Stars, coaches and media shyt on diluted 90s NBA, in real time


May 1, 2012
I said this in real time.

The drop off from 80s play was so obvious. MJ was potpourri masking the stretch of shyt.

In no 80s universe would John Starks be a number two option
The Hawks won 57 games in 86-87 with brick for hands Kevin Willis as a number two option. The year before won 50 with the second best player averaging 12. We got to stop acting like every team was the Lakers or Celtics in regards to depth in the 80s.

People stay complaining about the romanticizing of the 90s while romanticizing the 80s. The 80s had a lot of bad defense. A LOT of really bad teams with a lot of garbage players even then. The 80s was the cocaine era with players admitting to having addicts on the teams. All the eras have their faults and positives.
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May 1, 2012
The Hawks won 57 games in 86-87 with brick for hands Kevin Willis as a number two option. The year before won 50 with the second best player averaging 12. We got to stop acting like every team was the Lakers or Celtics in regards to depth in the 80s.
I used to shyt on the 90’s in favor of the 80’s especially cause I’m a Laker fan. I’ve even done it on here. But when I look back now the defense was ehhh at best for most of the decade. The Bad Boy Pistons really were innovators in that facet of the game. And than later on ironically the Bulls to.


Nov 21, 2013
A better question to ask is who was elevated to down Wilt.

Answering a question with a question? :childplease:

When Tim Duncan was playing he was being called the GOAT PF. What player and era was downed to elevate him into that position?

Dallas' 4 Eva

Jun 29, 2018
Seeing shyt like this always reminds me of what my dad told me and my brothers. My pops was born in 1956, he watched Wilt Chamberlin and Jerry West and them play. He HAS NEVER AND WILL NEVER say MJ is the GOAT basketball player because and I quote 'When MJ had to play against real competition in the 80's he got his ass kicked everytime.' My dad has said multiple times that for different reasons the two best eras of basketball were the 80's and the 00's and all the best atg teams came from those two eras.

In The Zone '98

Oct 30, 2017
Seeing shyt like this always reminds me of what my dad told me and my brothers. My pops was born in 1956, he watched Wilt Chamberlin and Jerry West and them play. He HAS NEVER AND WILL NEVER say MJ is the GOAT basketball player because and I quote 'When MJ had to play against real competition in the 80's he got his ass kicked everytime.' My dad has said multiple times that for different reasons the two best eras of basketball were the 80's and the 00's and all the best atg teams came from those two eras.

His team wasn't ready in the 80s.

He beat all his peers in the 90s.

NYC Rebel

...on the otherside of the pond
May 7, 2012
The Hawks won 57 games in 86-87 with brick for hands Kevin Willis as a number two option. The year before won 50 with the second best player averaging 12. We got to stop acting like every team was the Lakers or Celtics in regards to depth in the 80s.

People stay complaining about the romanticizing of the 90s while romanticizing the 80s. The 80s had a lot of bad defense. A LOT of really bad teams with a lot of garbage players even then. The 80s was the cocaine era with players admitting to having addicts on the teams. All the eras have their faults and positives.
This is like arguing that I didn’t say what I said in real time. I said what I said back in the 90s because the teams were put together with old players who were long in the tooth and teamd didn’t have the continuity of 80s teams.

Yes… 80s NBA was pure booty in terms of defense. But I wanna know where I said everyone was the Lakers and Celtics because I made no mention of either of those teams. Let’s start there. Let’s start with my conversation. Because even in your Kevin Willis example, what he brought to the defensive end as a tween center and power forward had more value to a team than John Starks, who was depended on for scoring. I said what i said in real time because that is what I saw. Free agency didn’t give teams the continuity in the 90s that many of the 80s teams had. I would put the 80s Mavs over every single team, the bulls faced in the finals. I would also put the 80s books over most of the mid ass 90s playoff teams. That’s mostly because teams in that era didn’t change as much and the continuity they had was reflected in their play. Free agency did not disrupt teams in the 80s as it did in the 90s so players had much more familiar with each other since they played together longer, so they played much better ball.

I sat in the 90s and thought to myself what the hell am I watching with these shytty low scores? Why am I watching the ball being dumped into Dale Davis to see his struggle post moves over and over again? Why are teams going minutes without scoring? What the fukk is this shyt? I said what I said back then. It was pure crap. The quality dropped off. Saw old ass players still being relied upon, taking up spots that likey wouldbt be there for them years prior. Saw Sam Perkins play long enough to turn into a spot up outside shooter who did nothing else but that as an older player. He gets phased out the league with less teams in the league.
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NYC Rebel

...on the otherside of the pond
May 7, 2012
So the 90's watered down era allowed Mike to thrive
cause he couldn't beat the 5 HOF on one team 80's era
Am I correct? Is this the narrative we're running with? :skip:
The 90s being watered down had nothing to do with Mike’s wins. The 90s was watered down because of hyper expansion. Had nothing to do with Mike’s wins or not

Dallas' 4 Eva

Jun 29, 2018
His team wasn't ready in the 80s.

He beat all his peers in the 90s.
My dad also doesn't respect the 90's like that bruh. He told us years ago all the shyt players and coaches were saying about the league in that article. Said it was being said even by the players currently playing that the league was weak in the 90's. My pops is adament that Jordan and LeBron are both basically hype jobs.

Harry B

May 20, 2012
So the 90's watered down era allowed Mike to thrive
cause he couldn't beat the 5 HOF on one team 80's era
Am I correct? Is this the narrative we're running with? :skip:
Someone said he couldn’t beat me and these 3 legends that played together for a decade with the worst cast in the league outta college!! :mjlol:

No shyt Einstein

Art Barr

Apr 30, 2012
The discourse for this in disenguine.
As a matter of fact.
a racist one.

As this era was plagued by extreme racism. Compounded with class based prejuidice.
from racist white in power's idea.
about their racist fueled social disconnect from the black community.

Which ushered in their own era.
by these racist whites. In the fifteen and ten era. Also known amongst owners.
as their own self imposed low bball iq era.

"Anyone not giving the real about this era indepthly. To try to make this a dialogue. Without stating this.
or not making it known.
about the class prejuidice and racism central ideology of the era is a c00n too tho.

As the racist embedded statement:


The players are selected by white racists.
Whose racist agenda is embedded.
In their play rhe right way ideology.
from clandestine androgynous pagan bathhouses.
or white luxury country club androgynous pagan lifestyle.
Where this era of white people.
Still have and had extreme cultural disconnect to black people. plus were extremely resistant to anyone being paid.
In part because they wanted good ole rupp Kentucky racist. In an era where grassroots.
that type of good ole boi player who played the right way. Would never have any moxy to ramp in that generation.

To also cover up the fact. The owners in grandiose ignorant bloviated fashion. Downplayed the skill of the aba player erroneously. then after such baseless bad pr. never publically acknowledged they had to revenue grab. all because the socalled smarter nba owners. ignorantly failed to do a discovery.
On the profits from cable.
Then also ignorantly signed the profits from cable.
away to the owners of the aba for life.

so their disconnect in revenue to audience.
Is falsely a created bias.
from the racist blue blood eastern seaboard based media.

To cover up the nba disconnect to everything from player skill to revenue.

As the nba is racist and resist to acknowledge this. Yet instead has compartmentalized this racism.

In to play style.

That have terms like
Plus the right way.

To cover up their lack of skill in discovery in scouting, coaching to generation of revneue.
Which is predicated frim sheer ignorance and racism.

Hidden in clandestined parochial meets grecian roman luxury country club bath house slogans and trope based terms like :

play the right way.
Energy guy
Combo guard
Pure shooter
Three and d
Above the rim player
Lacks fundsmentals
Inner city player = racist trope to deflect away from.
their lack of scouting outside luxury country club slash greco roman parochial bath house based markets.

which we know they assaulted the public with this rhetoric and pr. From their own shortcomings. That even today they refuse to make better. So they honor the idea of erosion. Pr'd as having more skill. Or playing the right way. When under their actual reign of class based racism.

They are purposefully creating and encabling any negative pr.
they try to deflect to.
Which is why the full narrative about the era. Needs to be talked about. As people are speaking on a full decade. Like it all ran concurrent and all these tropes always existed with no origin.
Or were homogenized at rhe same time when that is a lie and deflcton. From people who have extreme racist based disconnect about the era.
When these racist class based tropes have an origin.
Yet to keep this focused.

the play the right way and fifteen and ten racist deflection statements.

were all mantras the nba instituted. to keep a certain black player from having resources. which still occurred from good ole boi meets racist blue blood easy coast style racism from Ronald Reagan as a governor to president. In the destruction of the public and state funded schools. post de-segregation of schools.

Which purposefully created these mantras.

That eventually lead to this idea of bias and prejudice.
Being executed in general common america.
centered around as a deflection.

For the purposeful ignorance and erosion based failure.
to scout any demographic post de-segregation of schools.

So anyone talking or enabling this rhetoric. If you check their background.

They have exhibited sellout tendencies.

plus over time globally.

have tried to launch numerous ol school clandestined racist grocier rag style eras of c00nery and buffoonery. that of course... they want us to ignore.
Plus never ramp or acknowledge higher skilled person. Who do not fit into their greco roman luxury bathhouse pagan meets racist blue blood pr agenda.

Art Barr