: shyt was actually in pieces. BM comes down the stairs carrying a suitcase and shyt. I send my lil girl to her room upstairs at this point. So I'm like :why: the fukk happen to my laptop? She was like I threw it to the floor in a fit of rage. And then proceeded to call me every name in the book. So I'm looking like the hell wrong with you? And she throws a right hook at me. I see that shyt coming so I weave that shyt and step up and put her in a bear hug. So she struggling to get loose and at this point I'm like if you want to go you can go, shyt I'll help you carry your stuff out :lolbron: Then she is like nah I don't want your help because then its like you putting me out. I help anyway, because yea I wanted it to seem that way. She gets to the car and her tune changes asking me all kinds of shyt like if I'm sure if I want her to go etc... crying and shyt. I'm like I can't get down with this physical shyt. You need to go. That finally ended up being the end of that chapter, she would pop up ever so often, claiming to need something from the house, I smashed a couple more times had her buy me a new laptop and chunked the deuces.

Anyway come to find out while I was grabbing some food she was poking around my laptop, looking for who knows what. Probably thought I was cheating, I wasn't but she read an exchange between me and a friend(female) where I was venting about being miserable with the current home situation and I guess that set her off.


Free Sheist
May 1, 2012
*grabs your shoulder* share it brother :wow2:

This aint one of the funny ones, in fact its kinda sad cause this was my first and only love :wow:. Havent ran through this story in years but i'll try and briefly put it down.

So 2 years ago I had this girlfriend that I've known for about 10 or so years from church because our moms were kinda friends. In highschool I aint had facebook until I graduated and all my nikkas told me to get one so we could stay in touch. So I get one and in this next girl from church's photo album I see her like :ohhh:.She was always cute when we were younger but at age 7,8 that shyt dont matter...she was an actual dime when we grew up. So I add the fb, we do the wall to wall and eventually I get the MSN and we chat back and forth. She was cute but it was one of those where you aint even tryna hit because you dont see her that way. Also because I was an innocent virgin at the time.

Fast forward a year later of some talking while I'm away to school and shyt...and another half year til my halfbrothers wedding. And I get her to come through with her mom who was invited to the wedding. Man she looked good that day, we danced, caught up and from that day I had it weak to the point where instead of texting shed be calling me at random times in the night while I'm with another bytch :leon:, making me a skype account so we could videochat...all that. She was in highschool 5 star recruit mode.

So we become a couple in November, right before Christmas, and her bday in Janaury :snoop:. Randomly were conversing about clothing or some shyt and highschool on skype and I mention how back in the day, nikkas used to wear them wack nameplate earings and how they were tacky. I also say how the only kinda earrings I'd wear are some nice gold, diamond earrings but they have to be real diamonds and gold or else I wont bother. So she gets my gift idea from that I later realize. She agreed with the nameplate earring comment and says how she always wanted a nameplate pendant/necklace. Now I am a novice to the jewellry game so I didnt realize how much them joints cost. Right there the lightbulb clicked in (not on some simp shyt cause I already had her, I just wanted to make her happy like every nikka does when they meet that first one). I talk to my nikka come to find out that the joint would cost $300 like :damn:. So at that point I was like lemme chill on that til a year or two down the road but I kinda clued her in on the fact I was consdiering getting it by accident. The way I am, I dont like to disappoint so now I felt obliged :noah:. Broke student life. Ya boy took his winter break during university to grind from 6AM to 3PM in the meat factory I worked at during summers to pay for that shyt and have pocket money for utilities during school.

Fast forward to Boxing day (Dec. 26). We exchange gifts. She loves hers obviously. And the joints she got me looked :ehh:. Randomly for some reason she asks me how much I think she paid. I say 300 as a joke and shes like "are you crazy?" So I say 200...and shes like yea around there. Again I dont know how much jewels run for. So tell me how I go home after our date...and try the earrings on. I put them back in the case and see a tag with marker on that joint. Come to find out the price was not $200 but $99.99 and they were zirconias judging by the description on the tag. Now she had already lied to me about her virginity back when we first started talking and I recently found out. Now she was lying about this and I was like :birdman:. Some shyt gotta go down. I was fighting with whether or not I should deal with the matter or just ignore it. One of my brothers got in my head and long story short I told her that she could take back the earrings, give them to her brother or something because A) They arent real diamonds and B) She lied and I take that shyt personally (like an assault on my intelligence). Although I didnt say my exact reasons. In fact I actually tried to get her to admit to it saying that she musta got hustled because the price says something else so she should take em back. I didnt even think that she lied at first, I thought she legit got hustled and they spiked the prices up for christmas or sumn. She didnt admit it though.

shyt got real after that :heh:
Should i continue?


Fade Doe
May 3, 2012

So as I drove, I off reflex, remembered the bag of Mickey D's in the backseat, reached back and grabbed it...took ONE bite out of that Big N Tasty, and took the bun off the top. Fresh soy meat, smothered in ketchup, mustard, pickle slices, and them lil fake ass chopped onions...I put the bottom of the burger in the palm of my left hand, steering with my right...cocked back, and caught this bytch SQUARE in the face wit that Ba-Dah-Bap-Bah-Bahhhh I'm lovin it.
