You can actually get some of them arrested
If I knew the endgame to that questline I would have gone that route. I used an EM weapon to spare the folks I didn't want to kill but it seems like SysDef comes to clean house no matter what
You can actually get some of them arrested
If I knew the endgame to that questline I would have gone that route. I used an EM weapon to spare the folks I didn't want to kill but it seems like SysDef comes to clean house no matter what
You didn't get her early the first time? We were pretty much glued together my first 60 hours or sogot sarah pretty early in the game
now I gotta hope she don’t die lol
You didn't get her early the first time? We were pretty much glued together my first 60 hours or so
We all clearly read that he preferred to travel with BarrettYou didn't get her early the first time? We were pretty much glued together my first 60 hours or so
Damn at Sarah but even thou you disagree with everything I do but I wish that was fakkit ass Barrett instead of you .
Andreja is my down-ass chick
I’m be fukking upset if they kill her off again in this playthrough
Man…… I’m trynna hunt me down a big C Class ship. I’m trynna have a crew the size of a small enterprise
Every since 2 random mission, I happened to jump on some fleets to talk to some characters.
I need like “I want that”
I’m searching for this ship
And this one
I can’t find them!!!! Lol
that ship dope asf