How did Lincoln get shot for slavery when he was shot after the war?
He was shot because he was a crooked politian hated by northerns and southerners.
The US had military mobs beating and killing people who went to his funeral parade and laughed at him.

You on some wack historical confusion. It seems you need a few corrections to your historical ignorance.
That means ni--er citizenship. Now, by God, I'll put him through. That is the last speech he will ever give.
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That's John Wilkes Booth, as recounted by co-conspirator Lewis Powell, 2 days before the assassination. Lincoln had just given a speech from the White House saying that he wanted Black people to have the right to vote. You want to backtrack now?
1) John Wilkes Booth had been a Southern sympathizer and a slavery sympathizer since the beginning of the Civil War - he called their secession "heroic". So his hate obvoiusly wasn't a commentary on Lincoln's politics if it was already there when Lincoln had barely stepped into office. Northerners were calling for him to be banned from the stage (he was a famous actor), and there are receipts.
2) Lincoln wasn't supposed to be assassinated alone - it was part of a combined plot to assassinate Lincoln, Ulysses Grant, Andrew Johnson, and SecState William Stewart all at the same time. The guy who was supposed to assassinate Johnson (George Atzerodt) chickened out last second (saying he had only agreed to kidnapping, not killing), while the ones who were assassinating Stewart (Lewis Powell and David Herald) shot and seriously wounded him, but he managed to recover. Grant was supposed to attend the play with Lincoln, but he and his wife backed out, so he ended up okay too. The whole point of the plot was to cripple the Union government and give the South a chance to reassert independence while the North was in disarray. Since Johnson was a Democrat and Stewart was probably the most respected politician in Republican party history at the time, it obviously wasn't a commentary on Lincoln's political style.
3) He wasn't assassinated "after the war". Booth came up with the whole plan and had been recruiting people for months. Lee had surrendered HIS army 5 days before Booth was able to carry his plan out, but Lee did NOT surrender for the Confederacy. Johnston's troops continued fighting in North Carolina, Taylor's troops kept fighting in Alabama and Mississippi, Forrest's men were still fighting in Tennessee and elsewhere, and Taylor and Watie still had forces west of the Mississippi. The rest of the Confederate surrenders other than Lee didn't happen until late April, May, and June, and all were taken by President Johnson, NOT Lincoln. The end of the Civil War is generally agreed to be June 2, when Gen. Kirby Smith surrendered his forces, meaning that the last Confederate army had given up.
4) Booth's desire to kill Lincoln, Grant, Johnson, and Seward had nothing to do with "Lincoln was a crooked politician". The original plot wasn't even to kill Lincoln, it was to kidnap him and hold him ransom until the North agreed to release all Southern POWs, thereby prolonging the war and giving the South a chance to retain slavery. He tried to carry it out on March 17 but got thrown off by a change in plans by Lincoln. After Lincoln's quote about giving Black people the vote, he changed to assassination, and wanted to take out the entire Northern leadership to give the South one last chance.
5) Lincoln was insanely beloved after his death. He had decided to free the slaves, he had expressed desire to give Black people the vote, and he had helped extend an insanely bloody 4-year war nothing like America had ever experienced - so of course he was going to have haters. But the outpouring of love for him across the North after his death was undeniable.