But why Suicide Squad? Will Smith is good for 100 Million carrying a franchise himself. It just makes ZERO sense that in a cinematic universe with Henry Cavil, Ben Affleck, and Gal Gadot as the leads that WILL SMITH would actually sign on for a third tier ensemble property that doesn't even have a character really suited for a spin off. Will Smith could get a John Stewart solo film if he wanted. Will Smith could get a Black Panther solo film green-lit in a heartbeat. Hell Will Smith could do Hancock 2, as his OWN original superhero and make bank...
But Suicide Squad? Of ALL properties??!??!?!?
Dc outside of bats and superman.
are all low tier characters to the general public.
plus, will needs an excellent in the cut action superhero movie character to draw and solidify him as a name attached to quality in the action film genre.
will cast as deadshot is the only logical choice for him as a superhero and action star moving forward.
real talk, will is kinda done in these streets action film wise. So, he has to take the role as deadshot.
no, one in the general public believes in will.
as far as quality Action movies go.
so, it is imperative he plays deadshot.
deadshot in arkham asylum says will smith as a villain all day.
Plus, will needs a role that sheds his parents just don't understand campiness connected to his films.
as, real talk outside of mitb.
which is an indie comic franchise,..
that caters to will's strengths.
outside of that role, and the first badboyz,...
all of his action films are fukk'n awful, quality wise.
Art Barr