Preach. I been trying to get people here to understand this for a minute.Michael B Jordan willed himself to prominence and we see how women of all races act towards him. I promise you his success was a mistake he shows what's possible when black masculinity and competence is portrayed to the masses in the form of sensationalized storytelling
Whenever I see black folks do the "It's just a movie" shyt I'm disappointed because we don't take the power of media as serious as we should. Media is everything
Black male erasure is real. The definition of ‘minority’ has changed. Black men are no longer in the equation. It’s white women, then gays, then other races, then black women…then lastly if we absolutely must, black men.
Wakanda Forever comes out, it’s dominated by and marketed to women and they add in a mexican villain. Nggas: man yll trippin this a good movie…
Asap on the cover with Rihanna. Lookin like the help Nggas: man y’all trippin ‘iTs rIhAnnA!’….
Even MBJ. He supposed to be the top of the top for young-ish black Hollywood. Tom cruise had Nicole Kidman an accomplished woman. Brad pitt had Angelina Jolie an accomplished woman. MBJ? He bags a bytch who does not have a job and is just pretty. Nggas:
Dudes been clueless. Which I guess is why this thread goin diamond they never saw it comin
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