Suicide Squad (Official Thread)


Apr 30, 2012
And given that those recent pictures have Harleen and not Harley, my guess is that it's a flashback.


Super Moderator
Staff member
May 2, 2012
No they weren't. Everyone hated ledger even with the photos.


No offense, but this isn't open to debate. I'm telling you what happened, you can probably find a cache of old SOHH threads to verify it. I got no reason to lie.

They hated him until the photos leaked. I'm sure other people that posted there can verify what I'm saying.



All Star
May 19, 2012

No offense, but this isn't open to debate. I'm telling you what happened, you can probably find a cache of old SOHH threads to verify it. I got no reason to lie.

They hated him until the photos leaked. I'm sure other people that posted there can verify what I'm saying.

It is an open debate because I'm telling you what happened. i was there and laughed at everyone as the hated on the cuts in his face and how they bit off brandon lee's the crow.

Roman Brady

Nobody Lives Forever
May 9, 2012
I also think Ayer has earned the benefit of the doubt. This film could fukking suck and if it does I will be in here saying it sucks but the dude is a very good writer/director. Tom Hardy said the script is sick. I'll take that over pure speculation. Again, it could suck but I think many people in here are unfamiliar with Ayer's previous work. :manny:
if he felt the script was shyt you think he'd admit it? :mjpls:


Los Ingobernables de Sala de Cine
May 21, 2013
Here's the issue with what you're saying. We have already lived through this once with Heath Ledger. I like @hexagram23 but I totally disagree that people weren't shytting on Ledger all through the production process. It started when he was cast and there were many people still shytting on it after seeing the pictures of him in make up. All of this shyt is subjective but by most accounts Ledger killed it as The Joker. He was critically acclaimed. He won an Oscar. Most "fanboys" fell in love with it, etc...

Now, what does this have to do with Leto. The same shyt is going on in this thread. "He looks corny" etc.. Well, he's a tremendous actor. We are all aware of that. We've seen ZERO seconds of footage from this film. So yes, I think any shytting on it at this point is very premature and I'm not an idiot.. I read this board every day and I am familiar with the posters who are shytting on it so you want to talk agendas.. we can start there. :manny:

And that's specifically why I said, and I quote it exactly as I wrote: one draws conclusions with the info at hand.

And everything we know is info. The moment we hear Leto is playing the Joker, we have info because we know what he's done before and have a good idea what he's capable of. The moment we see what his Joker looks like, we get more info, which one can pair with the previous info to create a new picture, etc. etc. And guess what, that's what we do. And not just "on the internet" (like we aren't all on the internet nowadays and literally have a device in our pockets all the time that keeps us connected to that very same internet).

When you're in the club and you see a hot chick and a semi-decent chick, you don't sit there like "you know, I'm definitely more interested in the hot chick, but I'ma wait and see, because I don't know what personalities they have yet". You can save hard hitting questions like that for later. When a new iPhone or whatever come out, how many iPhone-owners actually say "Yeah, it looks good, but I'ma wait and see what the reviews say first?" and how many go "iPhone is the best shyt ever, instant cop!".

Our daily life consists of nothing but drawing conclusions based on limited information, and like I said, people do tend to overreact like crazy, but I'd still rather have a hundred people on a message board complaining early than a hundred people on a message board with their arms crossed "waiting and seeing". Because when does the "waiting and seeing" stop? I've been told hundreds of time "Why the fukk you complaining over a teaser trailer?" like the makers of a movie didn't release that trailer to literally give us an idea what the movie is like. They felt it represents their movie, or what they want the movie to look like, so if we can't draw conclusions based on that, whether negative or positive, when can we?

Someone didn't stay happy very long lol

And yeah I'll take that high road breh lol. I'd rather see footage before I make any judgement and even then see the movie. Pictures don't tell me anything because it doesn't convey character, dialogue, the portrayal or anything. I just feel it's better to chill the fukk out and react when you see the final product.

On this very board, how many people said that days of future past would be terrible based on how quicksilver looked and that he'd be a terrible character? Then the movie comes out and lo and behold, he's the standout character for a lot of people and in that review thread damn near everyone loved him and his scene and loved the movie. So what does his look have anything to do with performance or direction or dialogue? Then there's Jurassic world which, based on footage of a movie, people on the board say looks dumb and stupid. That's different than seeing a picture on set or a still image or promo image. They've seen footage to compell them in one direction or another and it's at least reasonable.

I think shyt would be a lot better and more civilized if people rocked like that obviously you disagree. You're a grown ass man you do what you do and I'll do what I do

I thought Days Of Future Past was shaping up to be terrible (not necessarily because of the Quicksilver pic but because the X-franchise has been dead to me since X2 and the trailers didn't look too wavy). I was proven wrong. So what? shyt happens. Everybody pretty much agreed those ridiculous promo pics of the new Terminator movie were hilariously bad, and then the trailers dropped and seem to back that point up. If we're proven right when the movie drops, it's 1:1. And then your point would be nullified because the pics ended up saying a whole lot about the movie.

So again, and again, and again, we work with the info we have right now. And we can be wrong, we can be so far off it isn't even funny, but that's what it is. You would think they'd eventually learn to calm down and at least limit their nerd rage, but the second they hire Marc Webb to make Batman and drop the first promo picture:


What is it that goes through your mind?

Honestly, at this point I don't derive any pleasure in catching you on your hypocrite game. It's just mundane at this point with how often it happens:francis: As to the actual point of our post, normal people have no issue with others getting hype about something they haven't seen. You know why?:lupe:Because getting hype is not equal to reviewing a movie. Neckbeards that lose their shyt over tattoos and proceed to say the movie going to suck are reviewing the movie. Nerds who lose their shyt when they see Thanos wearing the Infinity Gauntlet followed by "Infinity War" Part 1 & 2 flashing on screen aren't reviewing a movie, they're expressing their excitement for something they're interested in. Then we have socially unadjusted, cynical, too cool for the room types like yourself who deem it their duty to dictate to people what they should and shouldn't be excited about. Those without agendas and ulterior motives use the wait and see method because when you don't wait and see, and when you're not objective, you do things like make posts on message boards that can later be upped and make you look foolish. But what do I know?:yeshrug:

I find it funny that you picked those quotes (I just knew my comments about the Eisenberg pic would pop up) because they only back up how little of a hypocrite I am. I hate comments like the ones @MartyMcFly made because they only ever call out people who are being overly negative and never those who are being absurdly excited, which is what I did when the Eisenberg picture quit. People exaggerate and it's a part of the game, and I do call it out, but it's a joke to me when people only call it out when it's a negative thing. Case in point:

the bolded shyt in your post is an absolute joke and actually shows how much of a hypocrite you are. Please tell me what the difference is between these two scenarios:

"OH MY GOD, that Joker picture looks awful! This is going to be the worst movie ever!"

"OH MY GOD, that Joker picture looks brilliant! This is going to be the best movie ever!"

There are none, outside that one person voices his opinions that he thinks it's going to be terrible and the other thinks it's going to be great. Both are drawing premature conclusions based on a picture, but you act like there's a difference because one is expressing excitement and the other negativity? To act like one party is actually above the other is the ultimate form of hypocrisy.

So what do you know? Not much really, so how about you know this? I draw whatever fukking conclusion I want, whenever the fukk I want, based on whatever fukking information I have. And I let everyone do the same. And if I think they're overdoing it, I'll say it. "Geez, you guys, chill out for a bit, you're getting ahead of yourselves." Which is what I did when the Eisenberg pic dropped and is something I even have been telling people about this Joker in this very thread. But what I'm not doing is pretending that I don't draw early conclusions of my own, whether subtle or extreme, and act like I'm so fukking objective.


I do love how you draw premature conclusions about the type of person I am based on a bunch of online movie discussions. Why don't you wait and see until you have the full picture of me to make your review of the person I am? I wonder if it has anything to do with working with the info we got at hand, but what do I know? I am obviously too cool for this room, that's why everybody stays on my shyt.

@TheGodling the realest, the truest, the hypocritest, forever, OUT! :gawdling:


Blade said what up
May 1, 2012
#ByrdGang #TheColi
the bolded shyt in your post is an absolute joke and actually shows how much of a hypocrite you are. Please tell me what the difference is between these two scenarios:

"OH MY GOD, that Joker picture looks awful! This is going to be the worst movie ever!"

"OH MY GOD, that Joker picture looks brilliant! This is going to be the best movie ever!"

There are none, outside that one person voices his opinions that he thinks it's going to be terrible and the other thinks it's going to be great. Both are drawing premature conclusions based on a picture, but you act like there's a difference because one is expressing excitement and the other negativity? To act like one party is actually above the other is the ultimate form of hypocrisy.

It looks like some people in here want it one way, but it's actually the other.


Blade said what up
May 1, 2012
#ByrdGang #TheColi
nah just you in your feelings again about a movie you have no interest in :russ:
If you've read my posts in here I said I can't wait for the first teaser of Leto and Margot interacting.

It's just I can also see the double standard in here clear as day as well :sas1:

nikkas going :whoo: at a bald and frowning Will Smith but getting mad when some people are :patrice: at a Dallas buyers club joker


What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County
And that's specifically why I said, and I quote it exactly as I wrote: one draws conclusions with the info at hand.

And everything we know is info. The moment we hear Leto is playing the Joker, we have info because we know what he's done before and have a good idea what he's capable of. The moment we see what his Joker looks like, we get more info, which one can pair with the previous info to create a new picture, etc. etc. And guess what, that's what we do. And not just "on the internet" (like we aren't all on the internet nowadays and literally have a device in our pockets all the time that keeps us connected to that very same internet).

When you're in the club and you see a hot chick and a semi-decent chick, you don't sit there like "you know, I'm definitely more interested in the hot chick, but I'ma wait and see, because I don't know what personalities they have yet". You can save hard hitting questions like that for later. When a new iPhone or whatever come out, how many iPhone-owners actually say "Yeah, it looks good, but I'ma wait and see what the reviews say first?" and how many go "iPhone is the best shyt ever, instant cop!".

Our daily life consists of nothing but drawing conclusions based on limited information, and like I said, people do tend to overreact like crazy, but I'd still rather have a hundred people on a message board complaining early than a hundred people on a message board with their arms crossed "waiting and seeing". Because when does the "waiting and seeing" stop? I've been told hundreds of time "Why the fukk you complaining over a teaser trailer?" like the makers of a movie didn't release that trailer to literally give us an idea what the movie is like. They felt it represents their movie, or what they want the movie to look like, so if we can't draw conclusions based on that, whether negative or positive, when can we?

I thought Days Of Future Past was shaping up to be terrible (not necessarily because of the Quicksilver pic but because the X-franchise has been dead to me since X2 and the trailers didn't look too wavy). I was proven wrong. So what? shyt happens. Everybody pretty much agreed those ridiculous promo pics of the new Terminator movie were hilariously bad, and then the trailers dropped and seem to back that point up. If we're proven right when the movie drops, it's 1:1. And then your point would be nullified because the pics ended up saying a whole lot about the movie.

So again, and again, and again, we work with the info we have right now. And we can be wrong, we can be so far off it isn't even funny, but that's what it is. You would think they'd eventually learn to calm down and at least limit their nerd rage, but the second they hire Marc Webb to make Batman and drop the first promo picture:


What is it that goes through your mind?

I find it funny that you picked those quotes (I just knew my comments about the Eisenberg pic would pop up) because they only back up how little of a hypocrite I am. I hate comments like the ones @MartyMcFly made because they only ever call out people who are being overly negative and never those who are being absurdly excited, which is what I did when the Eisenberg picture quit. People exaggerate and it's a part of the game, and I do call it out, but it's a joke to me when people only call it out when it's a negative thing. Case in point:

the bolded shyt in your post is an absolute joke and actually shows how much of a hypocrite you are. Please tell me what the difference is between these two scenarios:

"OH MY GOD, that Joker picture looks awful! This is going to be the worst movie ever!"

"OH MY GOD, that Joker picture looks brilliant! This is going to be the best movie ever!"

There are none, outside that one person voices his opinions that he thinks it's going to be terrible and the other thinks it's going to be great. Both are drawing premature conclusions based on a picture, but you act like there's a difference because one is expressing excitement and the other negativity? To act like one party is actually above the other is the ultimate form of hypocrisy.

So what do you know? Not much really, so how about you know this? I draw whatever fukking conclusion I want, whenever the fukk I want, based on whatever fukking information I have. And I let everyone do the same. And if I think they're overdoing it, I'll say it. "Geez, you guys, chill out for a bit, you're getting ahead of yourselves." Which is what I did when the Eisenberg pic dropped and is something I even have been telling people about this Joker in this very thread. But what I'm not doing is pretending that I don't draw early conclusions of my own, whether subtle or extreme, and act like I'm so fukking objective.


I do love how you draw premature conclusions about the type of person I am based on a bunch of online movie discussions. Why don't you wait and see until you have the full picture of me to make your review of the person I am? I wonder if it has anything to do with working with the info we got at hand, but what do I know? I am obviously too cool for this room, that's why everybody stays on my shyt.

@TheGodling the realest, the truest, the hypocritest, forever, OUT! :gawdling:

Those same comments can be applied to people saying a movie will be the greatest thing ever before they see one minute of footage breh. I've had that happen in my life plenty of times where a friend of mine saw pictures of a movie like Prometheus and assumed it'd be gold. He then ended up hating it once he actually saw it. And I told him to chill before he saw it but he didn't listen and there he was, upset and pissed mostly at himself.

The comments can get you pissy all day but that doesn't mean they're not true: reviewing a movie before you see one piece of footage is asinine and impossible. But like I keep telling you whenever this comes up, do you homie. How you want to live is on you and how anyone else wants to live is on them. If your approach works for you great but if I choose to wait and see and that works for me then that's what I'm going to do. it's not worth getting your panties in a tussle


May 7, 2012

No offense, but this isn't open to debate. I'm telling you what happened, you can probably find a cache of old SOHH threads to verify it. I got no reason to lie.

They hated him until the photos leaked. I'm sure other people that posted there can verify what I'm saying.

You maybe right for SOHH but the wider Internet did not react that way , so if ol hamster wheel was actually ahead of the curve on the joker then kudos . It was still mixed Reactions man the trailers are when it was like everyone shifted
May 14, 2012
Continental U.S.
And that's specifically why I said, and I quote it exactly as I wrote: one draws conclusions with the info at hand.

And everything we know is info. The moment we hear Leto is playing the Joker, we have info because we know what he's done before and have a good idea what he's capable of. The moment we see what his Joker looks like, we get more info, which one can pair with the previous info to create a new picture, etc. etc. And guess what, that's what we do. And not just "on the internet" (like we aren't all on the internet nowadays and literally have a device in our pockets all the time that keeps us connected to that very same internet).

When you're in the club and you see a hot chick and a semi-decent chick, you don't sit there like "you know, I'm definitely more interested in the hot chick, but I'ma wait and see, because I don't know what personalities they have yet". You can save hard hitting questions like that for later. When a new iPhone or whatever come out, how many iPhone-owners actually say "Yeah, it looks good, but I'ma wait and see what the reviews say first?" and how many go "iPhone is the best shyt ever, instant cop!".

Our daily life consists of nothing but drawing conclusions based on limited information, and like I said, people do tend to overreact like crazy, but I'd still rather have a hundred people on a message board complaining early than a hundred people on a message board with their arms crossed "waiting and seeing". Because when does the "waiting and seeing" stop? I've been told hundreds of time "Why the fukk you complaining over a teaser trailer?" like the makers of a movie didn't release that trailer to literally give us an idea what the movie is like. They felt it represents their movie, or what they want the movie to look like, so if we can't draw conclusions based on that, whether negative or positive, when can we?

I thought Days Of Future Past was shaping up to be terrible (not necessarily because of the Quicksilver pic but because the X-franchise has been dead to me since X2 and the trailers didn't look too wavy). I was proven wrong. So what? shyt happens. Everybody pretty much agreed those ridiculous promo pics of the new Terminator movie were hilariously bad, and then the trailers dropped and seem to back that point up. If we're proven right when the movie drops, it's 1:1. And then your point would be nullified because the pics ended up saying a whole lot about the movie.

So again, and again, and again, we work with the info we have right now. And we can be wrong, we can be so far off it isn't even funny, but that's what it is. You would think they'd eventually learn to calm down and at least limit their nerd rage, but the second they hire Marc Webb to make Batman and drop the first promo picture:


What is it that goes through your mind?

I find it funny that you picked those quotes (I just knew my comments about the Eisenberg pic would pop up) because they only back up how little of a hypocrite I am. I hate comments like the ones @MartyMcFly made because they only ever call out people who are being overly negative and never those who are being absurdly excited, which is what I did when the Eisenberg picture quit. People exaggerate and it's a part of the game, and I do call it out, but it's a joke to me when people only call it out when it's a negative thing. Case in point:

the bolded shyt in your post is an absolute joke and actually shows how much of a hypocrite you are. Please tell me what the difference is between these two scenarios:

"OH MY GOD, that Joker picture looks awful! This is going to be the worst movie ever!"

"OH MY GOD, that Joker picture looks brilliant! This is going to be the best movie ever!"

There are none, outside that one person voices his opinions that he thinks it's going to be terrible and the other thinks it's going to be great. Both are drawing premature conclusions based on a picture, but you act like there's a difference because one is expressing excitement and the other negativity? To act like one party is actually above the other is the ultimate form of hypocrisy.

So what do you know? Not much really, so how about you know this? I draw whatever fukking conclusion I want, whenever the fukk I want, based on whatever fukking information I have. And I let everyone do the same. And if I think they're overdoing it, I'll say it. "Geez, you guys, chill out for a bit, you're getting ahead of yourselves." Which is what I did when the Eisenberg pic dropped and is something I even have been telling people about this Joker in this very thread. But what I'm not doing is pretending that I don't draw early conclusions of my own, whether subtle or extreme, and act like I'm so fukking objective.


I do love how you draw premature conclusions about the type of person I am based on a bunch of online movie discussions. Why don't you wait and see until you have the full picture of me to make your review of the person I am? I wonder if it has anything to do with working with the info we got at hand, but what do I know? I am obviously too cool for this room, that's why everybody stays on my shyt.

@TheGodling the realest, the truest, the hypocritest, forever, OUT! :gawdling:
At the lame writing a 4 page essay after getting bodied. that smiley can't help you dawg:umad:
Last edited:

Jello Biafra

A true friend stabs you in the front
May 16, 2012
Behind You
It boggles my mind all the gymnastics so many people are doing to not recognize the huge difference between someone who is a fan of something being excited about it based on tiny tidbits of information and a crab ass making the declaration that something will be absolute shyt based off a similar amount of information.

One is normal and rooted in a sense of joy and optimism while the other is just full on douchebaggery for the sake of being a douchebag.
Last edited:


What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County
It boggles my mind all the gymnastics so many people are doing to not recognize the huge difference between someone who is a fan of something being excited about it based on tiny tidbits of information and a crab ass making the declaration that something will be absolute shyt based off a similar amount of information.

One is normal and rooted in a sense of jo and optimism while the other is just full on douchebaggery for the sake of being a douchebag.

Exactly. If I say I'm excited about civil war or this movie or even the new vacation movie it's just that excitement. I'm not saying either of the three will be terrible or good. I'm not giving my review before seeing them.


Los Ingobernables de Sala de Cine
May 21, 2013
Those same comments can be applied to people saying a movie will be the greatest thing ever before they see one minute of footage breh. I've had that happen in my life plenty of times where a friend of mine saw pictures of a movie like Prometheus and assumed it'd be gold. He then ended up hating it once he actually saw it. And I told him to chill before he saw it but he didn't listen and there he was, upset and pissed mostly at himself.

The comments can get you pissy all day but that doesn't mean they're not true: reviewing a movie before you see one piece of footage is asinine and impossible. But like I keep telling you whenever this comes up, do you homie. How you want to live is on you and how anyone else wants to live is on them. If your approach works for you great but if I choose to wait and see and that works for me then that's what I'm going to do. it's not worth getting your panties in a tussle

Nobody's reviewing anything, they're making predictions. And making predictions is very sensible and very possible because it's what everybody does. It's what people on here do, it's what they do on blogs, it's what they do on websites, it's what they do on podcasts, it's what they do on tv.

Rookie player signs to NBA team, everybody's gonna predict what's going to happen even though we haven't seen him in the team yet! Ubisoft announces new Assassin's Creed game, people gonna predict whether based on the last one it will be another buggy, glitchy mess. WWE announces a new PPV in two weeks, we predict right away it's probably gonna suck because there's no build. Joe Budden talks about his new girl, we all predict she has a phat ass and he'll be crying about her three months from now. Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. It's fukking life.

So you can go on all day about me doing me and you doing you, but the truth is that whether you like it or not, you're already forming an opinion based on the casting news of Asa Butterfield as Peter Parker, you're already forming an opinion based on who's in the running for Green Lantern, you're already forming an opinion based on who's going to direct Shazam! The only fukking difference is that some people form stronger opinions, and make wilder predictions, than others. So to get back to the matter at hand:

On the internet? :russ: c'mon breh, no one learns lessons. "Wait and see" doesn't exist. Simon Pegg's recent blog kinda shines a light on that and fandom in general

"Oh, it's the internet!" "Oh, they just don't learn!" "Oh, they just can't wait and see!"

Oh, it is fukking life and it is what everybody does from their very fukking subconscious to spouting it out on a keyboard, so again, save that fukking shyt for the birds!


Los Ingobernables de Sala de Cine
May 21, 2013
It boggles my mind all the gymnastics so many people are doing to not recognize the huge difference between someone who is a fan of something being excited about it based on tiny tidbits of information and a crab ass making the declaration that something will be absolute shyt based off a similar amount of information.

One is normal and rooted in a sense of joy and optimism while the other is just full on douchebaggery for the sake of being a douchebag.

No, one is rooted in excitement, the other is rooted in disappointment. There is no difference between someone responding to a promo picture like:


and responding like:


Both are simply reactions to how you feel. The only difference is the one you make up your in mind where it's perfectly fine for people to exaggerate their excitement for things but not to exaggerate their dislike. Which it all is, an exaggeration of how they feel.