Same here what's your workout regime
? I want to start doing strength on MWFs and HIIT cardio on Tues/Thurs
To start, I usually do 30-40 mins on the treadmill...intervals...1 min fast walking then 1 minute running. Sometimes I do that, but for 20 mins and combine it with 15-20 mins on the stairmaster. Then move onto weights/circuit training.
I do lots of different things with my trainer...he has me doing circuit a variety of things incorporating weights, but without rests in go from one exercise, to the next and so on...then repeat two more times, and no stopping in between. From squats, to arms, to're working different parts of your body.
I also do a lot of lower body exercises...I love working out legs...that's my fave. I use the leg press about 3 sets of 15 reps...I'm at 290 lbs now, but working my way up to lift heavier. I also do barbell squats and dead lifts...and lunges...squats while balancing on the bosu ball; squats with bicep curls (you lean the yoga ball on the wall, resting it on your back, squat down then do a curl with both arms, etc).
I do a routine my trainer calls the you do 20-15-10-5 (20 squats with weights...I use 20 lbs in each hand), then 15 leg lifts where you're flat on your back and you hold the medicine ball up to the sky, then lift your legs up to the ball, then back down, but don't let them touch the floor), then 10 lunges with the 20 lbs weights, 5 push ups...then you repeat going backwards...don't stop at all in between...5 push ups, 10 lunges, 15 leg lifts, 20 squats.