Bryan Danielson
Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
when you have a budget of this size and certain stars, i.e. will and robbie, they were only gonna go so far with the movie...besides: the only thing being rated R wouldve done was added more cuss words and more graphic violence....which wasnt needed for this movie...
you think deadpool did what it did cause it was rated r? lol did well cause it stuck to the source material, which warrants an R rating...also, cause people got caught up in the hype of it, so they just 'had to go see it'....another thing to remember: the budget was a lot cheaper for deadpool than ss, so fox was willing to take that chance....
that's cool they think that and if this was a joker focused movie, it mightve been rated R...but since it's not, it wasnt....seriously, just cause you put R on a movie doesnt mean it will do well...if you slap R on something like ss, you better make sure you have a hit cause you shrinking the potential audience pool compared to a pg-13 rating ....and i dont think WB were sure they did....
Brother Lutha Nero! I knew you'd come!!!

Straight up, would so many of y'all please read this post and drink it in!
Nothing but truth in the post that's why I'm quoting it