Suicide Squad (Official Thread)


Jul 16, 2013
once again i don't think there is a single marvel studios movie that is as structurally broken as suicide squad.

having said that, they HAVE made movies that are a lot less watchable :jbhmm:

so, even though the movies are a lot less watchable, since they arent structurally broken, you're not willing to say they are a mess? aight man, gotcha....


All Star
May 30, 2013



Jul 16, 2013
Consensus is that all three are the best comic book movies that also elevated the genre (critics and fans) :manny:

So if follow up movies aren't on par or better they will be heavily scrutnised.

Comparing them to Marvel's films is a cop-out because the DC movies were branded on being above "Marvel's popcorn films" and being the best of genre.

So to start comparing them to those films instead of the Holy Trinity just seems like a self-admission that the film in question quite frankly wasn't good enough:yeshrug:.

i get what you saying...but to me, that comparison to nolan's films isnt valid...i say that cause i think the reason those movies are held so high is because they arent really 'comic book' movies....i think dark knight is a great movie that happens to have batman in it, but i never refer to it as a great batman me, those movies only comic by default cause of the lead being much as batman/batman related things are in the movies, titles, etc., if you exchanged batman and those things for generic shyt, you'd still have the same movies, and that's what nolan was going for with his 'real world' take on comic movies........hell, the actually movies are pretty close to proving this as well with how shytty bale was as batman (which is another testament to how great dark knight is just as a movie that happens to have batman in it), but that's another topic....also, the nolan movies are self contained...they dont have to interconnect with anything/anyone else....a better comparison to the nolan films would be the spidey trilogy, but even then not really cause one trilogy was comic films, the other wasnt....

that's why i think the comparison to marvel is more valid....both are building interconnecting worlds/characters, just like comic books....that have overreaching arcs/plots to be shared across different movies....


Aug 17, 2012
New York City
OK since we are talking budgets and box office let me brake some things down so bare with me. To those trying to downplay the success of this film by using the Budget agianst it. (Plenty of Marvel films have 150-200 Million budgets as well) Trust me WB is having a huge party over this. NOBODY even the biggest Box Office Experts had "Suicide Squad" breaking any records. WB just broke the record for most consecutive years over 1 Billion at the Domestic Box Office (17 Years 99-Present) First let me explain something about Movie Revenue, the whole (It needs to make 3x it's budget) isn't all the way true. Yes a film does have to make a the bare minunum DOUBLE it's budget before Studio can see anything. That's true. The reason the 3x's isn't fully true is because there are SEVERAL revenue streams for movie (Home Video DVD/Blu-ray, Streaming (Netflex, Hulu etc), International Gross, Television Rights, etc).

Also when a studio releases "Production Budget" most people think that doesn't include marketing. You are correct because studios don't inlcuding marketing dollars in the Budget because most of the time (Not all) the marketing money is already written off by production credits and rebates. Also a studio never wants the public to truely know how much they spent marketing a project. Only on Really huge blockbusters does the marketing money go past rebates. Rumors are Disney spent over 150 Milllion Markting "The Force Awakens" (Budget 150, Marketing 150). Fox spent 125 Million Marketing "Avatar".

"Suicide Squad" a year ago, tracking for this film was at about 65-70 Million. Most of that was based on Will's Star Power because Neither Jared (Never had a 100 Million grossing film) nor Margot (She's had a few but she's didn't drive the film and was a supporting character) are huge box office draws dispite playing legendary characters. The 175 Budget for Suicide Squad was definitely mostly Actors Salaries, Effects, Locations. Let's put this into context. "Star Trek" (185 M Budget) and "Bornue" (120 M Budget) both popular franchises barely cleared 60 Million. "X-men" (178 M Budget) coming off a well recieved "DOFP" came in at 65 Million. Even the "Ghostbusters" reboot cost over 150 Budget and that clearly ain't recouping came in 56 Opening Weekend. "Independence Day: R" cost 165 Million (41 Million Opening weekend) just as much as "Suicide Squad". "Suicide Squad" outperformed all of these titles, no way anyone can spin it as a flop.

But something happen between "Civil War" and "Suicide Squad". It was a very lackluster summer for movergoers. Way to many underperformaing blockbusters. All the sudden "Suicide Squad" became an event blockbuster that you would expect in May or even July. Even with Batman in a cameo and Joker all over the marketing, as well as Harley Quinn finally getting on the Big Screen, "Suicide Squad" is nowhere near a premier comic book title of other DC heroes or even Marvel. Tracking didn't start to uptick until about 2 weeks ago when fandango saw a huge spike in presales. Many box office sources that I know personally said that even WB is floored by those numbers as their inside tracking had it at about 80 Million at best. When pressed by the media they finally put out a number of about 110 Million (Once the fandango reports came in) so they were still unsure at the final hour.

Just as nobody saw "Guadians" breaking the record (Oh yeah Guadians had a 200 Million Budget by the way), Nobody thought this film could do it let alone break it by 40 million. It also had a very strong hold for Monday at about 13.5 Million. If "Guadians" made 330 Million and BatsVSupes made 330 Million than if "Suicide Squad" ends up beating both and possible "Deadpool" becoming the 2nd highest grossing comic book film domestically than I don't see how you can say this is anything but a huge success. Now yes if the Legs fall apart and lets say it tops out at about 250-260 then yes one could argue there is possibly bad word of mouth. The bottom line is DCEU is ahead of Marvel box office wise after their first few films:

(First 3 Films) Iron Man, Incredible Hulk, Iron Man 2 = 1.4 Billion

(First 2 Films) Man of Steel, BatsVSupes = 1.5 Billion (After Suicide Squad they will be well pass 2 Billion after only 3 movies)

You could agrue yes they had to bring out the big dogs to get those numbers (Hulk was a big dog for Marvel that underperformed by the way) but the reality of the matter is you can't be bias and say Marvel did great out the gate (When they really didn't as Hulk and Iron Man 2 weren't that great) while saying DC didn't when clearly they are putting up the results. Critical Accliam is missing yes but I'm looking at the critics sideways when they give great reviews to average Marvel films while piling on and bashing DC films. The point is there is clearly a HUGE demand for DC comic characters. Marvel does not have the monopoly they've had over the last 4 years since "The Dark Knight Trilogy" ended. As long as "Wonder Woman" does well (It Will as Supergirl, Catwoman and Electra are it's only competition for female solo films and they all flopped) then you transistion to Justice League for the Holidays and DC wil have 5 Successful Films, 3 of which already broken records.

Now I will say this and after a long time thinking about it, Yes "BatsVSupes" should of done over a Billion and it's clear it fell just short because there were issues with the film that people couldn't just get behind. And that's fair. In no way am I saying all 3 films were flawless Classics but they also weren't "TRASH", "Worst Comic Book Movies Ever" as RT Critics would have you believe. (DareDevil has a higher score than SS and BvS, lol) "Man of Steel" IMO did everything it needed to do to reintroduce Superman to general audiences after that lackuster "Returns". "Suicide Squad" to me delievered and gave WB/DC a whole new blockbuster franchise out of left field. Overall I think DC needs to continue what they are doing. "Suicide Squad" is vastly different than anything I've seen from Marvel as far as giving us the Dark Comic Book Vibe (Sans Blade of course). As a fan of both DC and Marvel I want them to co-exsist but they can't when people aren't giving DC a fair shake because they are so afraid of Marvel having some competition.

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May 2, 2012
Yeah does seem like dc films get drug through the mud more so and some of it is deserved.

Marvel is the Jennifer Lawrence of comic book movies. Their golden child. Can do no wrong. Even though majority of their movies I have no use for, thor, thor 2, ant man, ironman 2,3, AOU

This is what I've been noticing too.

It's kinda the elephant in the room for me because every single one of those movies you named have glaring flaws in them. Yet look at the rotten tomatoe scores for them.

AOU: 75%

Sep 12, 2013
so, even though the movies are a lot less watchable, since they arent structurally broken, you're not willing to say they are a mess? aight man, gotcha....

iron man 2 is the only marvel movie i would call a 'mess'. that movie had very few redeeming qualities. so many fails. from the story, to the pacing, everything. terrible movie.

i would also say that i enjoyed watching suicide squad more than at least a few marvel movies in spite of it's noticeable shortcomings. :ehh:


May 25, 2015
Just came back from the theatres. Y'all nitpicked the fukk outta this movie. I liked it.

(I was maybe ten feet away from the screen so my neck and back are hurting right now)

Wasn't it perfect? Hell no. You can tell there were scenes left on the cutting room floor. But did I enjoy it? Hell yeah. Everyone killed their roles, small and big. Katana was the muscle, she ain't suppose to have much dialogue. Deadshot was GREAT. If anyone got jipped it was Adam Beach. Our Native American brothers getting real disrespected onscreen. But it's a big assemble cast, I'm not to expect shared screen time with the whole cast especially when you have Will Smith and Viola Davis in it. (I thought Robocop did a good job with Flagg. I still have his accent stuck in my head as I write this. Couldn't imagine Hardy as Flagg though.) Am I the only one that heard Jon Berenthal when Diablo spoke at times? No. Just me? K. Diablo was a great character, that is remorseful inmate who found God character with fire powers. Loved him.

Leto as Joker now? :patrice: *Sigh* I wasn't too impressed. I guess I was expecting him to be a big reveal instead of just there in a straight jacket. That was my only real expectation going in but he delivered when he was with Harley. But Batman's cameo felt off.

Only other gripe I had was Cara Delevigne. She was not good as Enchantress as soon as the spirit took over aka when she wasn't hidden in smoke and darkness.


May 2, 2012
iron man 2 is the only marvel movie i would call a 'mess'. that movie had very few redeeming qualities. so many fails. from the story, to the pacing, everything. terrible movie.

i would also say that i enjoyed watching suicide squad more than at least a few marvel movies in spite of it's noticeable shortcomings. :ehh:
So by your own accord thor 1 and iron man 2 are the worst of the Marvel films

Iron man 2 has a rt of 72% and thor 77%.

While suicide squad is sitting at a 26%

How can you not see the critic bias in these films?

The shyt is becoming a problem because everyone looks at that fukking score before seeing movies now and most people just go with the negative score.

This shyt has dc scrambling to fix movies that didn't need to be fixed, just to please critics who seem like they are prepared to shyt on anything dc does. On the other hand, alot of marvel movies keep having the same problem that they may never see a need to address since even their bad movies are praised as the best comicbook movie ever.


May 2, 2012
This quote from that like is what I'm talking about

"While the reviews have been overly negative (and some say biased), Suicide Squad looks to be a hit by the fans as it's a fun movie and the actors are all top notch.Suicide Squad has been compared to the Marvel movies (which the critics always rave about) by a lot of fans as it contains that action and humor, but also just a so-so villain, which plagues the Marvel movies sans Tom Hiddlston's Loki."

shyt is so obvious at this point.

Jazzy B.

Aug 8, 2013
i get what you saying...but to me, that comparison to nolan's films isnt valid...i say that cause i think the reason those movies are held so high is because they arent really 'comic book' movies....i think dark knight is a great movie that happens to have batman in it, but i never refer to it as a great batman me, those movies only comic by default cause of the lead being much as batman/batman related things are in the movies, titles, etc., if you exchanged batman and those things for generic shyt, you'd still have the same movies, and that's what nolan was going for with his 'real world' take on comic movies........hell, the actually movies are pretty close to proving this as well with how shytty bale was as batman (which is another testament to how great dark knight is just as a movie that happens to have batman in it), but that's another topic....also, the nolan movies are self contained...they dont have to interconnect with anything/anyone else....a better comparison to the nolan films would be the spidey trilogy, but even then not really cause one trilogy was comic films, the other wasnt....

that's why i think the comparison to marvel is more valid....both are building interconnecting worlds/characters, just like comic books....that have overreaching arcs/plots to be shared across different movies....

That's what the follow up films were also meant to be breh (Post-Nolan effect) :manny:

Snyder and Ayer even said all this themselves before their movies were released.

The real world Nolan approach was applied to Superman in Man of Steel and structurally it followed Batman Begins. That movie was also originally meant to be the first in standalone series akin to TDK trilogy.

Ayer referred to Suicide Squad as "comic book movie 2.0" as in being above conventional comic book movies.

The fanbase ate statements like those up and wanted films as such but now suddenly want to compare these movies to supposed lesser movies instead of the Holy Trinity, I wonder why :patrice:


Blade said what up
May 1, 2012
#ByrdGang #TheColi
:laff::laff::laff::laff: @wire28 they try to shyt on ultron and ant man
these nikkas still bytchin? for some nikkas that hate marvel they sure do have great memories in regards to their films. antman was highly enjoyable and came outta nowhere. anybody hating on that is automatically dismissed.