I can't argue with someone who doesn't have the reading comprehension to understand the material he posted in his own link.
"It was only with his death that Lincoln's popularity soared. Lincoln was slain on Good Friday, and pastors who had for four years criticized Lincoln from their pulpits rewrote their Easter Sunday sermons to remember him as an American Moses who brought his people out of slavery but was not allowed to cross over into the Promised Land. Secretary of War Stanton arranged a funeral procession for Lincoln's body on a continental scale, with the slain president now a Republican martyr to freedom, traversing in reverse his train journey from Springfield to the nation's capital four years earlier. Seeing Lincoln's body in his casket, with soldiers in blue standing guard, hundreds of thousands of Northerners forgot their earlier distrust and took away instead an indelible sentimental image of patriotic sacrifice, one that cemented the dominance of the Republican Party for the rest of their lives and their children's."
Your link says that Lincoln began to be beloved IMMEDIATELY on his death. It's talking about sermons written on THAT day, talking about hundresd of thousands who forgot their distrust right then and there and, as it notes, cemented the dominance of the Republican party for their lifetimes.
What's this "1920s" bullshyt? The effect was immediate.
"It wasn’t until it became clear that the North was going to win the war that the tide of opinion started to change. His murder completely changed how people viewed him from then onward (thus began his rise to “sainthood.”)"
And that's from your other link. It claims that the tide of opinion was changing even before his death, from when it became clear the North was going to win the war. (Which you say was a full year before his death.) And it says that his murder completely changed how people viewed him. Not public school indoctrination 55 years later. His murder, then and there.
Was there an article somewhere by someone who hated him? Of course! Someone writes articles hating on every president, and Lincoln warred against an entire half of the country, sent 500,000 soldiers to their deaths, and ended slavery, so he had more haters than most. But that doesn't change the fact that he was generally beloved upon his death, which even your own links admit.
Everything else you say was already rebuked handedly. Reread what I posted. You don't seem to be able to sift history outside of your own opinion, which you probably got from a youtube video by some NeoConfederate or some idiot who listens to them.
I'm sorry if you don't have the intellectual honesty to read more than one paragraph and believe in fairytales that people magically loved him, when in fact there are numerous instances in those same links that document people actually celebrating his death.
As for his make over it wasn't immediate at all, you still had half the country and a signficant faction of northerners who celebrated his death. It took time and a concerted effort to complete the PR spin of him being "beloved" and "honest" Abe.
Actually it wasn't immediate.
I'm sorry about the links I posted about how much they hated him during his life, but I have a book The Real Lincoln by Tom DiLorenzo that goes more into the actual goings on at the time regarding the hate that Lincoln had even post death. Such as US military sentencing members who spoke out about how much they hated him to death and etc.
You really haven't rebuked anything though.
As for Neo-confederate, hardly, I have no love for the conferderates just like I have no love for the union and the present day US.
I will say this though its clear with what we know about Lincoln and his view of blacks that its clear he wasn't shot or killed because he wanted black men to be free and be able to vote.