Art Barr
The DCEU kicks off the third film in the universe about a group of criminal misfits who come together to fight against a supernatural foe while the Justice Leaque is being constructed. First and formost as someone who was aware of the comic book growing up, I think the film knocked it out of the park. It was like a Dysfuntional Avengers but in a good way. You were invested into all the characters and their past. I don't agree about the editing complaints. I thought the movie overall was cut very well and transistion between flashbacks was also very well done. I do agree the 3rd act did get a little choppy. Will Smith killed it as Deadshot, yes sometimes all we see is Will being Will but he was good in this role. Love the scene with him and Batman. Margot absolutely BODIED Harley. I was terrified of her, she's the type of chick that would Loraina Bobbit dudes (The woman from VA that chopped her mans junk off). She easily put one of the best DC performances for a female since Michelle Phiffer as Catwoman. There were even scenes were she looked like Vickie Vale from Batman 89 in the flashback. Her ruthless nature, messy makeup, child like curosity and satanic like behavoir had me at hello.
Viola Davis DOMINIATED this movie. I've never disliked a character so much but her performance made me understand her motivations and why she's like that. The rest of the cast was cool. After terrible performances in "Terminator 5" and "Die Hard 5", Jai Courtney did a great job as Boomerang. I guess being a supporting role took the pressure off him and he was able to shine. El DIABLO WAS BEAST. I love his character infinitely better than Johnny Blaze/Human torch. He has more layers and story behind him. Croc was cool Katana was hard even though she didn't speak much. Col Flag was decent. Overall the team was off the hook and had great chemstry. I liked Jared Joker. Going in I knew he was going to be a glofired cameo supporting role. So honestly I don't judge him against Jack nor Heath because they had larger roles. In this case he was brought in through Harley perspective. I liked how he didn't try to copy Jack or Heath but if you watch he still payed homage to both. Love how he was like a gangster. Batman's Cameo was well done as well. Even though Batman and Joker are in the movie, David Ayer did a great job of not having them outshine the Suicide Squad. I also enjoyed how the movie tied into "BatsVSupes" and "Justice League". They've gotten the "Episodic" Thing down good because it felt like watching a Animated Series or Live Comic Book Episode splashed on the screen.
Now my Biggest Beef was in the 3rd act. The ending felt a little rushed. I also felt a "Ghostbusters" vibe with Entantress. It's not a bad thing but I couldn't help but laugh at "Suicide Squad" doing Ghostbusters better than the remake, lol. I also thought they were getting a little to dramatic with the character backstories. But none of that was enough to ruin the movie. Overall I can't wait to see this gang back in action. I know Bruce came and told Amanda Justice League will take care of it from here but I think there are plenty of Suicide Squad stories. I think both Deadshot and Harley as well as Joker should be in the Solo Batman film. It would break records. Overall loved it, so I do believe there is a DC Critic Bias. This movie was not under 30% bad. I think when David said "F*ck Marvel" some of these critics got sensative. The movie is better than several Marvel titles. I also liked how Dark it was. I thought they were going to make it too comedic but the humor was done well, it was a like a Dark Comedy or dark humor. The action was off the chain as well. So I give a solid B and it really surprised me because again "Suicide Squad" wasn't the most popular comic growing up but I remember them so it was cool to see it translated into live action.
Okay,..I am not the only one that had ray park theme going in my head with enchantress,, man why am I in ghostbusters.
Art Barr