Study Finds White Americans Believe They Experience More Racism Than African Americans

How Sway?

Great Value Man
Nov 10, 2012
The funny part is they they have EVERY SINGLE OTHER CHANNEL too! :bryan:

Its like going to a BBQ full of 40+ people and complaining about how you only got most of the food instead of all of it.:lolbron:

don't forget black history month and MLK day.

"They have a month and a day catered to them and yet they still complain! we dont have anything!"

fck outta here:camby:

How Sway?

Great Value Man
Nov 10, 2012
Ironically, white people complaining about racism is a perfect example of white privilege.
Truth. On a collective level white people are like the spoiled brat who's angry that she got a BMW for her 18th birthday instead of that Rolls Royce that she got two years ago.
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Jun 8, 2012
Please don't turn this into a gun thread :snoop:

This is how I feel.

I'm personally just not down for confrontation on that level and that's mainly because that's not in my nature. If I must protect myself and my family, whatever...sure. But honestly...this is what I was leaning towards with the last thing I said before I bounced. It seems like no matter what, with people like this running the show, you'll ALWAYS be fighting. Whether it's for money, whether it's for resources, whether it's for your dignity or your own humanity. You can't win against an enemy like that because they'll always warp reality to fit their agenda.

And frankly, violence is what they want. To show themselves by result that, people are violent and crazy after all! SO...WHY NOT? They built Western Civilization on violence anyway!

We could pull all our money and our resources together to build our own businesses and economic structure, but somehow due to the black people that automatically think putting themselves in the same corporate structure as the whites who control it and the white people who...well just control things andjust want to make sure that black people stay at the bottom would probably try to mess it up anyway. But it's better than being at the mercy of a system of an enemy that just refuses to deny you every single basic right including your own humanity AND ARE WILLING TO PUT UP CONSTANT ROADBLOCKS AND FINE PRINT TO DO SO!

Why are we always criticized by them when we're just being ourselves? Why the excessive double standards when it comes to us? If it's not us being too loud, it's being too materialistic, being too flashy, being too cocky, being too ignorant, having dreads, having natural hair, having black features or just being black...everytime we speak up about the racism against us in this society or when we talk about these type of issues that affect's somehow a problem in their minds..they say we "whine" or "compain" or are "making excuses" (and using mad code words and shady double talk to express their feelings to each other) when being vocal about it makes it's somehow a problem...THEY ALWAYS HAVE TO FIND A PROBLEM WITH US!

I think that's the problem with this younger generation I feel. Especially in this "fatherless" generation amongst the black population in this country.They don't have a positive image of blackness since all the knew of was after the crack/reagonomics era. WE never experienced firsthand what black life was like before then or even before the African passage into the Americas before slavery. So everything they see that's associated with blackness is seen as negative, but then again, white society and white supremacy is all based on making the oppressed look like the enemy. That somehow, we are violent, irresponsible, stupid, ignorant, ratchet, docile, hypersexual, and every negative trait that is present in the human lexicon. Whereas, we just never had an idea of what black life was like before then...because we didn't live it. We used to be afraid to go into their neighborhoods, and come home to ours to breathe a sigh of relief...when have we been hell bent to hate and not support each other but make supporting everything else seem normal and commonplace?

It's like we lived up the negative stereotypes white people collectively put on us over the years and made it seem normal to us...why?

We could discuss all of the stuff in this thread to a white person...but honestly man, trying to get a point or points of this magnitude with them is literally like talking to a brick wall. They don't want to hear it at all and play dumb for us.

Capitalism has just made money worth more than people. And as Malcolm X said "you can't have capitalism without racism".

The financial district of Manhattan island is built on an old African slave graveyard from a boat that crashed during the middle passage. What does that say?

I try to tell Black people that we need to figure out a plan to get back to Africa and make shyt work and I hear everything from "Africans in Africa don't like us", "I'm not African anyway, I'm an American now", "why would I leave America when our ancestors built this country for free"


they just don't understand what White supremacy has in store for them.

There will be no "kumbayaa" where we all come together and hold hands and create peace, as much as I would GENUINELY love to see that happen, it's just simply not gonna happen and Black people need to understand it.

I have white friends too, but I know full well that if shyt gets real and a line is drawn in the sand, my friends damn sure won't pick the Black side to team up with, no matter how much Black culture they love and enjoy. at the end of the day they know where home is, and it's in the arms of white supremacy.

Black people are such a loving people, even in our current destroyed state where we're on autopilot for self-destruction, will STILL try to make things work out with White people, even after allllll the shyt that's happened in history and is still happening to this very day.

white people aren't trying to make the relationship work to where it's a healthy, mutually gratifying relationship, so the only alternative is to separate and figure out how we as Black people can learn to love ourselves FIRST and each other, so we can build our communities, properly educate or youth, and appreciate who we are instead of simply existing in an individualistic mindset of "I gotta get me, fukk everybody else"


Black Americans have a collective "white daddy" complex from years of white supremacy. Tariq said it...but it's really more to me like Stockholm Sydrome (where victims learn to love their oppressors). It's like, black people in America can't possibly see themselves without white people somehow. Whereas there are white people in America that have never seen or interacted with a black person IN YEARS! Not just due to numbers either and/or the complete size of this country.

The number one thing that gets to me is why we are so hesistant to try to own our own shyt! Or to actually do so! Own our own businesses, banks, franchises, industries, own our own destinies..period!

There's development right now going on in Lagos, Nigeria and other parts of West could be a part of something that's on the rise.

But somehow...this does not register in the minds of Black Americans. And people make excuses. They use already sensationalized Western media to take in a predominantly white and biased view of Africa as a monolith of disease, war, and poverty. But completely glosses over the positives. But western media is based on sensationalism...and negativity thrives over positivity.

America is a essentially past its prime and in sinking ship mode anyways as of late.

Personally...I'm just trying to cook man and live the only life I have in peace and not fight anyone. If the media is trying to manipulate a "race war" on some Orwellian internet media propaganda shyt...count me out. I'd rather build in a community of people that would be grateful for the services provided and help to make something than constantly fight for nothing against essentially soulless people.
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cole phelps

Nov 11, 2013
One thing that kills me is that if white people hate us that much why not leave us alone?


Nov 24, 2013
can't say i have experienced much racism during my life as a white person. I've been called a "Wigger" for listening to hip hop a few times, (mostly by other white people) but I like to use those moments as teaching opportunities. In fact, not all white people listen to rock and country music. the struggle is real.
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All Knowledge

Speak up...
Jan 17, 2014
Belo Horizante
I try to tell Black people that we need to figure out a plan to get back to Africa and make shyt work and I hear everything from "Africans in Africa don't like us", "I'm not African anyway, I'm an American now", "why would I leave America when our ancestors built this country for free"


they just don't understand what White supremacy has in store for them.

There will be no "kumbayaa" where we all come together and hold hands and create peace, as much as I would GENUINELY love to see that happen, it's just simply not gonna happen and Black people need to understand it.

I have white friends too, but I know full well that if shyt gets real and a line is drawn in the sand, my friends damn sure won't pick the Black side to team up with, no matter how much Black culture they love and enjoy. at the end of the day they know where home is, and it's in the arms of white supremacy.

Black people are such a loving people, even in our current destroyed state where we're on autopilot for self-destruction, will STILL try to make things work out with White people, even after allllll the shyt that's happened in history and is still happening to this very day.

white people aren't trying to make the relationship work to where it's a healthy, mutually gratifying relationship, so the only alternative is to separate and figure out how we as Black people can learn to love ourselves FIRST and each other, so we can build our communities, properly educate or youth, and appreciate who we are instead of simply existing in an individualistic mindset of "I gotta get me, fukk everybody else"




Jun 4, 2013
Fred Reed is right :sadcam::sadcam::sadcam:

"Much of what blacks believe about whites is almost psychotic. There are exceptions and degrees, yes, but the centerline remains.

Over and over one hears blacks asserting that we whites invented AIDS to kill off blacks, that we put substances in soft drinks to make black men impotent (“Honest, Latanya, them damn white folks put something in my Gatorade.”), and that we flood the ghetto with drugs to destroy black society. We are, blacks repeatedly insist, incorrigible racists determined to hold blacks down. Discrimination, “racial profiling,” police brutality, and “institutional racism” are, they say, the irremediable bedrock of the white soul. The Trayvon Martin case, blacks say, shows that it is open season for whites to kill young black males. Black after black says the only solution is to kill whites

By contrast, over the last sixty years many whites have seen a desperate attempt to find something—anything—that would raise blacks to the intellectual, cultural, and economic standards of the First World. Nine white men passed Brown v. Board of Education. White federal marshals and white troops enforced the decision. An overwhelmingly white Congress enacted the Civil Rights Acts of the 1960s and still supports the endless welfare programs on which so many blacks depend. We censor ourselves savagely to avoid offending blacks. Even mild criticism of racial behavior is a firing offense"