Straw Hat Luffy

Samurai Champloo 2004
Let me start off my list right, because my selections in the future will ruffle some feathers.
Samurai Champloo is one hell of a show. If you were to ever to describe hip-hop as an anime, Samurai Champloo is the perfect example. The Wu-Tang vibe this anime brings is loved by all anime watchers. It’s a perfect 26 episodes to marathon in a weekend. The story follows a waitress named Fuu who saves two samurai, Mugen and Jin, from being executed. In return she has Mugen and Jin go on an adventure with her so she can search for a samurai “who smells of sunflower.” Mugen and Jin are both dope ass characters in their own way. Mugen with his rebel and warrior-violent like characteristics, and Jin who’s polite and the quiet one but yet strong at the same time, mix with one another. This trio has a top spot in anime for fans.

I can’t end this without linking the opening and ending classics.