pico pal q lee
This... raises questions. Mostly ones like:
- How is Rey force-sensitive, much less as powerful as she is when her pops is a failed genetic clone with no force sensitivity?
- How did nobody recognize said clone looked so much like the emperor who terrorized the galaxy for the previous two decades and had many mass genocides committed in his name?
Not sure I have good explanations but I can come up with a couple.
-First question was basically answered in Last Jedi. It's plot driven as hell but it's an explanation nonetheless. Being force sensitive is not about genetics. With Kylo going to the Dark Side, the Force found a "vessel" to strike balance. Rey was the chosen one and is so damn powerful because she had to counter the disparity Kylo/Snoke had.
-I guess the second question is like people forgetting or never knowing about the Jedi in A New Hope