The Fukin Prophecy
RIP Champ
The options with Finn were so damn good breh...I thought that was the setup. Finn being the Betty to Kylo's Veronica for Rey's Archie. Hell, that was probably JJ's intention.

That's how his character should of went IMO...
TLJ should of ended with Kylo and Rey in the throne room...Could of easily swung it as she stayed with him to save Leia and the rebels on Crait and thinks she can turn him...
The rebel army is completely decimated on Crait, Kylo concedes they are no threat to him with Rey by his side and he might actually still care for his mother...
All is thought to be lost until Leia or Lukes ghost realize Finn is force sensitive...Finn undergoes Jedi training with Luke/Leia...Poe, Lando, Chewey, 3Po go off on a recruiting quest to revive the rebellion...At some point Poe returns and they realize they don't have the numbers to go to war with the First Order but what they do have is Finn, a new Jedi who also happens to be a former First Order stormtrooper...They devise a plan to infiltrate the First Order and turn his storm trooper brethren against the First Order in revolt...
Movie ends with Finn facing off against Kylo and the Knights of Ren...Finn tells Rey who her real parents are which he learned from Luke...She joins Finn and they take out Kylo and the Knights of Ren...
But nah we can't have a strong black man saving a white woman in Kathleen Kennedy's the force is female space wars...