Reasons Austin is Overrated
1.) Austin was not a GOAT heel like Macho man, Hogan and The Rock
2.) Austin was elite for 3 years when other guys like Macho Man, Hogan, and Flair were for much longer
3.) Austin got lucky to make it big, if it wasn't for the KLIQ having fun out there and Triple H getting punished Austin wouldn't have gotten a big push.
4.) When Austin was out and The Rock was the guy the wwf got it's highest ratings EVER
5.) Austin took his ball and went home. The GOAT don't do that.
1.) Opinion. He's worth talking about now PURELY because of his early post Ringmaster WWF heel work. Didn't shyt change between 96 and him winning the belt in 98 but the fans.
2.) What's the minimum time for longevity? As stated, Goldberg was hot for 1 year and was purely a product of the machine. Austin was white hot but injuries in his prime shortened his career (and time on top) big time.
3.) In that case, Rock was lucky he didn't stay Rocky Maivia with the blue garb and the jheri curl. Luck doesn't have shyt to do with it when you're as talent as these guys are. All he (and Rock) needed was a chance to shine.
4.) Will never take anything from Rock there. You're absolutely right. But don't act like Rock debuted when Austin left. It was a collective effort to get where they were when Rock got on top. Rock was more than qualified to carry the ball as the man when he got his chance though.
5.) Looking back, he was fully justified in his response to that bullshyt. Don't support walking out, but they were trying to give away a MAJOR money match on free TV.