Tales of Arise | PS4/PS5/XB1/XSX/PC | 9/10/21


The King of Fighters
May 1, 2012
Phoenix, AZ
bruh the ankle deep depth of these areas and dungeons compared to others are what sets it apart. its not a glance at the game clock im talking about

these dungeons are somehow more linear and filled with more backtracking than when tales had fixed camera areas. even vesperia found a way to make each city more than walk in a circle with every shop stuffed into one cubby hole or nearly every event stuck to a street corner.

these enemies are plainly not on the level of other tales games either. in no other game did you have to wait for a character specific ability to charge (and they charge dramatically slower in boss/miniboss encounters because the primary way to build those meters is through enemy defeats and downs) just to properly damage it or prevent attacks that your AI will eat face first. mobile games do that to stretch content. its got not place in a large release unless synergy mechanics have waaaay more effort put into them.

not sure how anyone is feeling the cast either. alphen is probably the most dull and lifeless protag in the whole series. at least the graces protag was a whole clown. alphen is plain boring - which is the worst possible thing to happen to a lead. the amount of times that dovalhim had no idea what was going on despite being a lord was comical. kisara had a hot minute of being a much needed spark to the party but then she turns into a boring team mom with a brother complex. law and wizard girl essentially run their character arc and turn into cardboard cut outs for the rest of the game.

but you been defending this game like you get paid for it :manny: don't even know why i bother responding after you been on this song for the past 10 pages

Berseria had way more bonus content that was at least worth the trip.

outside of the gnome run, this was just backtracking to areas that were never interesting to begin with. that's my biggest issue. this is bloated with so much colorful *nothing* that its actually turned me off to the series a bit. glad it sold well, but if they repeat something like this its obvious that it ain't for me going forward. you gotta really be into shionne's one note bird tendencies to be drawn in to this game's narrative.

and zestiria was lame as hell nobody talks about zestiria :manny:

:heh: If only breh. And ya'll was saying I was getting emotional earlier just for questioning and retorting some of ya'lls claims, lol. Nah man, I just really like the game, enjoy talking about it as much as I do playing it and have been speaking on it, positive and negative, how I see fit. That goes for stating my POV and commenting on others, alike or not alike. Ain't like my differing opinion was disrespectful any, just different.:smugdraper: We can agree to disagree.:myman:

But I hear you. You've been a mainstay fan of the series for a long time, so you're probably more attuned to its traits, good and bad, than I am, admittedly. Which is also why certain things liable to unnerve you more, understandably so. I'm newer to the series (you know this man, you were one of the prime cats on here big uppin Berseria to me a year ago:salute::ufdup:) so it's all fairly fresh for me, so I'm living my best life with this shyt breh. Salute me.:ahh:

As for some of the backtracking sentiments and things like that. I mean, I can see how that could annoy some if one feels it's in excess. I can't say that it's felt like that to me tho. Our barometers of tolerance just may differ there or something. Long as the game fun (this game or any), things like that don't really phase me like that and IMO, was barely noticeable here. The boost rates can be increases from accessories to the skill grid, to which not every character's is solely tied to only downed states. Some are from Crits as well, so...:patrice:

You say the series is going a direction akin to mobile games and not liking that. For you, is this moreso just due to a change in direction possibly for this series or you just don't care for it from a mobile games standpoint at and/or don't feel the practices of mobile games should go into console games (sounds like you kinda said this much). I ask as well since I know you big upped Genshin Impact quite a bit and it, like more and more games are now, are starting to blur the lines between console and mobile games. As such, they'll both be borrowing philosophies from each other, I'm sure. For better or worse.


The King of Fighters
May 1, 2012
Phoenix, AZ
It's kind of frustrating how limited control you have over the ai partners. We should be able to give each individual character instructions rather than a set of limited commands for the team. I be mad as hell with shionne and rimwell in the middle of the fight rather than staying away and attacking and supporting from a distance.

Yeah, I agree. That's annoying, but I switch between each character fairly often or as I see fit. Also...
Yep but …

I found out all the moves that require them to be close for them to attack and disabled those in cpu ai artes list

I’ve got them pretty much doing long range shyt to stay out the way

This is a good way to tackle that as well and has also been something you could do in past games as well. It's not the most seamless way to do things, but it's something. I actually never really toggle with turning their arts off tho.


Nov 21, 2016
Everything in Arise's combat system is designed to frustrate the player. The fights with regular enemies are nothing like the boss fights. The end of the boss fights with the damage sponge bosses usually turn into them spamming ultimate attacks over and over again in a loop with wide AOE effects. Turns into you racing to try to build up your boost gauge, keep the CPU AI alive and end the fight before you run out of stuff to keep your party upright. One or two hits from a boss is enough to take your entire life bar. Many of their attacks one shot you.

They make you use healing CP to get items in the dungeon and make it difficult to refill it like it's a Persona game forcing you to leave the dungeon and sleep at an inn or campfire to regain them just so you can teleport back to the beginning of the dungeon and run back through it to get back to where you are. There's no time mechanic like Persona either it's just an obstacle they put in your path to frustrate you and waste your time. It doesn't really change anything it just consumes time. You either have to flee from all the fights or just do them and it's not really rewarding because once you reach the enemy level experience points aren't worth it and you're not really earning money from the fights either.

Money is purposely kept in short supply and CP restoring items are excessively expensive. The money for which contends with sometimes needing to buy new equipment.

Berseria at the very least has none of those issues. It doesn't feel like a game designed on a level to frustrate players into buying DLC packs to rectify flaws they knowingly baked into the game. I'm not constantly babysitting the AI team mates and guzzling life bottles to keep them alive. Healing has never been an issue.

I know people will say there's ways to get around the money issues with mini games. Still doesn't change the fact that in a normal playthrough for people who don't even care about going out of their way to do that they've purposely created a scarcity of money that doesn't exist even in previous games of this series then make sure they display there's low cost DLC for a couple bucks to buy in-game money with real money. In normal RPGs usually fighting battles nets you decent money.

Lastly they sent reviewers an ultimate edition package that contained DLC that mitigated all those baked in flaws simply by claiming the DLC.

CP might as well MP. It adds nothing to the game, except time.

Tenchi Ryu

Ashtray B!tch
Nov 17, 2014
Chicago - SouthSide - Wild 100s
I’m pretty sure this is the final dungeon, I remember y’all saying when you see boss enemies walking around like normal enemies that was the sign….and at level 50 taking them out is fairly easy compared to earlier in the game….my squad can dish out 15k - 20k damage in a combo fairly competently now


The King of Fighters
May 1, 2012
Phoenix, AZ
I’m pretty sure this is the final dungeon, I remember y’all saying when you see boss enemies walking around like normal enemies that was the sign….and at level 50 taking them out is fairly easy compared to earlier in the game….my squad can dish out 15k - 20k damage in a combo fairly competently now

I'm in the low 40's levels and I've been dishing out that kind of damage since being in the mid-30's.


The King of Fighters
May 1, 2012
Phoenix, AZ
bruh the ankle deep depth of these areas and dungeons compared to others are what sets it apart. its not a glance at the game clock im talking about

these dungeons are somehow more linear and filled with more backtracking than when tales had fixed camera areas. even vesperia found a way to make each city more than walk in a circle with every shop stuffed into one cubby hole or nearly every event stuck to a street corner.

Oh yeah, I meant to ask you as well regarding the previous Tales game dungeons. Which ones are you saying have the superior dungeons? I know Vesperia had some good ones for sure. Berseria tho, dungeons definitely wasn't its strong suit IMO.