How was Matrix Revolutions bad?
It's bad because there's hardly much Matrix action in the movie it was too focused on Zion which was typically the worst part of the series. It's bad because it doesn't really have an ending it was a setup for a failed MMO that didn't last that long before they shut it down. It's bad because they're clearly retconning the main characters they killed off in it like Neo and Trinity to bring them back for Matrix 4.
Revolutions is so bad it drug Reloaded down with it because it was supposed to be Reloaded's payoff. Reloaded is a good movie at least to me. It had better action than even the original and has one of the better strings of set pieces in film history with the great hall fight through the freeway chase.
But back to the subject:
This Star Wars trilogy exist solely as a cash grab. There's no creative spark for it. Even worse is Disney destroying better EU stuff that was canon for these movies which almost seem like bad fan fiction given the green light to be canon.
I'm not even against their whole girl power kick of making a woman a Jedi. All I'm saying is why couldn't Finn be a Jedi too? Why was he used to sell the movie carrying a light saber only to be tossed aside and become useless. He got downgraded so hard too. Rey isn't even a real character to me. I've seen two movies and I can't even describe her personality because she doesn't really have one. If they were going to make a female Jedi couldn't they have at least made her interesting and not some bland self insert character? The only one of the new 3 that's even remotely decent is Poe and he probably has the smallest role and presence.