After about 20 hours with the game, I can say that it's solid at best. 8/10. It definitely wasn't what I was hoping for. I don't ever blame devs for that though. I think I mentioned in a Starfield thread some time ago, it may have even been this one, that I hoped it wasn't JUST Fallout in space. Well.....that is exactly what it is. It's not a bad game by any means, but it's definitely not great. It's just......good. Aside from the times that you jump into a spaceship, this is just Fallout with a new skin. And for some folks that may be right up their alley. Honestly, if you were to take the Outer Worlds and compare it to this game when it's not in space, Outer Worlds is probably the better game. I can't say I'm disappointed because I had no idea what to expect really. Even after the started to show some gameplay I still didn't really know. But now that I've been able to take my time and experience it, I'm a bit underwhelmed.
I still think it's worth playing though. But if it wasn't for Gamepass I definitely wouldn't spend full price on it. I'd wait for a sale. Just my $.02 for what it's worth.