Tales of Arise | PS4/PS5/XB1/XSX/PC | 9/10/21

42 Monks

Feb 20, 2014
beat this and legit disliked it by the end :manny:

prettier game, much shorter than other tales games. flashy combat, enemies tanky as fukk for no damned reason and all the additional properties they get that require a specific party member's boost being up just stretches combat even further past comfortable limits. the most dlc driven tales game by far, abilities and skills locked behind a paywall is bs. arguably the weakest cast ever. story plain mid.

i actually liked the end game dungeon ideas. would've been great if CP attrition wasn't baked into the core of the gameplay loop

way too much apologizing on behalf of arise when other games would get hammered for the same shyt :unimpressed:


The King of Fighters
May 1, 2012
Phoenix, AZ
Everything in Arise's combat system is designed to frustrate the player. The fights with regular enemies are nothing like the boss fights. The end of the boss fights with the damage sponge bosses usually turn into them spamming ultimate attacks over and over again in a loop with wide AOE effects. Turns into you racing to try to build up your boost gauge, keep the CPU AI alive and end the fight before you run out of stuff to keep your party upright. One or two hits from a boss is enough to take your entire life bar. Many of their attacks one shot you.

They make you use healing CP to get items in the dungeon and make it difficult to refill it like it's a Persona game forcing you to leave the dungeon and sleep at an inn or campfire to regain them just so you can teleport back to the beginning of the dungeon and run back through it to get back to where you are. There's no time mechanic like Persona either it's just an obstacle they put in your path to frustrate you and waste your time. It doesn't really change anything it just consumes time. You either have to flee from all the fights or just do them and it's not really rewarding because once you reach the enemy level experience points aren't worth it and you're not really earning money from the fights either.

Money is purposely kept in short supply and CP restoring items are excessively expensive. The money for which contends with sometimes needing to buy new equipment.

Berseria at the very least has none of those issues. It doesn't feel like a game designed on a level to frustrate players into buying DLC packs to rectify flaws they knowingly baked into the game. I'm not constantly babysitting the AI team mates and guzzling life bottles to keep them alive. Healing has never been an issue.

I know people will say there's ways to get around the money issues with mini games. Still doesn't change the fact that in a normal playthrough for people who don't even care about going out of their way to do that they've purposely created a scarcity of money that doesn't exist even in previous games of this series then make sure they display there's low cost DLC for a couple bucks to buy in-game money with real money. In normal RPGs usually fighting battles nets you decent money.

Lastly they sent reviewers an ultimate edition package that contained DLC that mitigated all those baked in flaws simply by claiming the DLC.

I'm just not seeing it breh. I was immensely more frustrated in Vesperia's combat, even when I got the gist of it.

For all the complaining about CP utility, I'm seeing too many ways to mitigate that to have that be an issue with me. To me, it's akin to most dungeon crawler RPGs where you just get your batman prep time on before trekking into long, "difficult" dungeons. I just beat whatever the next dungeon is after being the 5th lord and had no issues with CP management, even when getting lost in there a bit and re-fighting monsters unnecessarily. Only "issue" I have with CP is the inconsistent amounts that it costs to open the unlock areas with characters unique perks or healing folks on the road. Sometimes it'll be like 21 points and others, 50+ and it just seems to be variable and inconsistent.

And the whole bosses spamming Mystic Artes thing is funny to me, considering that's like a damn Tales staple it seems. Least here, you can actually perfect dodge a grip of the attacks that come out of them, if not outright run to other points of the screen and outright get missed clean. Ain't not a damn boss I fought so far that was worse than Captain Raven's ass was with it in Vesperia. If you did down him before doing it, which was hard as fukk, you just ate that damage. And blocking them didn't do jack shyt unless you were over-leveled. Same with damn near all the later game bosses' Mystic Artes and how they'd spam them.

Maybe there's a world of difference between the normal/moderate modes on here versus normal on Vesperia, cuz Vesperia's normal mode seemed like hand holding easy, yet the next difficulty up in hard mode felt like it was meant for New Game Plus, as the balance disparity between the two was extreme. For example, first boss in Vesperia, he only has like 8K HP and you're dealing about 200-500 max damage within the start of the game artes/combos available to you. Yet in Hard mode, muhfukka had around 56K and you still doing the same damage as normal. That is an insane jump in HP. I've felt nothing to that level here whereas the main story path creatures are either so over-leveled than you with slight-moderate "grinding" and following the main path vs. how shyt was in Vesperia. I'm playing on Hard mode here and only a few select main bosses kilt me more than like 2wice and even then, upon just re-thinking my strategies a bit and reading their moves better, I was able to conquer them typically without much hassle. Only if I was severely under-leveled (like 10-20+ levels) did I feel odds were insurmountable and practically each situation was side content bosses, so they were optional and typically you weren't posed to fight them yet.

The money issue is also a non-issue with me, since you can sell so much stuff and just fish n shyt to get more money in light amount of time. I get that not getting money from monsters is not typical in most jrpgs, tho I did always find it funny that you would get money directly from killing monsters in pretty much any game. Seems more sensible than you'd only get it from bounty rewards or some shyt (and maybe just get money from human enemies, lol), if you going to put a speck of realism in a fantasy situation, but that's whatever really.

Berseria's difficulty was a neat, built-in dynamic adjustable one with those Granites or whatever those bounty items were called. As it was, that was pretty much always on the player to decide where they wanted to be with that or not, so I can see how that could easier to contend with than just the couple you have here (albeit you can still adjust those at any time too, just in a more traditional sense).

I will say that it's funny that in the ways that this game is just like most old tales games with how bosses mostly get down and how the combat ultimately delves into, cats on here are like, "ah, it's just another tales game", but harp on the "negatives" of that and seemingly be whatever with it in the older games. Yet, in the ways that it changes things, cats on here seem to overlook the positives that comes with that, like actually being able to dodge a mystic art and magic altogether with the perfect dodge and get a rebuttal (I know Berseria, you can do it's lesser version of perfect dodge against most attacks, but didnt' seem to work on Mystic Artes and it was jankier overall with how its movement system is comparatively; great for its time tho) with it as well and how your healing spells don't have to be shared with your attack spells magic points pool, so it's more just a matter of using healing, when needed vs. pick n choosing between the two.


The King of Fighters
May 1, 2012
Phoenix, AZ
beat this and legit disliked it by the end :manny:

prettier game, much shorter than other tales games. flashy combat, enemies tanky as fukk for no damned reason and all the additional properties they get that require a specific party member's boost being up just stretches combat even further past comfortable limits. the most dlc driven tales game by far, abilities and skills locked behind a paywall is bs. arguably the weakest cast ever. story plain mid.

i actually liked the end game dungeon ideas. would've been great if CP attrition wasn't baked into the core of the gameplay loop

way too much apologizing on behalf of arise when other games would get hammered for the same shyt :unimpressed:

All the bolded are much more boon than bane for me. :myman::yeshrug:
I'm 70+ hours in and still ain't beat (granted, I'm sure there's at least 10+ hours of idle time on my part, unfortunately:snoop:). Game definitely long enough tho. Enemies seem pretty much the same as other tales games IMO. I will say the lack of variety in them as far as actual types instead of just some color palette swaps and select different abilities is smh-worthy. Cast and story seem straight to me thus far. I do think some past games have more....fantastically, fanatically and frantically exuberant:mjtf::mjlol: characters than here tho, in both good and bad ways, so while older games cast stick out more, sometimes wasn't always in the best ways. More humorous and entertaining, at times tho. Kinda trades off IMO:ld:, as they at least seem more realistic and thus relatable here:whew:, albeit still anime trope-ish:manny:......:jbhmm:dichotomy be damned.:lupe::lolbron:


The Chosen 1
May 2, 2012
Okay, I guess I gotta figure out where this starship is and head to Lenegis :yeshrug:kinda curious about what kind of place keeps producing these evil guys

That said I'm at the point where I wish Shionne would just spit it out, nothing could be that bad :stopitslime: All these "No, its' nothing, don't worry, I'm fine --" convos are getting redundant.


The King of Fighters
May 1, 2012
Phoenix, AZ
Okay, I guess I gotta figure out where this starship is and head to Lenegis :yeshrug:kinda curious about what kind of place keeps producing these evil guys

That said I'm at the point where I wish Shionne would just spit it out, nothing could be that bad :stopitslime: All these "No, its' nothing, don't worry, I'm fine --" convos are getting redundant.
She just don't want to admit that she has a girl hard-on for Alphen.


52 Years Young
May 28, 2012
I'm just not seeing it breh. I was immensely more frustrated in Vesperia's combat, even when I got the gist of it.

For all the complaining about CP utility, I'm seeing too many ways to mitigate that to have that be an issue with me. To me, it's akin to most dungeon crawler RPGs where you just get your batman prep time on before trekking into long, "difficult" dungeons. I just beat whatever the next dungeon is after being the 5th lord and had no issues with CP management, even when getting lost in there a bit and re-fighting monsters unnecessarily. Only "issue" I have with CP is the inconsistent amounts that it costs to open the unlock areas with characters unique perks or healing folks on the road. Sometimes it'll be like 21 points and others, 50+ and it just seems to be variable and inconsistent.

And the whole bosses spamming Mystic Artes thing is funny to me, considering that's like a damn Tales staple it seems. Least here, you can actually perfect dodge a grip of the attacks that come out of them, if not outright run to other points of the screen and outright get missed clean. Ain't not a damn boss I fought so far that was worse than Captain Raven's ass was with it in Vesperia. If you did down him before doing it, which was hard as fukk, you just ate that damage. And blocking them didn't do jack shyt unless you were over-leveled. Same with damn near all the later game bosses' Mystic Artes and how they'd spam them.

Maybe there's a world of difference between the normal/moderate modes on here versus normal on Vesperia, cuz Vesperia's normal mode seemed like hand holding easy, yet the next difficulty up in hard mode felt like it was meant for New Game Plus, as the balance disparity between the two was extreme. For example, first boss in Vesperia, he only has like 8K HP and you're dealing about 200-500 max damage within the start of the game artes/combos available to you. Yet in Hard mode, muhfukka had around 56K and you still doing the same damage as normal. That is an insane jump in HP. I've felt nothing to that level here whereas the main story path creatures are either so over-leveled than you with slight-moderate "grinding" and following the main path vs. how shyt was in Vesperia. I'm playing on Hard mode here and only a few select main bosses kilt me more than like 2wice and even then, upon just re-thinking my strategies a bit and reading their moves better, I was able to conquer them typically without much hassle. Only if I was severely under-leveled (like 10-20+ levels) did I feel odds were insurmountable and practically each situation was side content bosses, so they were optional and typically you weren't posed to fight them yet.

The money issue is also a non-issue with me, since you can sell so much stuff and just fish n shyt to get more money in light amount of time. I get that not getting money from monsters is not typical in most jrpgs, tho I did always find it funny that you would get money directly from killing monsters in pretty much any game. Seems more sensible than you'd only get it from bounty rewards or some shyt (and maybe just get money from human enemies, lol), if you going to put a speck of realism in a fantasy situation, but that's whatever really.

Berseria's difficulty was a neat, built-in dynamic adjustable one with those Granites or whatever those bounty items were called. As it was, that was pretty much always on the player to decide where they wanted to be with that or not, so I can see how that could easier to contend with than just the couple you have here (albeit you can still adjust those at any time too, just in a more traditional sense).

I will say that it's funny that in the ways that this game is just like most old tales games with how bosses mostly get down and how the combat ultimately delves into, cats on here are like, "ah, it's just another tales game", but harp on the "negatives" of that and seemingly be whatever with it in the older games. Yet, in the ways that it changes things, cats on here seem to overlook the positives that comes with that, like actually being able to dodge a mystic art and magic altogether with the perfect dodge and get a rebuttal (I know Berseria, you can do it's lesser version of perfect dodge against most attacks, but didnt' seem to work on Mystic Artes and it was jankier overall with how its movement system is comparatively; great for its time tho) with it as well and how your healing spells don't have to be shared with your attack spells magic points pool, so it's more just a matter of using healing, when needed vs. pick n choosing between the two.
No other Tales games have the boss go into a loop of firing off mystic artes attacks that rapidly over and over into the last stage of the fight. Sure they have them and use then in fights but they're spaced out far better than that.

You can go anywhere people are discussing this game and you're gonna hear the same complaints:
damage sponge bosses
excessive forced item use in boss fights
low on money

They did a lot of things right here but they're getting pretty blatant in their attempts to create problems that DLC solves easily. People look and think they can play for some hours to farm money on a mini game or just pay $2 and get 100,000 gald in seconds. They even sell removal of the 15 item cap limit. There's DLC that will sell you 100 more CP instantly. Again on some slick shyt they gave the reviewers the ultimate version of the game that mitigates all the issues they created in a normal playthrough.

Overall I'm positive on the game and they didn't throw anything at me that wasn't something I couldn't overcome as I beat the game but that's a disturbing direction the series is going in. Playing previous games you just don't see the battle system and economy being specifically designed to be frustrating and time consuming to the player. In most JRPGs you don't need to grind for money or exp if you play normally you can manage. Here your money is a very limited resource even in a normal playthrough.


52 Years Young
May 28, 2012
beat this and legit disliked it by the end :manny:

prettier game, much shorter than other tales games. flashy combat, enemies tanky as fukk for no damned reason and all the additional properties they get that require a specific party member's boost being up just stretches combat even further past comfortable limits. the most dlc driven tales game by far, abilities and skills locked behind a paywall is bs. arguably the weakest cast ever. story plain mid.

i actually liked the end game dungeon ideas. would've been great if CP attrition wasn't baked into the core of the gameplay loop

way too much apologizing on behalf of arise when other games would get hammered for the same shyt :unimpressed:
Wasn't shorter to me. Took me about 55 hours to complete. Berseria for example took me 42. Zestiria took me 32.

42 Monks

Feb 20, 2014
All the bolded are much more boon than bane for me. :myman::yeshrug:
I'm 70+ hours in and still ain't beat (granted, I'm sure there's at least 10+ hours of idle time on my part, unfortunately:snoop:). Game definitely long enough tho. Enemies seem pretty much the same as other tales games IMO. I will say the lack of variety in them as far as actual types instead of just some color palette swaps and select different abilities is smh-worthy. Cast and story seem straight to me thus far. I do think some past games have more....fantastically, fanatically and frantically exuberant:mjtf::mjlol: characters than here tho, in both good and bad ways, so while older games cast stick out more, sometimes wasn't always in the best ways. More humorous and entertaining, at times tho. Kinda trades off IMO:ld:, as they at least seem more realistic and thus relatable here:whew:, albeit still anime trope-ish:manny:......:jbhmm:dichotomy be damned.:lupe::lolbron:
bruh the ankle deep depth of these areas and dungeons compared to others are what sets it apart. its not a glance at the game clock im talking about

these dungeons are somehow more linear and filled with more backtracking than when tales had fixed camera areas. even vesperia found a way to make each city more than walk in a circle with every shop stuffed into one cubby hole or nearly every event stuck to a street corner.

these enemies are plainly not on the level of other tales games either. in no other game did you have to wait for a character specific ability to charge (and they charge dramatically slower in boss/miniboss encounters because the primary way to build those meters is through enemy defeats and downs) just to properly damage it or prevent attacks that your AI will eat face first. mobile games do that to stretch content. its got not place in a large release unless synergy mechanics have waaaay more effort put into them.

not sure how anyone is feeling the cast either. alphen is probably the most dull and lifeless protag in the whole series. at least the graces protag was a whole clown. alphen is plain boring - which is the worst possible thing to happen to a lead. the amount of times that dovalhim had no idea what was going on despite being a lord was comical. kisara had a hot minute of being a much needed spark to the party but then she turns into a boring team mom with a brother complex. law and wizard girl essentially run their character arc and turn into cardboard cut outs for the rest of the game.

but you been defending this game like you get paid for it :manny: don't even know why i bother responding after you been on this song for the past 10 pages
Wasn't shorter to me. Took me about 55 hours to complete. Berseria for example took me 42. Zestiria took me 32.
Berseria had way more bonus content that was at least worth the trip.

outside of the gnome run, this was just backtracking to areas that were never interesting to begin with. that's my biggest issue. this is bloated with so much colorful *nothing* that its actually turned me off to the series a bit. glad it sold well, but if they repeat something like this its obvious that it ain't for me going forward. you gotta really be into shionne's one note bird tendencies to be drawn in to this game's narrative.

and zestiria was lame as hell nobody talks about zestiria :manny:


Jan 23, 2015
It's kind of frustrating how limited control you have over the ai partners. We should be able to give each individual character instructions rather than a set of limited commands for the team. I be mad as hell with shionne and rimwell in the middle of the fight rather than staying away and attacking and supporting from a distance.


Mar 5, 2013
The Scriptures
It's kind of frustrating how limited control you have over the ai partners. We should be able to give each individual character instructions rather than a set of limited commands for the team. I be mad as hell with shionne and rimwell in the middle of the fight rather than staying away and attacking and supporting from a distance.

Yep but …

I found out all the moves that require them to be close for them to attack and disabled those in cpu ai artes list

I’ve got them pretty much doing long range shyt to stay out the way