Stop TRYING TO party with them!

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
@Art Barr

What are you talking about ?:what:

9th wonder and the whole Jamla movement has Raleigh -Durham poppin . Tiggalo or 9th are frequently DJin or throwing a party.
King Mez throws shyt. ..

Scene has been bubbling since before The Listening . The Awards are held in Durham .

And Columbia SC has an underground rap scene .

Not sure what's up with Charlotte .

Let the QC folk say what's up.


Your post reminds me.of that J-Live line ... "It's like the devil got plans and niccas got jokes .":stopitslime:

I stay like hours from there, breh.

I am closer to ATL than those places but wanna know about this place indepthky before I road trip across two states that are racist as hell in a vette.
Plus when I got out here they really don't have great pluggers teams out here.
So, you may go to a club but it does not lead to the next club.

Who are the top dj's and who are the promoters?
Who are the emcees?

Art Barr


Nov 22, 2012
Everywhere...You never there.

I stay like hours from there, breh.

I am closer to ATL than those places but wanna know about this place indepthky before I road trip across two states that are racist as hell in a vette.
Plus when I got out here they really don't have great pluggers teams out here.
So, you may go to a club but it does not lead to the next club.

Who are the top dj's and who are the promoters?
Who are the emcees?

Art Barr

I hear you ... all these folks on this site Jamla Records | It’s A Wonderful World Music Group

...are in Raleigh ... as far as promoters it's all over the map man.

Doobie Doo

May 2, 2012
Raleigh, NC
@Art Barr

What are you talking about ?:what:

9th wonder and the whole Jamla movement has Raleigh -Durham poppin . Tiggalo or 9th are frequently DJin or throwing a party.
King Mez throws shyt. ..

Scene has been bubbling since before The Listening . The Awards are held in Durham .

And Columbia SC has an underground rap scene .

Not sure what's up with Charlotte .

Let the QC folk say what's up.


Your post reminds me.of that J-Live line ... "It's like the devil got plans and niccas got jokes .":stopitslime:

King Mez is in Los Angeles rite now. 9th does a true school party once a month out in downtown Raleigh. Phonte lives in Charlotte assuming he's not in LA or NYC doing TV work at the moment. Jamla has one cookout per year with the Zulu nation. I wouldn't say they popping in Raleigh-Durham like you make it sound but they have a presence.


Nov 22, 2012
Everywhere...You never there.
King Mez is in Los Angeles rite now. 9th does a true school party once a month out in downtown Raleigh. Phonte lives in Charlotte assuming he's not in LA or NYC doing TV work at the moment. Jamla has one cookout per year with the Zulu nation. I wouldn't say they popping in Raleigh-Durham like you make it sound but they have a presence.

King Mez had a show seemingly like every other weekend before he linked with Dre. the indy must have featured him like five times. Zulu nation just hosted a Black Panther documentary a few months ago and Jamla acts showed up with 9th. Cats Cradle and Lincoln theatre often have underground showcases. the new greyhound station off Capital was previously a spot where underground rap acts were there performing EVERY weekend.

things have died down with them since they're moving on to other things, but yes, the presence is still there.


I never see my nut
May 2, 2012

I work the door at a few clubs. One in particular the management told me not to let any vodka drinkers in his fukking club. I also get off duty cops flashing their badge to get in but I don't let them in because they start the most fights or I get a designated cac that comes up to me and slips me $100 to let him and his ugly ass friends in or a huge party in or certain nikkaz you don't pat down, ..shyt like that

Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
I just want to say one thing to people in here with the "why would anyone go to a white club" or taking sub shots at Charlotte and our Nightlife.

Its not that we dont have black spots.

But this is a NEW spot that just recently open and peeps just went there out of curiousity. Hell ful disclosure, I was at the Epicenter last Weds and saw it for the 1st time myself and was intrigued and was planning on going. This was like around 6, the doors was open but it wasnt like actually open yet, you could just see in there (they have like these window walls that open out to the public). This also was before this latest incident happened.

I'm not sure most people knew it was a white club until probably this incident, DEFINITELY didnt know it was a RACIST club. But its only natural to be curious about something new.

Now that all this has hit the fan, I definitely will not be showing my support of going there. Hell the club directly RIGHT BESIDE IT called Vault is pretty much a black club so its not like we losing out on nothing down here in Charlotte

Black people you were supposed to learn this lesson from:
visitor week sponsored university parties your college you planned to attend made for visitors.
Welcome week, freshmen social party that is created welcome week by the university.

If not, you get the rude awakening these people got.
Don't patronize clubs where your complexion and race are not welcomed.
Which means white clubs/sportsbar/dive bar etc.

They will treat you for just being black.

It has been this way since I was fifteen clubbing.
That was twenty three years ago and is not changing.
It is called a club for a reason,......

RULE: only support black promoters

Art Barr

@Bryan Danielson can help you on the hip-hop aspect. He's plugged, you should also check out the Charlotte thread.

Depends on where @Art Barr stays.... honestly... I aint even know he was an NC breh.

If he lives in Ral/Dur, he needs to be hitting up the spot where 9th Wonder and his crew be doing shyt.... like the Mosaic on Wednesday Nights ( I once drove from Char to Ral to one and it was nice..... had to work the next morning too but had to show the big homey that Winston support and love, was able to chop it up with him between sessions) or 95 Live his Friday jawn he does. And the other shyt around the way.

Charlotte, we got a lot of shyt throughout the week dont even know where to begin with that.

If you live in Winston.... man I cant front... my era of HS (96-99) fukked that city UP party wise.... we fukked it up so much for the black clubs that N***** {I'm black so I can say it legit chumps} had to go to fukking Gboro to party on :mjlol:

Not sure whats popping now other than a few hood spots that real talk, unless you a local and kinda known and how no city beef, I wouldnt suggest just walking up in. If you're a well rounded upper mid class college educated breh.... stay the fukk away it aint for you.

Gboro...... thats a college town so they stay having party spots... though I aint been up there in years, I guy some brehs that I be seeing through some shyt at the clubs there.... but again.... I live in Charlotte... why the fukk would I leave here to party there:ld:

If you aint in the main 5 cities of NC and live in them small towns and dont live near the big 5?

You kinda fukked... you a country nicca.... you should be out somewhere fukking them bored thick ass PAWGS and black chicks that never made it out or came back for whatever reason. Yall probably aint got too many varieties of Hispanics other than Mexicans, no Asians, or Indians so good luck with that cuz the few you have may stick with they own. But again, you fukked, grab you some drinks, head to someone house and PANDORA it till yall get drunk and fukk..... thats all I can tell ya:manny:


Jul 30, 2015
I personally think if you're gonna club then you should be going to black clubs. Party hard, that's fine but why do we rush to their clubs and ignore ours? And I visited NC for about a month when i went to see some relatives, and IMO a lot of ppl down there act like white is the best anyway, they do it in a subtle way though. I know they didn't know the club was like this but a lot of white ppl esp in the South only deal with black ppl when they absolutely have to, work, school, etc but outside of there they want to hang with other whites, even at church.

White ppl support their clubs. Except for a few "wigger" types, white ppl don't flock to our clubs like we do to theirs. Why? They rather be around their own race, listen to their own music genres, and most importantly, put their money back in white hands, etc. EVEN IF THE BLACK CLUB IS "CLOSER" (the inverted excuse yall are using for going to white ones) they're gonna skip that and go to a white one.

Latinos support their clubs. Instead of making a million excuses. I've seen them go to their spot, even if it's not fancy or huge etc. Why? They wanna be around other Latinos, listen to their music, put their money back in Latino hands, etc. EVEN IF THE BLACK CLUB IS "CLOSER" they're gonna skip that and go to a Latino one.

Meanwhile there are some black clubs out here (and many other places) that had to shut down because they weren't getting enough business. They were just as good as white clubs, some of you need to shut the fukk up with that, you think everything the white man owns is automatically better and anything we own is automatically "hood", i knew the guy who's club he had to close, kinda looked like a light skinned Marc Lamont Hill :mjlol:, and was a good dude, it's just not enough of would come to his club like we would the local white/non black ones :francis: i went several times and brought friends with me and we had a good time, i know for a firsthand that the place wasn't below par.
Last edited:

Morose Polymath

Poster of the Year
Aug 1, 2013
Above The Clouds
If you live in Winston.... man I cant front... my era of HS (96-99) fukked that city UP party wise.... we fukked it up so much for the black clubs that N***** {I'm black so I can say it legit chumps} had to go to fukking Gboro to party on :mjlol:

considering my class and era was directly after yall I can attest this to be true :mjcry: Winston dryer than a bytch


Jul 30, 2015
In addition to my last post, i really think in the next few yrs, more of us WILL start supporting our own businesses more, not necessarily because we're starting to see the importance, but because in some places, some of us won't have much of a choice. I mean there are white clubs that will let you in, but they really don't want you there, and they are becoming more bold with how they feel about black ppl. So you can get in but may end up feeling uncomfortable or some shyt will pop off because someone disrespected you etc. More racial shyt will be popping off in the upcoming months/years, and black men already are getting killed like it's nothing, so go in there trying to hang out with white ppl if you want, just know a lot of them don't want us in there in the first place. A lot of them assume you're gonna try to talk to "their women" too so that's another reason they don't want "the ******s" in their clubs.

While this stuff is bad, I hope that it sparks more black ppl to support our own shyt. There are black clubs in Charlotte, some very close to this one. Go there. It's not of less "quality" than the white club, i'm sure without even going in either one that the black one is better. I hope this type of stuff pushes more of us to start putting our money back into the hands of people who look like us more. A lot of black ppl would probably be surprised how many white business owners and white ppl in general feel the same way as they do. It's not just a "few". Of course it's not everybody, but it definitely is more than just a few isolated incidents. MANY feel this way.

Whites are getting more bold about how they truly feel, things are shifting and will continue to shift, i said this before on here a few months ago but nikkas thought i was crazy i guess. LOL. IMO we've gotten too comfortable as a people, thinking things were "equal" since we can patronize their establishments (give them our $), some of us started being delusional and thinking that they view us the same as they view other white ppl

Bryan Danielson

Jmare007 x Bryan Danielson x JLova = King Ghidorah
May 16, 2012
#We Are The Flash #DOOMSET #LukeCageSet #NEWLWO
considering my class and era was directly after yall I can attest this to be true :mjcry: Winston dryer than a bytch

Breh I can tell you SOOOOOOOOOO Many stories about the Wars back then..... Man it popped off something AWFUL around 97:mjlol:

I will never forget that night on 4th Street around were Mellow Mushroom is now... there was some club on the corner of one off them streets and a dude got thrown through the GD glass door. Cats was rioting (fight/brawl wise) in the street and someone let off a semi automatic had cats trynna crawl under cars and shyt!!:mjlol:

Girls were crying and it was pandemonium

I also remember that spot across from the bus station with the steps.... on the corner of Liberty.... they "Old Bank". That use to be a club and the fights I've seen in there..... shyt was like some shyt you'd see in movies:mjlol:

Man we terrorized that city.... it was all fun and games till when cats got older they couldnt go no where to party.

I remember later in my adult years hearing about the Nitty Gritty. I was gonna go check that out then BAM later heard a dude got shot.... Grand Closing:russ:

We savages back home.... No telling what kinda of ignorant decrepit serial killer I wouldve turned out to be if I'd never went away to A&T, got my education and moved to Charlotte:wow::whew:


Jul 30, 2015


Arab Money
Apr 4, 2015

Just saw this. But a lot of us will be outraged for a few days, then continue trying to party and club with white ppl on the weekend like everything's fine :francis:

Like they haven't declared war on black men

Craig in Human Resources is your buddy though and bought everybody crullers last week so everything's all good

This nikka said crullers...

But yeah....nikkas turning up with white ppl in their clubs or parties every other weekend like black men aren't being targeted and killed by police, why the fukk do so many of us wanna hang out with white ppl for? I can understand being cool with some but why do we always support their shyt and talk down on our own shyt? Even in here, some dudes were saying shyt like "you would get shot at a black club" :upsetfavre:nikka, you can get shot at a white club esp with how trigger happy a lot of them are getting esp policemen. What the fukk? What kind of white worshipping, self hating ass shyt is that? Some nikkas were actually in here trying to make it seem like the white clubs they go to are somehow a "safer alternative" to black clubs :mjlol:Let shyt get real at one of those white clubs. One of my friends got arrested at one when he's not even the one who was causing trouble. He couldn't believe it. I was just like, YOU'RE BLACK. When it's more of them than you, and some shyt goes down, somebody is gonna pin the blame on you somehow. Stay your ass out of their shyt. I can understand going to some white businesses when you HAVE TO, like there's literally no black businesses to go to nearby for what you need, but you DO NOT have to "turn up" at white clubs. nikkas are making excuses


Jul 30, 2015
Even in here, some dudes were saying shyt like "you would get shot at a black club" :upsetfavre:nikka, you can get shot at a white club esp with how trigger happy a lot of them are getting esp policemen. What the fukk? What kind of white worshipping, self hating ass shyt is that? Some nikkas were actually in here trying to make it seem like the white clubs they go to are somehow a "safer alternative" to black clubs :mjlol: Let shyt get real at one of those white clubs. One of my friends got arrested at one when he's not even the one who was causing trouble. He couldn't believe it. I was just like, YOU'RE BLACK. When it's more of them than you, and some shyt goes down, somebody is gonna pin the blame on you somehow. Stay your ass out of their shyt. I can understand going to some white businesses when you HAVE TO, like there's literally no black businesses to go to nearby for what you need, but you DO NOT have to "turn up" at white clubs. nikkas are making excuses

I saw that too. "I wanna support our clubs but to be honest i don't go because i don't wanna get shot:usure:"

:dahell:Like your black ass couldn't get shot at a white club, even in the parking lot minding your own business. Especially with how crazy shyt has been lately.

shyt is mad ignorant