Austin's heel work is what basically gave them the platform to turn him face and run with it, go watch some of those promos when he was calling out Bret, you can't tell me he wasn't believable (a MUST for a heel) , I was almost worried dude was going to legit beat the shyt outta Bret
Steve was doing everything a great heel is supposed to do from late summer 96 until the double switch at mania. Lets not even go back beyond that even though Austin was damn good in WCW, they had imbeciles booking the show then we all know that. He was already more or less Stone Cold in his brief time in ECW, just without the name, the wit and intensity was there.
I'm not sure who I'd say the GOAT is, in wrestling its tough to say because of the variables but someone listing Steve as the goat isn't some ridiculous statement. I'm all for cats expressing their opinions but damn.
Longevity is a seriously overatted attribute to judging greatness, when you consider there's a LOT of cats who had 20 plus year careers and lived off nostalgia and name and not in ring merit and innovative mic work through over half of it.
WTF are u talking about? Longevity separates the goats from someone who get's hot for a stretch period. Macho Man, Hogan, and Flair did it for longer then a 3 year stretch which makes them in the discussion for being the GOAT
The Austin 3:16 heel was a good heel but it was anywhere near a GOAT heel. It wasn't close to the level of Hollywood Hogan, Macho King, and The Rock's heel runs were.