Study Finds White Americans Believe They Experience More Racism Than African Americans


Best After Bobby
May 26, 2012
white people would never, and i repeat, NEVER, have this debate w/an articulate black man. not some half breed, or a c00n sell out, just someone who knows their shyt and can back it up articulately. (not tariq either :comeon: )

You're right, if you go at a white person with facts they freeze the fukk up and get frustrated. Call you all kind of names like Bill O'Reilly did Marc Lamont Hill.

I was going at this former friend of mine (white boy) on Facebook, and he called me a racist. Then after I responded to him he was like, "well I can see this is going nowhere, I'm done with this conversation!!!"


The Nigerian

The Realest Member of TheColi
Jun 23, 2012
All The Way One Hunnid
You're right, if you go at a white person with facts they freeze the fukk up and get frustrated. Call you all kind of names like Bill O'Reilly did Marc Lamont Hill.

I was going at this former friend of mine (white boy) on Facebook, and he called me a racist. Then after I responded to him he was like, "well I can see this is going nowhere, I'm done with this conversation!!!"

Expand the comments before you screen cap next time, breh. Also, never EVER protect a racist in any way. Especially when it comes to their identity.


Miami Hurricanes football fan...
May 1, 2012
Miami Hurricanes,Dallas Cowboys, St. John's, DMV
Fred Reed is right :sadcam::sadcam::sadcam:

"Much of what blacks believe about whites is almost psychotic. There are exceptions and degrees, yes, but the centerline remains.

Over and over one hears blacks asserting that we whites invented AIDS to kill off blacks, that we put substances in soft drinks to make black men impotent (“Honest, Latanya, them damn white folks put something in my Gatorade.”), and that we flood the ghetto with drugs to destroy black society. We are, blacks repeatedly insist, incorrigible racists determined to hold blacks down. Discrimination, “racial profiling,” police brutality, and “institutional racism” are, they say, the irremediable bedrock of the white soul. The Trayvon Martin case, blacks say, shows that it is open season for whites to kill young black males. Black after black says the only solution is to kill whites

By contrast, over the last sixty years many whites have seen a desperate attempt to find something—anything—that would raise blacks to the intellectual, cultural, and economic standards of the First World. Nine white men passed Brown v. Board of Education. White federal marshals and white troops enforced the decision. An overwhelmingly white Congress enacted the Civil Rights Acts of the 1960s and still supports the endless welfare programs on which so many blacks depend. We censor ourselves savagely to avoid offending blacks. Even mild criticism of racial behavior is a firing offense"

Breh, I'll dap u based on your bravery. You are wrong though.

Man YOUR people treated folks SUB HUMAN. Think about that, treated grown men and women like dogs, sometimes even worse than dogs. We were in bondage (forced slavery, killed without reason, separated families) for 400 plus years and then treated like crap really up until 50-60 years ago, so yes we are a little jaded. Look at the atrocities your ancestors have done, the way we STILL are treated and profiled today. We invent things and make things our own and y'all STILL wanna take that. Yet through all of that we still try to be peaceful (for the most part) and civil because y'all control everything.

You can't understand the depth of what has occurred in this country because, honestly, you haven't lived it or even really understood it. I got slave ancestors so I heard all the stories from my grandmother who got told by her mom and grandma. I lived in Deep South Carolina and experienced racism first hand, beatin my boy, spitting on us, and other disgusting things. You'll NEVER understand what we as a people share.

Young brother, you have to see what your ancestors have done. They set us as a people back hundreds of years and kept a foot on our collective throats when we fought for even the most BASIC of rights. I'll leave on this, it's no surprise that the youngest person executed in this country by our "judicial system" is black and he DIDNT get a fair trial. I mean y'all were killing my ancestors for LOOKING at y'all in the face. Y'all would hang my people in broad daylight and y'all would gather around and take pictures like it was a show. Again, if we are a bit jaded in terms of how we are treated in this country, you HAVE to forgive us....on second thought, that hasn't been a strong point do your people, TRY to understand. Brother
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YSL as a gang must end
Sep 7, 2013
Expand the comments before you screen cap next time, breh. Also, never EVER protect a racist in any way. Especially when it comes to their identity.

nah, we got some elements here at thecoli that can make things really bad, so although I agree with not protecting racists, we need to also consider that there are racists already here monitoring everything we do in these threads and are hungry for ammunition to use against us.
Jun 8, 2012
more like their the jealous sibling that wants all the attention

They want to be involved in everything, a part of everything, and want all the attention.

Despite the fact that, they pretty much own damn near everything. Their entitlement process can't fathom anything not involving them in some way, shape, or form. I think in my mind, simply because of white privelege, because the media and the majority of businesses is owned and operated by them and caters to them, and whatnot...they automatically assume their struggle is the greatest and somehow "greater" than ours".

Really, this is a sickening, twisted, and a real toxic mentality. As cruel as this sounds, it makes me not even want to be around these people anymore and makes me want to be as far away as possible from them. Even though they can go damn near anywhere in America (outside of major cities) and the world and not interact with us at all...but we can't even get away from them even if we wanted to.


Best After Bobby
May 26, 2012
Expand the comments before you screen cap next time, breh. Also, never EVER protect a racist in any way. Especially when it comes to their identity.

I was going to post his name, but I don't know who lurks here on the other side. Wasn't so much protecting him, as it was protecting myself. His name could lead to my name, and who knows what some angry cac might do.

This dude writes a lot of stupid shyt lol, so I'll likely 'slip up' and post his name attached to one of his dumbass comments one day though. :mjpls:

The Nigerian

The Realest Member of TheColi
Jun 23, 2012
All The Way One Hunnid
nah, we got some elements here at thecoli that can make things really bad, so although I agree with not protecting racists, we need to also consider that there are racists already here monitoring everything we do in these threads and are hungry for ammunition to use against us.
Breh, nothing is going to change if you're going to be a pvssy about it. All the effort behind that screenshot is lost when you protect that racist's identity.

Racism thrives off the lack of accountability we extend to those who exercise it in public.

The Nigerian

The Realest Member of TheColi
Jun 23, 2012
All The Way One Hunnid
I was going to post his name, but I don't know who lurks here on the other side. Wasn't so much protecting him, as it was protecting myself. His name could lead to my name, and who knows what some angry cac might do.

This dude writes a lot of stupid shyt lol, so I'll likely 'slip up' and post his name attached to one of his dumbass comments one day though. :mjpls:
Bro, you can't be so scared.


All Star
Jun 2, 2012
Fred Reed is right :sadcam::sadcam::sadcam:

"Much of what blacks believe about whites is almost psychotic. There are exceptions and degrees, yes, but the centerline remains.

Over and over one hears blacks asserting that we whites invented AIDS to kill off blacks, that we put substances in soft drinks to make black men impotent (“Honest, Latanya, them damn white folks put something in my Gatorade.”), and that we flood the ghetto with drugs to destroy black society. We are, blacks repeatedly insist, incorrigible racists determined to hold blacks down. Discrimination, “racial profiling,” police brutality, and “institutional racism” are, they say, the irremediable bedrock of the white soul. The Trayvon Martin case, blacks say, shows that it is open season for whites to kill young black males. Black after black says the only solution is to kill whites

By contrast, over the last sixty years many whites have seen a desperate attempt to find something—anything—that would raise blacks to the intellectual, cultural, and economic standards of the First World. Nine white men passed Brown v. Board of Education. White federal marshals and white troops enforced the decision. An overwhelmingly white Congress enacted the Civil Rights Acts of the 1960s and still supports the endless welfare programs on which so many blacks depend. We censor ourselves savagely to avoid offending blacks. Even mild criticism of racial behavior is a firing offense"

:bryan:This entire post is laughable.

The War on Drugs
Tuskegee Syphilis Study
Racial profiling happens everyday, but if you're not a minority you probably won't notice
This list could go on

This welfare thing is old, do some research

-- 38.8% of Americans on welfare are white
-- 39.8% of Americans on welfare are black

I don't know any black people who have said that it's killing season for white people. And yes, some ignorant white people and black people believe some of these stupid conspiracy theories that are out here. Oh and yes, let's thank these white men that you speak of. Thank you white man for giving us some of our freedoms that you took from us in the first place, back. Thank you for using our blood, sweat and tears to help build this country. Sorry that the white man has to censor himself..but what's so hard about not saying the N-Word though?
Jun 8, 2012
can't say i have experienced much racism during my life as a white person. I've been called a "Wigger" for listening to hip hop a few times, (mostly by other white people) but I like to use those as teaching opportunities. In fact, not all white people listen to rock and country music. Ikr the struggle is real.

"Wigger" is racist terminology bruh. That's why I never use it.

Basicaly it's saying "white n1gger".

Basically, it's saying you should transcribe to certain way of carrying yourself based on how society sees you and nothing else.

But again, it's just being called names and doesn't even begin to equate to the brevity of something like apartheid or instiutionalized racism in corporate America.

I respect you for being brave in a thread topic that many of your peers would probably avoid like the plague. So dapped. Repped.
Jun 8, 2012
Breh, I'll dap u based on your bravery. You are wrong though.

Man YOUR people treated folks SUB HUMAN. Think about that, treated grown men and women like dogs, sometimes even worse than dogs. We were in bondage (forced slavery, killed without reason, separated families) for 400 plus years and then treated like crap really up until 50-60 years ago, so yes we are a little jaded. Look at the atrocities your ancestors have done, the way we STILL are treated and profiled today. We invent things and make things our own and y'all STILL wanna take that. Yet through all of that we still try to be peaceful (for the most part) and civil because y'all control everything.

You can't understand the depth of what has occurred in this country because, honestly, you haven't lived it or even really understood it. I got slave ancestors so I heard all the stories from my grandmother who got told by her mom and grandma. I lived in Deep South Carolina and experienced racism first hand, beatin my boy, spitting on us, and other disgusting things. You'll NEVER understand what we as a people share.

Young brother, you have to see what your ancestors have done. They set us as a people back hundreds of years and kept a foot on our collective throats when we fought for even the most BASIC of rights. I'll leave on this, it's no surprise that the youngest person executed in this country by our "judicial system" is black and he DIDNT get a fair trial. I mean y'all were killing my ancestors for LOOKING at y'all in the face. Y'all would hang my people in broad daylight and y'all would gather around and take pictures like it was a show. Again, if we are a bit jaded in terms of how we are treated in this country, you HAVE to forgive us....on second thought, that hasn't been a strong point do your people, TRY to understand. Brother

They collectively shytted on us for over 400 YEARS...




No forgiveness at all...why should we feel guilty for existing? And being alive? Because they hate us for those facts? We'll never be in their good graces so you can miss me with this breh (no offense).

I don't feed into anyones supposed inferiority complexes...that's what it sounds like. Another way society tries to destroy our collective psyche mentally.
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King Poetic

Grandfather of….
Feb 15, 2013
Black Sea

A STUDY OF 209 white people and 208 blacks really tells u the fact

people continue to believe anything when they say study has been conducted
Jun 8, 2012
Breh, nothing is going to change if you're going to be a pvssy about it. All the effort behind that screenshot is lost when you protect that racist's identity.

Racism thrives off the lack of accountability we extend to those who exercise it in public.

We need to own sh!t bruh.

Just getting some white person fired from their job for saying something mildly racist only for them to get hired again by another company who won't give a sh!t about that two weeks late over a black man just cause isn't gonna cut it.

The Nigerian

The Realest Member of TheColi
Jun 23, 2012
All The Way One Hunnid
We need to own sh!t bruh.

Just getting some white person fired from their job for saying something mildly racist only for them to get hired again by another company who won't give a sh!t about that two weeks late over a black man just cause isn't gonna cut it.
Another Titangraph about what we "need to do" won't do jack sh!t for nobody.
Jun 8, 2012
:bryan:This entire post is laughable.

The War on Drugs
Tuskegee Syphilis Study
Racial profiling happens everyday, but if you're not a minority you probably won't notice
This list could go on

This welfare thing is old, do some research
-- 38.8% of Americans on welfare are white
-- 39.8% of Americans on welfare are black

I don't know any black people who have said that it's killing season for white people. And yes, some ignorant white people and black people believe some of these stupid conspiracy theories that are out here. Oh and yes, let's thank these white men that you speak of. Thank you white man for giving us some of our freedoms that you took from us in the first place, back. Thank you for using our blood, sweat and tears to help build this country. Sorry that the white man has to censor himself..but what's so hard about not saying the N-Word though?

66% of government assistance recipients in America are white (that's welfare PLUS other government programs) and black people make ups 25% of the total amount of American's living below the poverty line.

So, by those numbers, the majority of welfare recipients are WHITE. And that's due to this country's numbers...