@Responsible Allen Iverson you and I are 2 of the 8 North Americans that actually bought a Wii U and this game; are we buying this port?

@Responsible Allen Iverson you and I are 2 of the 8 North Americans that actually bought a Wii U and this game; are we buying this port?
Me too. LolWow.... I'm one of the 8
It’ll be just like Mario Maker multiplayer. Can’t wait lol
Playing it now and truly is the only system the Mrs and I can sit and play for fun. My PC and PS4 can chill for now
ya for most of last gen the PS4 took a backseat to the switch (XB1 got the most burn)...it wasn’t til last year when I started using my PS4 routinely after TLOU2 and ghost of tsushima dropped that the switch took the back seat...upgrading to the PS5/XSX didn’t do it any favors either
this Mario is fun as hell, I’d recommend copping it breh.
Honestly every mainline Super Mario game has been great. Outside of the New super Mario bros series becoming a lil redundant these games never miss.this Mario is fun as hell, I’d recommend copping it breh.
you hold R to use the mouse or if your playing hand held you can just use your finger to be the mouse since its touch screen.Playing it now and truly is the only system the Mrs and I can sit and play for fun. My PC and PS4 can chill for now
That’s the goal
Didn’t know the controllers can split either
And what’s the hand/M sign that acts like a mouse controller?