Kylo started off so great in the trilogy until he took the mask off. Then he became a bumbling fool just like Finn to always come up second against Rey.
Kylo started off so great in the trilogy until he took the mask off. Then he became a bumbling fool just like Finn to always come up second against Rey.
A man has to have principles even when it isn’t fun. This is arguably the first time we’ve ever seen such a major intellectual property or company not owned by Vince McMahon put out a product that expressed such contempt for its fans. I grew up on the originals too and even gave leeway to the prequels as bad as they were, but the fiasco that was the last Jedi was that offensive to my sensibilities as a fan of Star Wars, a fan of fiction writing, a fan of competent moviemaking, and as a paying customer. I’m still convinced that they were paying those critics who gave it good reviews. None of us should be giving this movie money.
ya'll mufukkasApparently asking for well written female characters with a believable background consistent with the Star Wars universe is "toxic masculinity"...
Kennedy and her army of dykes like to pretend fan favorites like Ahsoka Tano and Aayla Secura don't exist because they contradict their "SW fans are misogynists" agenda...
Word is...
The spoiler about Leia being "the last jedi" and training Rey in this movie is 100% legit...
Word is...
The spoiler about Leia being "the last jedi" and training Rey in this movie is 100% legit...