Suicide Squad (Official Thread)

Poetical Poltergeist

Precise and cold hearted
May 7, 2012
Mile in the Sky
This flick is fukking weird af. They fukked with it way too much.

As I'm watching it though I wasn't bored. But you do realize this movie is not anywhere near what it should've been and how the trailers portrayed it.. Like not even close. But there are likeable characters, even Killer Croc who really doesn't do shyt, but he's coo. Wish he was given more screen time.

The very end is where I did get kinda bored. Got very generic and telegraphed with the climax. Reminded me of a cheesy 80s action flick where the characters are just there and they don't know how to use them and it gets real basic.

Letos Joker...obviously they cut his shyt down but I wasn't impressed with his performance much. Hopefully the uncut shyt comes out cuz he was basically useless and just forgettable.

This movie isn't boring like bvs was but it would've played out so much better if it was more methidical. So rushed in the first act. Everything u saw in the trailer is pretty much in the first 20 minutes.

I give it a 6.5. Can't believe I was duped into thinking that this would be the best movie of the year. :mjlol:

:mjcry: oh well.

Dr. Narcisse

May 1, 2014
I will say this movie would have been way better served if the tone was just slighly darker. These are villians after all.
Critics are losing their damn mind over this movie (cause of how dark it is). I don't think WB wanted to risk going R. Probably should have though.
Leto's Joker could have been a beast but the studio got scared of that potential R-rating and "too dark" reception so they fukked it up.

This scene didn't even make the final cut. :snoop: :why:

:why::wtf::mindblown: That was maybe the best Joker shot in all the trailers.

Tasha And

Jan 11, 2016
I have to disagree with people that are saying Margot Robbie nailed Harley.:ld:

I get that Harley is a damn hard character to get right in live action; between her accent, random quirks, and happily deranged demeanor, she can either steal every scene she is in or be annoying as fukk. And too many times, Margot as Harley just came off as really annoying....and I'm not sure if it's just too difficult to drag a cartoon character into the real world or if the writing, adlibing, and editing wasn't strong enough. Margot was def trying, and really seemed to have fun with the character, but it's just a really thin line between getting the character right and cosplaying them, and she just seemed to tip toe back and forth over the line.

I think I was:ehh:after her first few one liners but about halfway through, :francis:I dreaded any group conversation because I knew in about 10 seconds, she was going to say or do something annoying that was supposed to come off as "cute" but instead felt like the "insert stilted Harley quip" part of the script. Harley from the cartoon felt like a victim of stock-hold syndrome, like she had legitimately turned crazy after being around the Joker, but Harley in this felt like she was simply attention whoring because it was a disguise/persona to hide behind. There is a part in the movie where I did sort of dig that angle, but not really enough for me to enjoy it for 2 hours....and especially not at the sacrifice of what made the Joker and Harley's relationship so interesting. Margot is talented enough to get better with the role if she is given better material but I just can't co-sign that she nailed it this time around.

On the flip, damn Viola and Will :leon:

They brought it and I really want to see more of their characters going forward. I will be quoting a few of Will's lines. Enjoying seeing the black excellence on the screen.:blessed:

I have some other complaints (and praises) but I'll save it for later discussions. The biggest disappointment is the squad never truly felt like a group of villains. They barely seem more evil/selfish than the Guardians of the Galaxy (who were criminals too). It's a shame because the biggest selling point to me was always a film about true villains, not anti heroes that needed to tell the audience that they are bad 10 times, not misunderstood but likable criminals that just need each other for redemption, but cold hearted villains on a mission to kill other villains. People that murder innocents and don't cry about it later. But through the entire film, Viola Davis felt more like a villain than anyone on the squad. Everyone else had a heart of gold. I guess that's my fault for thinking DC would go that route, especially after some of the trailers, but after being told by DC stans for so long that DC is bucking formula, it was a let down to see them play it so safe.

I give it a 6/10.


May 25, 2012
There are seeds of what could be a good Suicide Squad franchise. If they do a Suicide Squad 2 they need to make it dark. Also they should seriously think about doing a JOKER & HARLEY movie that is in the vein of Natural Born Killers meets True Romance.

The Leto Joker has serious potential.

Tasha And

Jan 11, 2016
Everyone at my theater was crackin up at Harley, MarGOAT did a great job :camby:
Everyone at my theater cracked up at every single joke from everyone. I still wouldn't conclude that everyone was great. I think that's just the nature of blockbuster films. Most crowds enjoy it regardless.


That pu$$y got me grinning
Dec 3, 2015
I'm conflicted brehs

On one hand, I like the concept and wanna watch it in theaters but on the other I don't want to give WB any money after finding out they butchered it :patrice:


May 2, 2012
Movie was garbage joker was garbage

I'm a huge batman Stan

nikka I was there at midnight when Heath killed it

I seen batman vs superman 3 time only way I see this again if I take a chick

Will smith saved the movie tho


Feb 26, 2014
Miami Gardens/North Miami
I gotta say I enjoy the movie :ehh:

I wasn't great but is was not totally bad neither

Deadshot and Harley were my favorites in the film

This movie definitely deserve a highter RT score than BVS, SS was not as close to bad as BVS :mjlol:

Spades Of Aces

The Infinity Watcher
Feb 3, 2013
Y'all KNOW I rock with the blue :salute:

Just got back about 5 minutes ago. Saw it in a packed theater with a few of my homies. This was my first night away from my newborn so I was a little anxious, texting my girl every 5 minutes before the previews started...

-Will Smith carried the fukk out of this movie. As "Will Smith playing Will Smith" movies go, this was the best since Hancock. He definitely brought his A Game swagger to the role and he got the biggest laughs and loudest cheers throughout the movie. Everything from his introduction to his attitude shifting from a Devil may care assassin to a man who decides to try out the hero thing specifically for his daughter was well acted. Some of the character's decisions in the middle of the movie didn't really make sense but Smith, as a movie star, did what stars do and sold it through his enthusiasm.

- Margot Robbie was a great Harley Quin. Of all the characters, next to Smith, she seemed to be having the most fun. The movie made some BAD decisions with her character arc but Robbie carried through like a champ. The movie would've been MUCH better off if they would've let her cut loose with the crazy and allowed her relationship with The Joker to be what it is, a deranged and violently induced co-dependency built off a sociopath's need to have his ego stroked. This isn't a damn love story between these two and the movie made it out to be, which just came off...phony as hell, for both characters. Speaking of Mr. J...

-Jared Leto has a fantastic Joker in him just waiting to be unleashed..THIS film however isn't that showcase. He gets about 15 good minutes of screen time, and 6-7 of those minutes are flashback scenes showing a half assed version of how he "corrupted" Harley Quin. It almost seemed like WB went for the "mysterious" route that Nolan did in The Dark Knight, where you never quite "Knew" the Joker, but the problem is that we never get any type of FEEL for him, his motivations, his characteristics, other than he wants Harley Quin back. Jared Leto's performance implies a twisted gangster turn, but we never get any type of feeling of real danger or authority about him. Why would anybody follow this weird, clearly insane man, who Simps for his girlfriend harder than Drake at a strip club? What would influence An esteemed Doctor to fall in "love" with him to the point shed risk her entire life, career, and mental well being for him? Leto doesn't get to sink his teeth into the role although it's apparent from his limited screen time that he both wants and has the capability too. Just a dissapointing and frustrating debut.

-Viola Davis is magnificent as the bytch with a plan Amanda Waller. Not a HINT of remorse or hesitancy as she coldly goes bout the business of "recruiting" the different members of Team Force X to her cause. She definitely deserves to be a mainstay within the entire DCEU.

-Jay Hernandez is the final standout of the team. He really gives an emotional arc to an underwritten character. The theme of this movie is that all the actors REALLY try to bring life and purpose to their characters, even when the writing/editing/direction fails them. You can literally SEE some of them searching for a way to breathe life and keep themselves from being one dimensional. Will Smith, Margot Robbie, and Jay Hernandez succeed the most out of the core team. There is regret in almost every line of dialogue he speaks. You really come to believe that this man is scared of his own abilities.

- The rest. Rick Flag, Katana, Slipnot, Killer Croc, and Captain Boomerang do not fair so well. There characters border on unnecessary. Slipnot had LITERALLY 2 lines of dialogue, no backstory and
a throwaway line remarking on his "abilities" before he died. Which was played for unearned laughs. Why even include him? His screen time could've been used to flesh out the Joker or at least add more meat to the Joker-Harley relationship
Captain Boomerang was played for comedic relief, which worked in some instances and fell flat in others. Katana was truly an afterthought, from her rushed introduction to the bizarre explanation for her motivations
Her husband died and she wants she joined this mission which has absolutely NOTHING to do with who murdered her husband?
Also what's the point of having a sword that captures souls if there's no cool power that comes from it? So she can whisper to it sadly for one scene:what:. Killer Croc had a couple good action scenes...and one funny line...and that was it. What are his motivations? What does he want? How did he end up so grotesque? Rick Flag's emotional reasons for leading the team sucked, and were unbelievable. He's better off as just a hardened military man who is tasked with doing his duty, following orders, and getting this ragtag group of fukkups through a mission
Theres no need whatsoever for him to be in love with Enchantress. It wasn't well written, the two actors didn't sell it, it was cheesy and groan inducing.

The Main villains were laughably bad. I actually enjoyed the zombified minions moreso than I did the main villains
Enchantress and her Brother. Bad CGI. Cliche motivations. Lame lame LAME.

The funny thing is even with all of the film's flaws I still enjoyed it. There is a classic R-Rated version of this film just BURSTING to come through. WB obviously wanted Guardians Of The Galaxy when Ayers was shooting for Dirty Dozen. This film is much better when going for Dark humor than family friendly "cute" laughs. The first 30 minutes are excellent, which is no surprise given that the first half hour is basically the Deadshot-Harley Quinn-Amanda Waller show. There are some downright WEIRD decisions these supposedly "bad" characters make that feel unearned and unrealistic given these are some the most hardened criminals the DCEU has to offer.

Why would he spare Harley Quin when it's been previously established he only cares for his daughter? Nothing throughout the movie established any type of special relationship or understanding between the two. So when it comes down to a choice of choosing between Harley and the promise of reuniting permenantly with his daughter he chooses....The crazy chick he's known for all of 9 hours? These two had pretty good chemistry in Focus, they could've established a bit of romantic tension between them to make Deadshot's indecision more believable, or they could've had Harley save him earlier in the movie so that he "owed" her one. SOMETHING to make it more than a " Hero's" decision before he even embraced the idea of being one.

Again they didn't establish enough of A "connection" between Harley and Joker to make the relationship as twisted and crazed as it should be. They made it a love story when The Joker is incapable of of love. Jealousy, possessiveness, and a sick sense of affection yes,but Love? :camby: Harley Quinn fantasizing about children with the JOKER:mindblown:

The editing was terrible. It made the story seem rushed and unfocused. Again what was the point of hiring an Oscar winning method actor like Jared Leto and having him for all of 15 minutes?:what: Why the fukk wasn't HE the main villain to begin with? Why was Slipnot in the movie only to die 5 minutes after his introduction? Why did Boomerang leave the team only to show up ONE MINUTE LATER with no explanation of his change of heart? What was Killer Croc's motivation? A cure for his deformity? A promise of his own swamp? 40 Acres and a Mule? Why the fukk would Deadshot's daughter get in the way of a fight between her father and Batman? That shyt was infuriatingly awful. WHAT child doesn't want to see their father victorious if they are accosted in the dark of night by a white man in a Bat suit? The climax was something straight out of ghostbusters, a BAD ghostbusters.

Even with all the flaws. The movie is still a worthwhile viewing and DEFINITELY not worthy the critical ass kicking it's getting. It deserves somewhere around a 55-60% Rotten Tomatoes score, mostly off the strength of the actors totally committing to their characters. Will Smith and Margot Robbie absolutely shine. Viola Davis is excellent. Jared Leto would've been great in my opinion if he was the main villain and his relationship with Harley would've been allowed to be what it TRULY is. There's greatness in these characters and a great movie to be made with them. If this film were R rated and not obviously sliced and diced to hell it would've been fantastic.

Excellent review of this movie.:obama: I plan on see it this weekend. Knowing just how much story line that was cut from this, I definitely can't wait to see the Director's Cut of this on Blu-Ray. I'm hoping for Suicide Squad 2, they just let the gang go nuts.


Feb 26, 2014
Miami Gardens/North Miami
All the Marvel heads kept saying that DC needs to take their time to build things. "DC doesn't have to follow Marvel's blueprint:pacspit:." It wasn't even a blueprint it was just common sense. Now the L's keep compiling and they're scrambling to save face.
I don't think it is over for them.They getting enough $ to turn a profit so they will and should continue. But a comic book movie takeover from Marvel is dead in the water. They will forever be second fiddle. We tried to tell niqqaz about building slowly to the huge event movies but they didn't want to listen. Now they are shocked at the lack of acclaim. :mjlol:
pretty much. them rushing to get money is basically limiting their potential profits. BvS should have been the highest grossing comic book movie ever. you finally have batman and superman on the big screen together, there is no reason that shouldnt have been the GOAT movie. but they were too focused on churning out the JL so it was medicore. now they got SS and edited it heavily to once again try and keep up with marvel and make it "fun"

the JL trailer looks like dollar store Avengers and WW im sure will be edited to hell now that they are 0/2 in a couple months span.

just taking their time could have had them sitting pretty but now they out here premiering amateur hour every couple months smh

Despite me liking SS, DC fukked up by rushing the DC movie universe

I remember yeas back when dc first announced they gonna rush it, dc fans defending the decisions by saying "People already know who DC heros are, no need for build up" or "We don't copy Marvel's way"

And as predicted the DC movie been garbage

Tasha And

Jan 11, 2016
Excellent review of this movie.:obama: I plan on see it this weekend. Knowing just how much story line that was cut from this, I definitely can't wait to see the Director's Cut of this on Blu-Ray. I'm hoping for Suicide Squad 2, they just let the gang go nuts.
Yeah it's funny. Even though the film is meh to me, it didn't destroy my desire to see a Suicide Squad 2. With Will and Viola's characters as anchors, and so much potential with Joker/Harley, it could be one of the situations where the sequel shyts all over the original. They just need to get a better script that lets the stars shine and a better villain/mission for the squad.