
at the Gawd Will, a bigger star than Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, and Gal Gadot COMBINED being cast as a C-List character in Black face than headlining one of the numerous BLACK Superheroes that DC has. It's just a missed opportunity...
we had a good discussion about how the media crapped on after earth.
when, it is a well written sci fi movie.
ae just has a lack of execution.
that drops it into the two star realm, and not a bit higher.
yet, and still...
will typically does not pick high quality roles to star in action film wise outside of mib.
[plus, mib is darkhorses baby, and they are going to make those as good as possible, regardless]
he is just a high box office draw and will needs high quality action films to his resume.
as generally if it is not a black period piece about black historic figure.
will usually is in a really bad movie.
or, it is so out of the ordinary with some crazy plot twist.
his general fanbase and critics rush to shyt on it, like that seven whatever movie that was excellent.
yet, it was kinda offbrand.
art barr
* went to sleep on wack as independence day on the midnight release,..
woke up from the thx like audio explosion of the white house and went back to sleep.
that is how huff independence day is, and most of will's action blockbusters are.