Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury


All Star
May 2, 2012
The H
None of those are ports aside from TLOU R and none of them are several years old. And TLOUR was still a new game when i t was REMASTERED

Spider-man wasn’t full priced
Dragon quest xi S was 40 dollars
Persona 5 royal had way more than just 5 hours of content

3d world is 8 years old, and is virtually the same game you got 8 years ago. Bowsers fury doesn’t justify a 60 dollar price tag. 3d world is 20 dollars on the e-shop for the wii-u, you’re telling me a port of the same game along with bowsers fury makes it 60?

I literally paid $60 for DQXI S.. I have receipts. Maybe it was $50 for PS4. But the original release on switch was $60.
Spiderman is 70 for the PS5 with the, let's be honest here, DLC that was Miles Morales. Similar to Bowser's Fury here.
P5 Royal had an extra dungeon and a new character with a new ending. Only reason it's more than 5 hours is cuz everything in P5 is dragged the fukk out. 10 of those hours is just clicking through mindless dialogue.

For all of those games I could've gotten them half off if I bought the original digitally. It's not as different as you're making it out to be. I get the age debate, but I counter that with the fact no one fukking played it in the first place cuz it was released on a DOA console. But do you man. Again, it's just smart business on Nintendo's part. They have a market for this price and it'll sell tons.


blathering blatherskite!
Aug 15, 2018
Duckburg, NY
I literally paid $60 for DQXI S.. I have receipts. Maybe it was $50 for PS4. But the original release on switch was $60.

The original switch release wasn’t a port though. It was the original game. The re-released version for xbox, pc, and PlayStation was 40 dollars.

Spiderman is 70 for the PS5 with the, let's be honest here, DLC that was Miles Morales. Similar to Bowser's Fury here.

This was addressed above

P5 Royal had an extra dungeon and a new character with a new ending. Only reason it's more than 5 hours is cuz everything in P5 is dragged the fukk out. 10 of those hours is just clicking through mindless dialogue.

If you don’t like the dialogue of persona 5 royal then you don’t have a reason to play persona 5, period. It’s not fluff, its the same game you’ve been playing for the past 100 hours, only 30 hours more of it. If extra dungeon, characters, items, bosses, mementos, traversal, QoL improvements, character interactions, persona, mini-games etc. aren’t to your liking thats fine, but the expansion of persona 5 royal is what people love about persona 5. You can’t dismiss it because you don’t like persona.

Again, it's just smart business on Nintendo's part. They have a market for this price and it'll sell tons.

I’m not gonna dap a major corporation for runnning my pockets:duck:

For all of those games I could've gotten them half off if I bought the original digitally.

Yeah, on the system that you own. Can you buy the original 3D world on the switch? Is that an option? Because I’m sure a lot of people would have done that if they had the option like all the games above


May 2, 2012
NY all day..Da Stead & BK..
Also, before anyone thinks I’m caping for sony like yall usually jump ahead to do...I had the same criticism for spider-man/miles morales.

If this is comparable to that, (which it isn’t considering spiderman came out two years before the remaster and not 8) spider-man miles morales would be 50, which i criticized as being a rip-off. And the original spider-man remastered would be 20, which it is whether you buy it with miles or the original on psn.

If thats the same as 3D world that would make bowsers fury 40 dollars and 3D world 20 dollars. Which is fair for 3D world but not a good deal at all for the DLC.

For example, would people pay 40 dollars for Bowser’s Fury on its own like they did with Miles Morales? Probably not, especially knowing its at most 5 hours of extra content. The problem is people are trying to justify the 20 dollar joint as being worth 60 dollars with a bonus of bowser’s fury
No. Let me ask u a question. Would u have an issue if they sold Mario for $39.99? No Bowsers Fury? And it’s not a direct port it’s upgraded for Switch.


blathering blatherskite!
Aug 15, 2018
Duckburg, NY
No. Let me ask u a question. Would u have an issue if they sold Mario for $39.99? No Bowsers Fury? And it’s not a direct port it’s upgraded for Switch.

Let me guess, you’re gonna say, “well thats how much it is and bowsers fury is 20” and yes, i still think 40 dollars is too much for the base 3D World and 20 is too much for bowser.

The entire game should be 40 with bowser. But that’s just me and comparing it to other non-nintendo ports

Dre Space Age

Jun 9, 2012
Wasn't actually planning on buying this game. I was just trolling earlier in the thread. It’s not that serious. I also think it being full-priced sucks but I understand where Nintendo’s coming from since the Wii-U flopped. However a couple min ago my son, asked if we could play Super Mario Odyssey together I said sure but its offline only how bout we play 3D World since it also has 2-4 players online and offline? He ain’t know what it was so I bought a copy of it for my Switch and his Switch.

Last week my coworker just bought a Switch and he told me he was gonna buy it, I ain’t think nothing of it. Another coworker told me he was gonna buy it and asked me to get it so we could play together, I said sure whatever.

Do you know how many times people ask me to get a Switch game and I be like sure and never actually get it? I still don’t have Super Smash Bros. But now due to peer pressure and my son wanting to play Mario with me I took the plunge and bought this game twice. I wonder how many moms and dads are like me gonna end up having to buy this game?

Also fresh off Super Nintendo Word theme park, the Nintendo hype machine feels are real this game gonna sell like crazy.