Suicide Squad (Official Thread)

Kenny West

May 29, 2012
How you got all these demerits and still rate it at 7.5? :bryan:
Those were random thoughts not a real review

I didn't come out of the theater hugely disappointed I just wasn't really blown away. The movie was good, it could have been better.


May 7, 2012
Yea I'm officially done with comic book nerds and "respected" critics. They don't represent my point of view and at this point they are wrong far more than they are right. This was a good movie

4/5 to me. :yeshrug:

Anyway y'all can carry on nit picking away
I loved it . To me it's like I thought tws was a better movie than GOTG but I watch GOTG All the time it's just fun to me . It's like this with b vs s to me I'll throw this on probably more than b vs s it's fun to me
Saw his opening night. It was pretty good overall. Probably in the 7.5/10 range

My thoughts:

- Viola Davis did her role really well. When she killed those dudes and had that mean mug on :birdman:. very good performance

- Will was carrying the movie here. Had most of the funny one liners. The scene where he was mowing down all the morphs was :whew:

- Joker kinda held this whole flick back. Dude got way too much screen time for someone who really wasn't important to the events of the movie. He was pretty much shoehorned in for fanservice where just a couple of appearances would have been enough. Just the harley origin scene, the chemical tank scene and him busting her out at the end would be enough. leto's performance itself wasn't bad I like how he went for a different take on the joker. He seems more like a brutal gangster than a deranged lunatic,
- This DC cinematic universe thing is being handled like a rush job not just compared to marvels. It's not like it's threads that slowly get tied together by slow reveals, it's like shyt is just shoved in your face. Not to jock marvel but they handled it much more smoothly via little reveals that create the threads tying the movies together.

- Harley herself was ok. I think everyone was expecting her to carry the movie but she really fell short on that. She wasn't really used in a way that shows how shes an asset to the SS. Her strengths are supposed to be being daring and crazy but most times she was just shooting or swinging the bat. Even how she finished enchantress was :ld:

- Hated how characters would disappear for large amounts of time like how Viola got captured then just reappears at the end. Or how enchantress spent most of the movie just making the spell. They tried to make us care for the doctor chick she's possessing but they didn't give her a story arc at all. It would have been better if Enchantress revived her brother then left him to build up his strength while she works with the SS. Then she betrays them halfway through or something

-Katana was so pointless. Had a chance to be an interesting character too. only time they went into her character was her sobbing over the sword. Does the sword even do anything special?
- My shorty started nodding off halfway through the flick:bryan: Whats worse is some nikka fell asleep first 15 minutes no fukking lie lmao snoring and everything

- Really liked enchantress design. not so much the choice for hermoine to be her tho

- Captain Boomerang was a waste. Had a couple moments but his character wasn't explored at all. Harley, Will and Joker pretty much inhaled screentime from everyone.

- Croc was another waste. They really didn't attempt to do anything at all with him, I don't think he had 10 lines all movie. he was barely even present in the fights. His character arc could have been interesting too.

- The scene where they're all drinking really shows you how bad they developed the characters. They're on some "cheers to the misfits!" shyt where Will, Harely and the Soldier dude are the only ones who seem to be going through some shyt, everyone else is pretty much just there :skip:
- Speaking of the soldier he was whatever. I did like the idea of him blowing up the climbing dude. His romance with the enchantress host was pretty forced. They could have had her actually join the team for something to actually make us care.
- I liked El Diablo. His character was a little predictable but it was nice enough.

i dunno a lot of shyt was poorly handled. I didn't dislike it, wouldn't spend money on it tho.
I disagree with the universe thing . I feel DC is establishing that superman brought metahumans to the forefront but they existed and so did vigilantes and people like batman , dead shot etc. it's cool that we got a cameo of heroes arresting people while in marvel despite the fact of the close proximity of heroes they usually don't assist each other


Street Terrorist
May 1, 2012
Oh..heres the truth...they cut shyt out for more Will Smith? Yuck. UTTER SCUST.
Removing all alcohol in the bar scene, removing Boomerang's racist/sexist dialogue, removing all of Joker's abuse/manipulation of Harley, jesus it's as if WB chickened out after the BvS backlash and wanted to make the movie as tame as possible and Marve-lite, I mean why even release it if they didn't want bad guys actually acting like bad guys anymore?

Oh and Croc, Katana, Diablo and Boomerang all having scenes cut for more Will Smith? I mean Croc and Katanna have like 10 lines combined in the entire movie! Anything that would of fleshed them out even a tiny bit more, would of been great.

Return of the Jedi

Star Wars & Sneakers
Apr 30, 2012
The Anti-George Lucas Coalition
Can you spoiler what happened? I had to pee bad so I split once the credits started
Amanda Waller is seen sitting in a restaurant having dinner privately with Bruce Wayne. She asks for Bruce Wayne's protection, fearing her fate if her involvement in the Midway City and Task Force X debacles comes to light. Bruce agrees to protect her, and in exchange, is given a top secret file with information on metahumans the government has been tracking (files on Enchantress, Barry Allen, and Arthur Curry are shown as examples). Wayne tells Waller she needs to shut Task Force X down. Waller tells Wayne he looks tired and should stop working night shifts, insinuating she knows he's the Batman. Wayne says he and his soon-to-be-friends will start handling these crazy jobs. Justice League teaser complete


Big Yella
Nov 5, 2012
I thought Enchantresss and her punk ass brother were weak villains but there was never any mystery about their motivation. Enchantress used to be worshipped as a god and she wanted to go back to that so she was taking over the world. Simple and straightforward motivation. The fact she got her plan of action from Ghostbusters was lame but she was very clearly motivated.
meh. the motivation seemed rushed. If they were to do it any justice and show how she REALLY felt burned by trhe humans, they woulkd at least give a brief viewing of how humans worshipped her and her brothe rlike gods. Alot of people would also agree that alot of stuff in this movie flt forced and motivations in this film was forced as well, except for Deadshotbut he was a main character so they had tpo make sure they coverdd that ground. Enchantress had a plan, yes, did she have motiation, sure, but she went from being Waller's bytch, to going behind her back, in literally 5 minutes, something that WB would have gotten away with in an animatyed movie but its a different cinematic dimension with a live action film.

This movie wasnt complete trash imo it was just bad and they didnt give enough time to establish everything along with alot of other faults. Thats why this movie was only 2 hours. Hell even Michael Bay gave the gawtdamn transformers 230 per movie just cause there was too much ground to cover since that shyt was based on intergallactic battles, an arch covenent, alien race etc. Zach just didnt stick to the source material which is something that Kevin Fiege touched base on last comic con.


Big Yella
Nov 5, 2012

Killer Croc in the DCU. Waylon Jones is Black!!!! :beli:

Why is he a c00n asking for BET???:stopitslime: He is more reptile than man sometimes.
so being black is being a c00n? :ohhh:


Big Yella
Nov 5, 2012
thankfully im still very impressed and hyped for wonderwoman and JL cause DCU really shooting themselves in the foot right now but its better they bomb early than bomb something as huge as Justice League :mjcry: