Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (Official Thread)


Dec 24, 2016
These people teased us with images of a young black jedi wielding a lightsaber for a whole year, only to spit in our faces take our money and laugh.

Teased us with images of Luke Skywalker returning to wreck shyt and lead the rebellion again.. Only to spit in our faces, take our money and laugh.
:heh:Y'all really bout to take the bait again huh? Fxck that they gotta pay. I'll never forget how I felt when I walked out of TLJ. Never. If this does well, Kat Kennedy keeps her job and we're stuck with Rian Johnson goofy azz directing the franchise forever. This shyt is not a game, I need y'all to be strong brehs. Bootleg if you gotta.

So much potential with Finns story wasted.

Writer: so we got this guy Finn, hes a conflicted storm trooper whos had enough and decides to flip on em. I really feel like we can make a layered character with this guy.:jbhmm:

Disney: sounds good, lots of threads we can go from with that.:ehh:

Writer: and we can show his evolution from lowly stormtrooper to becoming a Jedi!:gladbron:

Disney: ......:whoa:we got a better idea for Finn. The moviegoers gonna love it!:smugfavre:

Writer: what we gonna do with Finn?:lupe:

Disney: instead of a Jedi, we’ll make him a big goof!:troll:

Writer: :gucci:

The Fukin Prophecy

RIP Champ
May 1, 2012
Unless she turns out to be someones clone with imprinted knowledge....

Their not going to.. because like someone already said.. Rey is just white feminist agenda :yeshrug:
Clone thing could be messy though breh and too much thought for JJ IMO...

Luke trained her, hit her with the MIB memory wiper and hid her from Kylo on Jakku is more inline with JJ's subverting expectations style...

But yea you right, odds are they won't bother explaining it...

The Fukin Prophecy

RIP Champ
May 1, 2012
that's the ultimate problem. JJ made a safe, almost reboot, but it was a good movie. Johnson came in and basically just said "fukk that movie" at every turn, while also making a meh to decent movie. people - myself included - shouldn't be allowed to rate Star Wars movies until months later, b/c you're always gonna come out with a bit of a high. shyt, i think i even said Solo was solid, but fukkkkkk that stupid fukkin movie. I'll never even consider watching that pointless piece of shyt again.
Solo was about as good as TFA...

Flawed but an enjoyable popcorn flick if you turned off your brain...I thought Howard did a good job saving that film, the problem was nobody asked for it thus nobody cared for it especially after the shyt show that was TLJ...

That said it does say a lot when the most memorable moment of the film was 5 seconds of a Darth Maul hologram which made no sense...

Doctor Doom

Rest in peace, Akira Toriyama
Sep 30, 2013
Breh I grew up a star wars fan. Didn't want to see force awakens so I watched it on Direct tv stream. Movie was trash and they had the brotha out there on some amos and andy shyt. I was pissed I even paid 5 dollars to watch it on directv.

The next movie I didn't even bootleg cause I knew it was trash and never saw it.

I will refuse to watch this last one. I won't even watch a bootleg for free. Star wars will never get my money again. I won't even give the brotha up the streat 5 dollars for a bootleg copy.

Damn breh, it's like that? :dahell:

I see how it is :mjcry:

Mantis Toboggan M.D.

Drink wolf cola
Mar 18, 2014
Damn breh, it's like that? :dahell:

I see how it is :mjcry:
A man has to have principles even when it isn’t fun :francis:. This is arguably the first time we’ve ever seen such a major intellectual property or company not owned by Vince McMahon put out a product that expressed such contempt for its fans. I grew up on the originals too and even gave leeway to the prequels as bad as they were, but the fiasco that was the last Jedi was that offensive to my sensibilities as a fan of Star Wars, a fan of fiction writing, a fan of competent moviemaking, and as a paying customer. I’m still convinced that they were paying those critics who gave it good reviews. None of us should be giving this movie money.


May 15, 2014
:laff: This can't be legit, that key spoiler has got to be one of the biggest Juelzing I've ever seen

Here is the thing. As bad as the spoiler sounds it does seem like some legit shyt that crazy heffa running Lucas Films would approve of...:mjlol:


Nov 19, 2016
A man has to have principles even when it isn’t fun :francis:. This is arguably the first time we’ve ever seen such a major intellectual property or company not owned by Vince McMahon put out a product that expressed such contempt for its fans. I grew up on the originals too and even gave leeway to the prequels as bad as they were, but the fiasco that was the last Jedi was that offensive to my sensibilities as a fan of Star Wars, a fan of fiction writing, a fan of competent moviemaking, and as a paying customer. I’m still convinced that they were paying those critics who gave it good reviews. None of us should be giving this movie money.
99% of the problem is that Star Wars needs a master storyteller. Disney goal is try to make Star Wars as profitable as possible. They paid 4 Billion for Star Wars. So, they got their most profitable scum bag in charge that couldn't tell a bedtime story to their own child without their nanny there.


Boxstate's own
Nov 10, 2014
  • Following her battle aboard the Star Destroyer and escape on the Falcon. Rey uses the newly gleaned information resulting from 3POs modifications and the translation of the dagger to travel to Endor. At this time, it’s a little unclear to me how Kylo gets from point A to point B, but supposedly he is waiting for Rey in Palpatine’s throne room aboard the wreckage of the second Death Star.
    • (Note: I assume he knows the location of the second wayfinder due to his newfound connection to Palpatine, but that's just speculation on my part. I think it's important to note that Kylo may have been there before considering that he had the charred helmet of Vader in TFA.)
  • Naturally, they fight. The specifics of this duel are unknown to me, but what I have been told about it is that it’s at this point when Rey begins to tap into some hatred to gain the upper hand and eventually defeats Kylo (Note: possibly destroying his lightsaber in the process, but that's more rumor than leak at the moment), leaving him for dead on the wreckage of the Death Star. Rey takes possession of Palpatine's wayfinder and leaves.
  • My sources tell me that the "Dark Rey" moment seen in the D23 footage is in fact a vision (described to me as thematically similar to Luke seeing himself as Vader in the cave on Dagobah). This apparently is a short sequence that happens right after Rey picks up Palpatine's wayfinder.
  • While lying in the wreckage of the Death Star weakened state Kylo Ren reportedly sees a vision of his father. (Note: It’s unclear to me if Han appears as a bona fide ghost or just through the magic of injury induced hallucinations, but this interaction supposedly acts as Kylo’s “come to Jesus” moment.) Han tells Kylo that it’s never too late to change and when he leaves Endor, he leaves not as Kylo Ren, but as Ben Solo.
  • This duel is a critical tipping point for Rey as well. I’m told that in the wake of her confrontation with Kylo, she takes the wayfinder and flees to Ahch-to to collect her thoughts. Her mindset is reportedly mirror Luke’s while he was there prior to and during the events of The Last Jedi. The vision of a possible dark future for herself in conjunction fact that she nearly killed Kylo scared Rey in the same way that considering killing Ben in his sleep scared Luke many years prior. She feared the path she was headed down and decides to swear off the Jedi, exiling herself on Ahch-to. Rey scuttles the ship she used to get there just like Luke once did and she caps it all off by casting Anakin's reconstructed lightsaber toward her ship. Just when it looks like the Jedi Order is going to end (again), the specter of Luke Skywalker appears to Rey, holding her discarded lightsaber and does what all good Force ghosts do; gives our hero the resolve to do what needs to be done. Finish the work Luke began over 30 years earlier and put an end to the Emperor for good. According to my source, Luke passes on Leia’s lightsaber to Rey. (Note: I don't know where it came from, where it's been all this time, or how Luke is able to give it to Rey, but what I can tell you (with only about 50% confidence at this point) is that Leia's blade is supposedly blue.) Bolstered by her conversation with Luke, Rey takes Leia's lightsaber, transmits the location of the Sith fleet to the Resistance before heading out herself.
  • On the subject of Force ghosts, Luke makes another appearance around the time of Rey and Kylo’s crises of faith. Back at the main Resistance base, Leia is on her deathbed. My source describes it to me like Yoda’s death in Return if the Jedi, nothing bad happened, it was just her time to go. Luke has come to says goodbye, but before it all ends for Leia, he has one final lesson for her...
  • From what I've been able to put together, the final act of the film is structured like this:
  • Rey leaves Ahch-to and travels to the Sith fleet in the Unknown Regions. Eventually the Resistance fleet arrives and battle ensues. Somehow, Rey finds her way to The Emperor who has been waiting for her. Palpatine confirms that what Kylo told her was true. Apparently after his defeat at DSII, Palpatine was shaken by the fact that he wasn't able to maintain his hold on Vader or seduce Luke to the darkness due to their familial bond. During the course of their conversation Palpatine makes reference to this bond between Vader and Luke and likens it to his bond with Rey hoping that whatever familial connection they have will be enough to win her over and become as strong as that of the Skywalkers. Note: What my source described next feels very reminiscent of RotJ. Rey is trapped in The Emperor’s throne room, watching two opposing fleets battle while she is helplessly gazes onward. It’s at this point that Kylo/Ben reappears. How we get to this next part is still a bit fuzzy to me, but apparently Ben and Rey join forces and begin attacking Palpatine. Leia's lightsaber comes back into play when Rey and Kylo share the Skywalker lightsabers throughout their fight. At some point the Emperor overpowers them both and supposedly kills Ben. (Note: there have been reports from other reputable leakers that Kylo kind of/sort of dies, but my source on this seemed pretty unambiguous. Personally, I think we'll just have to wait and see what we learn over the next few months.) When it looks like all Hope is lost, the ghosts of Luke and Leia show up to aid Rey. Together they overpower the Emperor and end his darkness once and for all.
  • As for what the other members of the Resistance are doing at this point, they are engaged in a space battle against Palpatine's fleet lead by General Pryde. The Resistance's goal is supposedly to take out the flagship, severing communications and making navigation out of the Unknown Regions impossible. The flagship is destroyed around the same time that the Emperor dies.
  • The last thing I was told is regarding the final sequence of the film. I don’t why, but our heroes travel to Tatooine. During these scenes, it is supposedly revealed that Rey has cannibalized Anakin/Luke's lightsaber and Leia's to make one of her own that supposedly has a yellow/gold blade. She buries the leftover pieces on the grounds of the former Lars homestead. The final shots of the Skywalker saga allegedly echo how the adventure began in ‘77, our heroes gazing at the horizon dreaming of the future as twin suns set in the distance.

Fam this shyt is so garbage im crying laughing. Especially the come to Jesus part :mjlol::mjlol::mjlol:

Red Shield

Global Domination
Dec 17, 2013
Clone thing could be messy though breh and too much thought for JJ IMO...

Luke trained her, hit her with the MIB memory wiper and hid her from Kylo on Jakku is more inline with JJ's subverting expectations style...

But yea you right, odds are they won't bother explaining it...

I dunno... I think it's pretty simple. Hell that Luke thing would be simple too :francis:

I don't think JJ is gonna bother trying to subvert too much with this flick. TLJ did enough subverting as it is..