Stop C00ning In Japan, Breh's


Mar 11, 2022
You are making assumptions on those men without even knowing if it is true what she said. Also, you are assuming that this is not a pot calling the kettle black situation.

She made a statement that kind of gave away what she was mad about, when she said something about the brother stating he lovers Black women, but he went back to his Japanese girlfriend. So in that particular instance, she seems to be just upset that he did not leave the lady he was originally with for her.
That's literally not what that statement means, it just means his talk is cheap. It's the same if someone like Malcolm X was saying black power and how amazing black women are but ended up with a wt


Rookie of The Year
May 24, 2022
Los Angeles
You think you the only breh that's ever been to japan?

You're having a circular conversation with yourself. I believe her in regards to the c00ning - which was the title of the thread and video in the OP. I don't know nor care about all this shyt about japanese weirdos wanting to fukk or not

Context matters fam. A country full of horndogs, but she can't get any play?

She unwittingly revealed that she's not being chosen, by Black men or Japanese men.

This is why she made the post, because she's hurt, and nikkas like you will believe anything she says. She's doing the equivalent of dap fishing, because she knows saying "c00n" will appease the fake militants and Shea Butters on social media.

Like I said, I've been to Japan more than she has, have more experience with the people than she does and I know Black brehs (military and non-military) and NOBODY talks like that. I've never had a conversation about Black women in Japan. EVER. We mainly talk about food, the bullshyt toll road system, gaijin cards, where to find (or avoid) gaijin hunters, and if we smashed the same bytch or not


She's bringing that bullshyt talking point from nikkas that like White girls in America to Japan, and I'm telling you that's not facts. The last thing on a breh mind in Japan is dogging Black women. It's just not a thing.

women being attention seekers online isn't mutually exclusive with this girl potentially telling the truth - me saying that I believe her is rooted in personal experiences - confirmation bias? perhaps, but women being attention seekers doesn't make every single one inherently a liar or everything they say false

No Black man (or non-Asian man for that matter) that willingly goes to Japan to live is thinking about Black (or non-Asian) women fam. That's what you not getting. Most of them are African or Caribbean in the first place, not Black American, and the Black Americans that go there are typically military, so they fukk anyone.

The passport thing on social media is not how it works in reality. Most men are living their lives peacefully paaging (or whatever race). Seriously, I've not had a single conversation about Black American women.

I'm the dude that's constantly talking about Japan on this forum, and you can't find a single post of mine talking about Black women in the context of Japan. It's not real lol


May 25, 2022
Black Self-Sufficiency
That's literally not what that statement means, it just means his talk is cheap. It's the same if someone like Malcolm X was saying black power and how amazing black women are but ended up with a wt
She is upset that Japanese men are not approaching her, and is upset the brother would not leave his Japanese girlfriend for her. Now, add all of that together and she has exposed that she is a hypocrite.

Are you fine with her wanting Japanese men, while also complaining about Black men not choosing her over Japanese women?


May 17, 2013
And I'm telling you as a nikka that's been to Japan more times than she has, you shouldn't.

She literally says one of the reasons she's not getting approached is because "Japanese men think Black women want to fukk"

The country that is number 1 in porn, number one in sexual assaults in public to the point they make separate train cars exclusively for women, number 1 in loli culture, number 1 in making cartoons where child-like beings are sexualized...

...and they don't approach her because she WANTS to fukk?

When will y'all nikkas realize women say and do anything on the internet for attention? :Tim:
and yet they have the lowest birthrate in the world? they are pervs in secret, but not about that action. they are also not number 1 in porn, america is.


May 6, 2012
That's literally not what that statement means, it just means his talk is cheap. It's the same if someone like Malcolm X was saying black power and how amazing black women are but ended up with a wt

black women are the master's of talking black and sleeping white :wow:


Uchiha God

Jan 11, 2013
Context matters fam. A country full of horndogs, but she can't get any play?

She unwittingly revealed that she's not being chosen, by Black men or Japanese men.

This is why she made the post, because she's hurt, and nikkas like you will believe anything she says. She's doing the equivalent of dap fishing, because she knows saying "c00n" will appease the fake militants and Shea Butters on social media.

Like I said, I've been to Japan more than she has, have more experience with the people than she does and I know Black brehs (military and non-military) and NOBODY talks like that. I've never had a conversation about Black women in Japan. EVER. We mainly talk about food, the bullshyt toll road system, gaijin cards, where to find (or avoid) gaijin hunters, and if we smashed the same bytch or not


She's bringing that bullshyt talking point from nikkas that like White girls in America to Japan, and I'm telling you that's not facts. The last thing on a breh mind in Japan is dogging Black women. It's just not a thing.

No Black man (or non-Asian man for that matter) that willingly goes to Japan to live is thinking about Black (or non-Black) women fam. That's what you not getting. Most of them are African or Caribbean in the first place, not Black American, and the Black Americans that go there are typically military, so they fukk anyone.

The passport thing on social media is not how it works in reality. Most men are living their lives peacefully paaging (or whatever race). Seriously, I've not had a single conversation about Black American women.

I'm the dude that's constantly talking about Japan on this forum, and you can't find a single post of mine talking about Black women in the context of Japan. It's not real lol


you're typing essays and again having circular conversations with yourself. Of course context matters - and I've already contextualized what my "I believe her" was in regards to - but here you are still talking about her not getting any play. Read the words that are being said to you - I expounded on why I believe her.

Realistically you come across as the one dap-fishing typing a bunch of babble with coli buzzwords like "shea butter", "fake militants" etc - as if any of that is relevant. Is it possible she's lying? Yes. Is it possible she's telling the truth? Based on personal anecdotes, yes - though I do think it's also possible she threw some spice in there. I'm from NYC and have lived in three different continents due to work - she I'm currently working overseas.

Now stop throwing these wall of texts at me cause I said I believe her - be easy breh


All Star
Mar 11, 2022
The irony of you two nikkas calling people weirdos like this forum is filled with well adjusted adults :russ:
This forum never knows the middle ground
It’s super left or super right never moderate
Posts like this prove you nikkas don’t have lives or friends in real life
Nerdom isn’t a straight line
Anime/Manga/Video Games whatever the fukk all have fringe elements to them
shyt any hobby may have people that take shyt too far
But most of the population that enjoys something doesn’t take it to the extent this bytch did
Or nikkas complaining about *insert women*
I swear you nikkas love putting yourselves on a perch like you better than the next man
Sounding like boring bird bytches that think they are well rounded :Kd:
Newsflash you nikkas ain’t as smart and playa as you think you are
You posting on thecoli is evidence of that
Any man or woman posting on this forum just as sick as this bytch
Let that marinate :mjgrin:
Anime c00n avatar out:mjgrin:

Niqqa nerd I get the last word, ignored :umad:


Oct 8, 2014
her point would have more weight if she wasnt equally upset japanese men are going after her...

she exposed her whole stance....

and the more of her videos you watch, the more you realize she's one of the weirdo social media "new blacks"


Nov 17, 2017

Very serious men going to Japan unless it's for business or just to enjoy a culture are not looking for black women.
That chick isn’t either. So why are you saying the men can’t fathom her beauty out there, so they reject her for Japanese women because of self hate?

Wouldn’t that make her in the same boat as those brehs?

She’s not there for business lmao.


Rookie of The Year
May 24, 2022
Los Angeles
and yet they have the lowest birthrate in the world? they are pervs in secret, but not about that action.

...that's literally my point? :what:

They are pervs in a country where the women are respectable and NOT pervs, so when a woman who they allegedly believes is ABOUT that action comes along, they all of a sudden refuse to choose her?

The math isn't mathing.

The reality is the deck is stacked against ol girl. She's in a country where the majority of humans don't look like her, don't speak English, and are not used to aggressive women. She very obviously went there thinking shyt was as sweet for women as it is in America, and found out the hard way that the only people that can successfully pull off the passport thing are men.



Rookie of The Year
May 24, 2022
Los Angeles
you're typing essays

You're on a message board nikka. Lamenting you have to read on a site that is 99% reading is the height of ignorance.

again having circular conversations with yourself.

No, I'm having a conversation with you. You said you believe her, and I and SHE gave you reasons why you shouldn't.

I'm the Black man she's talking about, the kind that be in Asia, sampling the land. Only, I'm telling you from my mouth that we do not dog or even think about Black women while in Japan. It's coming from the horse's mouth, is my point. Why would you believe her over the nikka she's talking about?


What cats like you don't seem to get is that this is an American thing, not a "c00n" thing. Pay attention to what men are saying on the internet: White men, Black men, Asian men and Hispanic men are all saying the same things about their respective women, and that is that they're too entitled, delusional, loud, obnoxious, rude, and don't bring anything to the table.

This is why men go to other countries and find women-- it's American culture that is out of whack. But y'all always resort to "c00nery" when Black men say the same things Hispanics, Whites, and Asians say about their women in this country.

Realistically you come across as the one dap-fishing typing a bunch of babble

Lol breh, I don't care what none of you nikkas think, about me or otherwise. I done argued with half y'all already, exposed quite a few of y'all, and even got one nikka to stop posting on this board. I says what I need to say, regardless what people think.

I come here kicking game because I can back up what I say.
Remember, I was tagged to be in this thread, you just wondered in here... I'll let you work out what you think that means :sas2:

Uchiha God

Jan 11, 2013
You're on a message board nikka. Lamenting you have to read on a site that is 99% reading is the height of ignorance.

No, I'm having a conversation with you. You said you believe her, and I and SHE gave you reasons why you shouldn't.

I'm the Black man she's talking about, the kind that be in Asia, sampling the land. Only, I'm telling you from my mouth that we do not dog or even think about Black women while in Japan. It's coming from the horse's mouth, is my point. Why would you believe her over the nikka she's talking about?


What cats like you don't seem to get is that this is an American thing, not a "c00n" thing. Pay attention to what men are saying on the internet: White men, Black men, Asian men and Hispanic men are all saying the same things about their respective women, and that is that they're too entitled, delusional, loud, obnoxious, rude, and don't bring anything to the table.

This is why men go to other countries and find women-- it's American culture that is out of whack. But y'all always resort to "c00nery" when Black men say the same things Hispanics, Whites, and Asians say about their women in this country.

Lol breh, I don't care what none of you nikkas think, about me or otherwise. I done argued with half y'all already, exposed quite a few of y'all, and even got one nikka to stop posting on this board. I says what I need to say, regardless what people think.

I come here kicking game because I can back up what I say.
Remember, I was tagged to be in this thread, you just wondered in here... I'll let you work out what you think that means :sas2:

:mjlol: your experiences aren't universal no matter how many essays you write. I told you why I believe her - why are you asking me why would I believe her? See, circular conversations - with yourself - as your reading comprehension is either failing or hubris doesn't allow you to understand what has been said to you.

"I don't care about what none of you nikkas think" followed by "remember I was tagged to be in this thread, you just wondered in here"

you can't make this shyt up :laff:this website is incredible


Rookie of The Year
May 24, 2022
Los Angeles
your experiences aren't universal no matter how many essays you write

You're not wrong, and I'm not saying they are, but you're completely missing the point.

She's a woman-- her experience is based off of having men come up to her, because she's not going to do the reverse (or if she did, she'd get rejected because Japanese men don't like aggressive women). This means her experiences have to be taken with a massive grain of salt, because she's in a land where she's not the type.

So it's clear to everyone here that she's speaking from a place of hurt. I mean, she says that in the post one breh posted above.

She also stated how and what Black men say and do to their Japanese girlfriend as if she knows that information. Who is she getting that from???? How would she ever know what a Black man is saying to a Japanese woman when they're laying in bed?

But you come in the thread "I believe her :hubie:"

Lmao come on gang.

"I don't care about what none of you nikkas think" followed by "remember I was tagged to be in this thread, you just wondered in here"

This also went over your head.

- I will argue with anyone on this board if I have a point to make or evidence to present. I don't dap fish, because I say what needs to be said.

- I was tagged because I know what I'm talking about; you just some dude that came in here on some I believe her tip.

See the two completely unrelated points that you tried to conflate???
