Will needs to just do
What movies have Will SMith opened in the last 6 years? "MIB 3" and "After Earth"? 2 movies. Regardless of what you feel the studio felt, you can't say MIB 3 was a flop, if you wanna bring in budgets than you can say 1st "Captain America" and "Thor" films underperformed as well as "Man of Steel" which cost over 200 Million and made 665. MIB III was a hit movie. So even if you wanna put "After Earth" on Will even though he didn't have the most dialog and wasn't on screen as much as Jaden then fine. Will is only 1/1 far from someone who's flopping left and right and can't open a movie.
As for "Suicide Squad", I never said he won't do it, I said they won't pay him 20 Million, If he takes it, he will be taking a pay cut. I also said he would be taking a step back cause he has sure fire hits that are in the pipeline if he does them. "Suicide Squad" is in interesting comic and I like David Ayers, I'm not saying it can't be a good movie but Will is taking a bigger risk if he does this over the sequels he has in the pipeline. He already turned down "ID4 part II" which was a guarenteed Billion Dollar Worldwide movie if he did it.
Talkin domestically breh not internationally and EVEN then, I'm talking his last movies..don't sit there and try to incept After Earth out your head
So we're not talking After Earth?? and lets take into account that MIB 3 cost 215 from a production standpoint plus another couple 100 mil in promo. The studio wasn't TOO thrilled with the returns is what I'm getting at especially from a domestic standpoint. When the movie doesn't make what the studio expected, they consider it a disappointment.
I am Legend was in 07 man and Hancock was in 08. MIB 3 wasn't as huge as they bet it would be especially in this country when it makes less than its budget by a longshot and After Earth was a flop. If Will really felt how you all feel, he wouldn't be talking to WB right now. Deadline and The Hollywood Reporter aren't some tabloid rags just trying to get hits, these are connected industry publications
What movies have Will SMith opened in the last 6 years? "MIB 3" and "After Earth"? 2 movies. Regardless of what you feel the studio felt, you can't say MIB 3 was a flop, if you wanna bring in budgets than you can say 1st "Captain America" and "Thor" films underperformed as well as "Man of Steel" which cost over 200 Million and made 665. MIB III was a hit movie. So even if you wanna put "After Earth" on Will even though he didn't have the most dialog and wasn't on screen as much as Jaden then fine. Will is only 1/1 far from someone who's flopping left and right and can't open a movie.
As for "Suicide Squad", I never said he won't do it, I said they won't pay him 20 Million, If he takes it, he will be taking a pay cut. I also said he would be taking a step back cause he has sure fire hits that are in the pipeline if he does them. "Suicide Squad" is in interesting comic and I like David Ayers, I'm not saying it can't be a good movie but Will is taking a bigger risk if he does this over the sequels he has in the pipeline. He already turned down "ID4 part II" which was a guarenteed Billion Dollar Worldwide movie if he did it.