Suicide Squad (Official Thread)


Blade said what up
May 1, 2012
#ByrdGang #TheColi
It's over for DC. The two films that are supposed to launch their universe are :trash:. You just started and already need a reboot:mjlol:. Snyder has to go. Your two main villains have been panned. It's a total disaster. JL and WW can't right the ship and they have more movies on deck. There's no way for them to get out of this mess.

All the Marvel heads kept saying that DC needs to take their time to build things. "DC doesn't have to follow Marvel's blueprint:pacspit:." It wasn't even a blueprint it was just common sense. Now the L's keep compiling and they're scrambling to save face.
pretty much. them rushing to get money is basically limiting their potential profits. BvS should have been the highest grossing comic book movie ever. you finally have batman and superman on the big screen together, there is no reason that shouldnt have been the GOAT movie. but they were too focused on churning out the JL so it was medicore. now they got SS and edited it heavily to once again try and keep up with marvel and make it "fun"

the JL trailer looks like dollar store Avengers and WW im sure will be edited to hell now that they are 0/2 in a couple months span.

just taking their time could have had them sitting pretty but now they out here premiering amateur hour every couple months smh


The Chairman of the Board will be... The Kingpin
Jun 14, 2014
Bronx NY
Since folks will be seeing it soon, I'm going ahead and dropping massive spoiler tidbits and flash facts, mostly off the top so they'll be incredibly random, poorly organized and might not make much sense. So it's actually kinda like the movie I guess.

As I mentioned in my review, I thought the way the bad guys went down was laughable as fukk. For anyone that has seen it (or doesn't care about being spoiled), how the hell is the big brother of Enchantress who can hold his own against Diablo, the most powerful SS member in his true form, taken out by a bomb. Not even like a special bomb or some shyt, it's just an explosive that blows him up. 'Oh, but the key was to get him in the right place, you know!' fukk outta here.

Then later on they do the same thing to the giant evil magic sky portal. They throw a bag of explosives into it and shoot it and the portal explodes. Like what the fukk, this magic portal is literally ripping the world apart and all you really needed to stop it is a hand grenade? :why:

Enchantress was fukking basura to begin with after she went through her transformation into the big baddie. When she was just a creepy demonic witch, shyt was cool and Delevingne did fine, but the moment that happened everything was just off.

Also, why do these navy seals have so much trouble taking out the monster men whatever you wanna call them with machine guns but Harley Quinn could take them out with a fukking baseball bat? I know you want the main characters to stand out but at least have it made sense like when Deadshot went solo and just barraged the fukk out of them, or later when Diablo burned a whole group of them down.

Poor decision btw to show off what Diablo can do so early on with the footage of him taking out a prison courtyard, only to act like it's supposed to be a big deal when we finally get to see him use his hands like flamethrowers like an hour into this fukking thing. We already saw him wipe out thirty guys in a single fire blast, why the fukk do you expect us to be blown away by this flamethrower shyt?

I also think it was a ridiculously stupid decision to have the villain be a Suicide Squad team member (especially since the team wasn't even properly formed). That shyt is like if Marvel made the first Avengers movie about Civil War and have them fighting before they even work together. This movie needed to build up the team against an outsider threat so when that heel turn happens in a sequel it would feel like a bigger deal. Now the whole team and concept just looks like a giant clusterfukk from the start.

That scene with Joker and Common was such a fukking waste of goddamn time. Almost all of the Joker scenes fell utterly flat but this one in particular was just all-around bad, spending minutes doing absolutely nothing interesting with the character, no build-up, no tension, no nothing, just banal weak shyt, Oh yeah, remember the big "car chase" with the Batmobile that had the internets buzzing since day one? Well, that shyt is literally some ten second shyt, about the same length we get to see Batman in this.

And why the hell was Deadshot never wearing his mask? I get the idea of showing the actor's face in these superhero movies but they literally have him carrying out a hit on a guy unmasked, only to put the mask on when he leaves. That shyt is supposed to hide your identity, shouldn't you be wearing it while you are actually committing the crime? :wtb:

Katana and Boomerang were pointless in this but I kind of liked the small scenes with Katana, if only because the idea behind the character is just so damn good. Her introduction was so fukking wack though, she just randomly joins them and then need to put in a flashback to show you why she does it. Boomerang was largely a waste but I loved the moment when Flag destroyed the device controlling their nano bombs like 'ya'll can leave if you want now' and he just ran the fukk away.:russ:

Too bad they completely ruined the joke by having him come back not even 30 seconds later, just randomly joining the rest of the team as they walk down the street in slow motion after they decided to take on the big evil.:francis:

Although Lex Luthor and Amanda Waller make sense as characters who would know Bruce Wayne is Batman, it's a fukking joke that this soon in the DCU (especially if you include the JL trailer) almost everybody knows Batman's secret identity already. Worst kept secret by the usually very plot protected superhero.


I'm Everywhere you ain't never there
May 7, 2012
This has officially become part of the process of watching DCU films :mjlol::mjlol::mjlol::mjlol:

Maybe its international to boost dvd sales, soon everyone will know to get the DVDs to see the now worth the money directors cut.

Or they could be complete idiots and only care about money.


The Return
Top Supporter
May 27, 2012
The year 3030
All? I don't think so. Maybe compared to reading a text book but not one another.
All soda is piff compared to water. But I bet you have a favorite soda and don't even drink some brands/flavors.

I don't know what ya'll talking bout but...

water > soda

all day everyday homie :cheers: