Suicide Squad (Official Thread)


Jan 29, 2015
Hell no.


Mark Hammil's Jokee is a GOAT-tier Joker. You can look at his work on the Arkham games to realize that he's perfect mix of terrifying, unpredictable, and humorous.

Hell, his scene in ROTJ movie where he confronts Bats is GOAT.

I agree. The movie had all the ingredients (Well, I don't think the action was all that great or stylish...) to be amazing. Great actors, great casting, and they didn't take advantage of it.

-Croc should have showcased his disdain for humanity and normal looking humans, his hatred from being forced out his preferred environment, and showed things like his sense of smell and ability to track.

-Boomerang is supposed to be an insufferable a$$hole. If they actually stuck with that moment where he ups and leaves, it would have been fukking perfect and it would have made the scene where he was thrown back into the cell even better. His teammates should have been constantly annoyed with him, telling him to shut up, etc.

-Katana didn't get to do shyt. She would have been perfect as the muscle that keeps the villains in line but they pretty much give her nothing to work with.

-I liked Diablo even though his willingness to call the squad his family was kinda rushed. I did like how it was foreshadowed that he was powered by a demon himself and you saw that he was actually very skilled with his ability.

Even the villain...Enchantress would have been perfect if you didn't know that she had anything to do with Waller until the very end and Waller had been pushing her presence as the reason why things like the Suicide Squad was needed. Then you find out that Waller created the Enchantress and used Flag's girlfriend as the host to force the government to give her what she wanted.

A couple of change in editing could have made the Enchantress work much better and be more interesting because it provides more insight to Waller and her character rather than just being a big bad.

Plus, it'd make more sense to why Waller chose a crazy girl with a bat, a guy who throws Boomerangs, and a guy who can climb things to fight an ancient God who we've seen causally teleporting across the world and shrugging off bullets and moving trains like a light breeze.

Ugh..this movie is so annoying because I really think there is a master piece in here.
That's my opinion


Barrel Brothers.®
Nov 4, 2014


Was really hoping this would be a good movie. At this point is it safe to say DC is to blame and not the directors? Did they give Nolan a blank check to do anything w/o studio meddling?

Hope they let Affleck have a blank check.

From what I gather it's mostly due to the reshoots. I'm sure @MartyMcFly will correct me if I'm wrong but from I've read the original film's tone (think the original teaser trailer from last year's Comic Con) was darker and bordering on an R-Rating. Then WB freaked out when BVS didn't set the world on fire and ordered Ayers to perform extensive reshoots and make the film lighter and more "Guardians-Esque". One review I read said the editing was so horrible that he actually couldn't WAIT to see a director's cut because they refused to believe Ayers had final say on the theatrical cut.

Call my name and I'll come running.

The initial rumor was yeah they wanted a lighter tone. Of course the director and others said that's BS and they went back to shoot more action scenes because they had the money so why not? So it really depends on who you believe and whatever makes cats feel better about what they see one way or the other

:sas1: and what do you think :sas2:

Haven't seen it. I'd rather wait till I see something before I speak on it. I know that's a rare thing on the internet but I'm giving it a shot:jbhmm:

Right now I'm focused on if i want this batman telltale game

we'll be waiting for your opinion on whether the rumors of reshooting for more "fun" were right :sas2:

But then that presupposes that I've seen the first cut of the movie and that David Ayer didn't have a sense of humor in the movie:jbhmm:

Meaning I'd have to have my head up my ass to assume one way or the other:patrice:

How about we just stick with whether I like the movie or not and go with that because I'm not going to make a silly ass guess based on...nothing

If it's choppy as fukk technically tho, that I will speak on:salute:

:sas1: a man as well versed in film such as yourself will surely be able to tell if reshoots were done, but i'll let you cook, for now :sas2:

Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
And yet Marvel stans in here swear that WB is somehow losing money, counting warner's money like its their own :russ:

Bottom line regardless of what I think of the movie, the teen crowd loved it and those are the people buying Harley Quinn merchandise and all that shyt. It don't matter what some :flabbynsick: Marvel stans thought of the film.


Please sir.... I humbley request for you to stop.... Especially when you're not being accurate.

It's not about losing money, it's more about leaving a lot on the table. If someone was to give you $5 a day but give me $3 every 30 minutes a day. Yes you making money..... But it's still not the same

Also stop saying "Marvel Stans" thought this and that when it was a mixture of both.

The #1 proud flag bearing DC loving/Marvel hating Stan himself in YYM even said this movie was a 4 and was disappointed?

Everyone is moving on man, there is no more need to do this DC vs Marvel stuff
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Jacaveli The Don

May 22, 2015
Just as I had put in my previous post 8 posts up about how crazy it would be for each Justice League member to arrest each Suicide Squad member, like Aquaman arresting Killer Croc:

Wonder Woman Caught Slipknot Before Suicide Squad

[WARNING: This post contains MAJOR SPOILERS for Suicide Squad]

As the third installment of the DC Extended Universe, David Ayer’s Suicide Squad works at fleshing out the world, shining the spotlight on a collection of villains. There are numerous connections to the larger franchise within the film, and a few of those deal with members of the Squad being apprehended and sent to prison. Batman makes a couple of cameos in confrontations with Deadshot, and then Joker and Harley Quinn. Captain Boomerang’s attempt to rob a bank is foiled by Ezra Miller’s Flash. These backstories were fun for comics fans to see and added to the history of the DCEU.

In an ensemble piece, not everyone is going to get an equal amount of screen time, and that holds true for Suicide Squad. One of the secondary players who is mostly sidelined is Slipknot (Adam Beach), who isn’t introduced in the movie until Task Force X has been assembled for their first mission in Midway City. As a result, some viewers may be wondering how the character ended up in jail. Now, a possible explanation has been revealed.

Empire‘s Nick de Semlyen took to his Twitter account to post an amusing anecdote from his visit to the Suicide Squad set, where Beach detailed what Slipknot was up to before the film’s events. Apparently, he was doing battle with the one and only Diana Prince:

View image on Twitter

Nick de Semlyen

In case you're wondering how Slipknot got caught by A.R.G.U.S., Adam Beach explained on set. #SuicideSquad

Beach’s description of Slipknot’s past mixed with the the revelation that an alleged deleted scene mentioned he was a serial rapist is a troubling combination that will certainly make some viewers feel uncomfortable. It’s probably for the best that this hypothetical incident wasn’t shown on-camera, but it still would have been nice to hear about through dialogue. Even though Slipknot is the “red shirt” of the team (expendable and only there to highlight the stakes), a criticism of Suicide Squad was that the character didn’t have much to do and was hardly on screen before he was killed off. Given that others on Task Force X received elaborate introductions with flashy graphics and flashback sequences, Slipknot certainly drew the short straw in that regard.

Unfortunately for moviegoers, Beach’s quote is probably the most we’ll hear of this encounter. Gal Gadot was never speculated to have been on the Suicide Squad set, and Wonder Woman is not mentioned on the extensive list of sequences left on the cutting room floor. Some fans might even debate whether or not this can be considered DCEU canon, but since Slipknot no longer has a role to play in the franchise, it’s the best people are going to get. The actor’s contributions to Suicide Squad were extremely brief as it is, so it’s cool for Beach that he was able to flesh out Slipknot a little bit. Who knows? Maybe a future production will make reference to this incident and bring it full circle.


Do what you love
Apr 30, 2012
The more I think about this the more I think it's another sign that WB just doesn't get it.

So, the fundamental basis for SS existing is fine, if a stretch of reason. But in this film, it's because "the next Superman might not share our values"...but isn't that kind of what these guys are already? Positioning them as a defense from SUPERMAN, or another ultra powerful meta-human, seems like a gross misunderstanding of their abilities.

I never read the SS comics, but it seems like they'd be better off positioning the Squad as a team to handle less public, less world ending a black ops team.

It's too bad the studio is screwing these movies up so badly despite pretty excellent casting and performances.


May 22, 2012
wait...people really didn't like this movie?

It wasn't perfect, but it was fun and enjoyable. I really liked it.

See, this is why I don't read reviews, or listen to critics. 90% of the time I don't really jive with what they say anyway, but it seems like most ppl had their minds set before even going in.

And what's with the Marvel vs DC fanboyism?

can't ppl just enjoy both and be good with that?

7.5/10 just because I was able to take my whole family and everyone had fun and enjoyed it(my wife and daughter and son).


Sep 10, 2012
I enjoyed the movie for the most part. Wasn't perfect but it is what it is. Definitely could have been better. And we were hoping for something special.

The intro and bar scene are the only things the movie got right, the stuff with enchantress is the kind of shyt that can actually kill this genre, I mean faceless blobheads that aren't even a threat getting killed over and over again was that suppose to have us at the edge of our seats? That shyt worked in avengers because most of them had abilities. Shyt can get boring real quick with just punching and shooting..

Ps low key the top 3 that got the most exposition were viola, will and Jay if anything I got to respect Ayer fodat :salute:

You're right for the most part. But you're dead on about the stuff with enchantress.

The more I think about this the more I think it's another sign that WB just doesn't get it.

So, the fundamental basis for SS existing is fine, if a stretch of reason. But in this film, it's because "the next Superman might not share our values"...but isn't that kind of what these guys are already? Positioning them as a defense from SUPERMAN, or another ultra powerful meta-human, seems like a gross misunderstanding of their abilities.

I never read the SS comics, but it seems like they'd be better off positioning the Squad as a team to handle less public, less world ending a black ops team.

It's too bad the studio is screwing these movies up so badly despite pretty excellent casting and performances.

I agree. But to say they don't get it over that seems to be an exaggeration. What other examples do you have of them not getting it?
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May 22, 2012
It fell flat bruh. Even the biggest DC Stan on here thought it was weak. I thought there was a good movie in there but it did not live up to the hype nor the trailers.
again...if you walked in to that theater, and did NOT find the movie entertaining and enjoyable I have to question anyone's ability to just be objective.

to me that is all the matters when I watch movies. I go in for entertainment. I ain't tryna write a dissertation afterwards or get all intellectually involved with every movie I see.

I want to have an enjoyable night out, watch a movie and be entertained.

and this movie delivered. anyone saying they weren't entertained by this movie is just TRYING to be different...and TBH I feel the same about most of the super hero movies...DC or Marvel.

Now if we wanna talk about things they could have done better, or ways they could have made the plot or characters more entertaining that is different.

but there are LITERALLY ppl out there that are saying this movie wasn't entertaining or enjoyable at all. and Some calling it trash.

really though?

These are the ppl that intentionally go out of their way to be miserable in their daily lives and I ain't got time for negative fools like that.

life is to short to be complaining about comic book movies lol.

jaguar paw

Music Junkie
May 23, 2012
Optimistic But I Got Hands Tho
again...if you walked in to that theater, and did NOT find the movie entertaining and enjoyable I have to question anyone's ability to just be objective.

to me that is all the matters when I watch movies. I go in for entertainment. I ain't tryna write a dissertation afterwards or get all intellectually involved with every movie I see.

I want to have an enjoyable night out, watch a movie and be entertained.

and this movie delivered. anyone saying they weren't entertained by this movie is just TRYING to be different...and TBH I feel the same about most of the super hero movies...DC or Marvel.

Now if we wanna talk about things they could have done better, or ways they could have made the plot or characters more entertaining that is different.

but there are LITERALLY ppl out there that are saying this movie wasn't entertaining or enjoyable at all. and Some calling it trash.

really though?

These are the ppl that intentionally go out of their way to be miserable in their daily lives and I ain't got time for negative fools like that.

life is to short to be complaining about comic book movies lol.

Movie was trash.

King Sun

Big Boss
May 11, 2012
I didn't go into this movie with dark knight expectations but man this movie is below average. Its like the fun and excitement was bogged down by not giving some of the other characters shine. The joker and harley quinn story was a waste of time